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Growing Mumbai - The city of Dreams

The city also is a cultural gem, many of the colonial structures are very well preserved and there is a seamless fusion of old colonial with modern structures.

Let me post some old colonial structures in the city of Mumbai:



Shiwaji overlooking GOI


Back of old taj

Shivaji Chatrapati Terminal too
Bro Do share pictures of Karachi with us :) Would love to see its development over the years.. :)
I think they have a thread on
share some pics of Karachi with us

There used to be a thread dedicated to pics of Karachi but idk where it went, I think the thread with pics of development in Pakistan is still around.
@Georgeclark Nice thread, great achievement for Mumbai! And I am still waiting for your photos about agriculture. ;)

The sign that Mumbai is truly an international city:
屏幕快照 2015-04-21 13.28.29.png

I like Starbucks, one just 100 metres from my home in Wuhan, super fast wifi, 1-2 second to download a song!
Starbucks to a lot of Chinese is not a good sign, a sort of fast-food culture. However, from a perceptive of economy, how many Starbucks a city has indicates how open it is and a recognition of consumption level to some extent.

I remembered my first of Starbucks experience, that was 2006-2007 in Wuhan(a city in the very centre of Central China). At that time, the price of a cup of Cappuccino was so high. Now, Wuhan has nearly 50 Starbucks and it becomes quite affordable for the majority citizens in Wuhan. There is also a 24-hour branch in Wuhan's high-tech park, Optic Valley and some in the Metro stations.

So, from this point of view, I see Starbucks entering every city in China a positive sign of a broader domestic market and rapid increase in living standards.

A Starbucks in Wuhan Railway Station's arriving floor
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Mumbai Monorail
I love Mumbai Monorail. I opened a thread in our Chinese metro forum introducing Mumbai Monorail last year.
There is only one city has a huge Monorail network, in Chongqing, Western China.
@Georgeclark Baidu/QQ street views of China | Page 5

4 years after that massive tsunami, there has been significant rebuilding. Thank goodness!

@Nihonjin1051 China and Japan has suffered so much from natural disasters which never stop East Asia from moving forward. People are just growing stronger and stronger.
The epicentre of 2008 Sichuan Earthquake, YIngxiu Town, Wenchuan County of Sichuan Province

New primary school of Yingxiu Town
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Provincial expressway S9 links Yingxiu Town to Chengdu City
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The New Shivaji Chatrapati Terminal


Really Great :D Sorry Bro posted before you, you can share your pictures here now :)
Its ok bro. Its not about me and you. It is about work has done or not?? And you have done it. Lol
It is really good to see all pics of Mumbai . But I think what makes Mumbai big is the spirit of this city. It said that if you can survive in Mumbai , you can survive any part of the world. So this city is all about experience, confidence, emotions, courage and dream. That's why we call it "City of Dream". Love Mumbai.

Mumbai :- The home of biggest film industry on the earth.
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