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Group Captain Abhinandan V to get Vir Chakra from President for the false claim of shooting down F-16 on 27 Feb

Pakistani posters need to keep blaming ISPR for falsely claiming doosara banda.. Now its history... RIP #DoosaraBanda

We don't need to blame anyone

You can keep making a fool out of yourself on doosra banda teesra banda etc etc

We all know that only banda that died on that day were those poor 6 crew members of MI17 that you shot down yourself #chakka
So Today being 22.11 ..... not 26 January or 15 August nor 8th October IAF day neither it's Swift Retort aka 27.2 anniversary.......so it must be Modis birthday . After almost Three years, the GOI decided to showboat with this staged drama........what better way of diverting attention from the LAC situation.....more so after recent release of images by PLA of Indian soldiers with swollen and dented faces.
The IAF and GOI can do all the circus to fool their nation but the icing on the cake is that the current IAF Air chief seems more hand in glove than the BS Dhanoa joker.
At the rate things are going this guy will get a VIR Chakra in 2024 for breaking the necks of 20 PLA soldiers.

If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you even come to believe it your self.

Joseph goebbels

Hay if gobar can heal, rest is all gravy.

Congrats to abhinandun

If he has a conscious he will die the slow painful death of guilt.
If is he just another Indian, what can we say. Enjoy ur 15 minutes of fame.
This is how you differentiate PAF Professionals from Agni Pankh Patils.
While the name of Sukhoi Slayer, S/L Hassan Siddiqui quickly got leaked , the shooter of Abhinandan's MiG-21, W/C Nauman Ali wanted to remain out of limelight thus his name wasn't made public for a few days.
And on the other side, an Indian pilot gets awarded for losing both his aircraft and uniform.



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