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Gripen NG

Gripen NG is an excellent plane. If pakistan buys it than it will cause a lots of concern for India.

India's naval LCA Mk2 is going to be a plane with similar dimensions of Gripen NG. We expect a similr performance as well. I have always advocated Curving ourt Airforce Mk2 out of Naval tejas MK2. It will carry 6+ ton payload and shall have all goodies of MMRCA with ultra long range.

No we do not need Gripen. We are all set to get LCA TEjas MK1+ with 8% aerodynamic improvement, 20% higher trans sonic acceleration, better fuel fraction, 500 KG lower weight, 4+ ton payload , AESA and best in class AESA and flight control system. It can easily match Gripen c/d. Mk2 will match Gripen E in its ability. I am excited to see our fighter LCA MK2 with 6 ton weight and 98 KN engine and AESA and Best in class missile packages.
Such a beautiful thread, but you had to come and pollute it didn't you!

@HRK @WAJsal Can you please delete this useless rant? Thanks!

@Khafee @Indus Falcon

Some very interesting comments from a hungarian---even though it is old---

" HI,

I'm an insider from the Hungarian Gripen program, and I can tell you that most of the public infos on the Gripen are fuelled by the agressive marketing of Gripen International. A great deal of lunches and dinners can influence the press, mainly the English one! Someone above for example pasted sentences from Gripen News, the official newletter of GI. My God...

If you have questions, just go ahead!


Lajes "



Khan Sahab, the Gripen is only a paper tiger, in real world conditions, it would get it's behind handed to it, on a silver platter.

IF you examine every export order you will notice some sort of discrepancy sooner or later. And you are right we have something much more capable.

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