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Grestest Warrior of World - Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan used to have local women and Children as human shield in the front of his army and the king of conquered land was unable to shoot arrows on his people. Barbaric people are never great warriors, they are barbarians always.
Never heard about this khalid bin walid dude, seems like some muslim fanboy stuff seeing from the replies.
Same with Changez Khan, he killed many muslims and terrorized people, so lets call him terrorist(Anything to reduce the stigma on our own lot)

If you remove your green glass, we should not be talking about khalid dude in this thread, and non of the invaders(including Mr Qasim) can be called terrorist. It is purely a modern sensitivity, even the most enlightened lot in ancient world were barbaric by modern standard.

Why make a fool out of yourself by posting such childish rants if you are not even aware of who Khalid bin Waleed was?
Just because he is the foremost Conqueror in the history of Islam should not mean Khalid can only be viewed through a green glass.
His achievements are very real in terms of armies defeated and land conquered.
On top of it he was instrumental in making the Arab Muslims into a coherent military force, keeping in mind the tribal nature of Arabs and their military history prior to Khalid bin Waleed...this was a great achievement.
He lay the very foundation of all strategies and tactics devised by the famed Muslim Armies and the Muslim Light cavalry during the early years of Islam, which were as devastating and dominating on the battlefield as any other force in the bygone era.

Khalid bin Waleed was the commander in chief of Muslim Armies at the onset of Islam and was directly responsible for quelling many Arab rebellions and then defeating many Persian and Roman Armies leading to major territory loss of some of the prime land in the Roman and Persian empires.
Rome lost all its major eastern territories including Egypt, Palestine, Syria etc. because of the decisive defeats inflicted by him.
Read about the many battles and campaigns he commanded in and then comment about his achievements.

If you have not read military history or if you know nothing of him, then you should not be posting comments just because you have something against Muslims.
@ Niaz: Good post. I might also add that vast stretches of land "conquered" by the Mongols were in fact barren lands such as Siberia and parts of Central Asia. The Likes of Alexander, Cyrus, Timur however conquered densely populated areas such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, South Asia. That is not to say that Timujins feats are any less "great". However far too often we just tend to look at the map and compare who conquered more as a sign of who is greater. Instead more factors need to be taken into account such as opponents, what kind of units are being commanded (including their nationalities), population of the area being conquered etc.

So because he "shitted" over a Muslim empire he was not a terrorist? I can of course respond with an equally irresponsible post and say:

Ghaznavi was the greatest warrior of all time. He shitted over Hindus many times over? Ghaznavi was a military genius and only did what other conquerors of this time did.

Of course i dont believe he was the greatest warrior of all time but what these warriors did to their conquered people is pretty much the same. Timujin raised the great cities of Central Asia such as Bukhara, Merv to the ground. To the locals of that area he is still a terrorist even if you may see him as "great warrior", similarily to you Ghaznavi may be a terrorist for all of his atrocities against Hindus, but following your logic of claiming Timujin only followed the norm of his time, Ghaznavi also did exactly that, and hence he should also be proclaimed as a great warrior and not a terrorist. Are you willing to do that?

I think its more easier to conquer densely populated areas. Densely populated areas are easier to control and fight in for the invading army. Furthermore, there is no scarcity in a densely populated areas(most of the time) for the invading army.

War is never fought fairly so i think the land mass and the number of victories are the only indicator to gauge a warrior king.
these two were known to foreign people because of the book 'Art fo War' and the game 'Dynasty Warrior', but in Chinese history their military achievement cannot even come close to Bai Qi (lay down the military supremacy for the state of Qin who was the first state to united China), Huo Qubin and Wei Qin (the two who destroyed Huns, forced them to migrate westward), Hang Xin, Chen Qingzi, Li Jin, and etc`````

Forgive me although i like China History im not well taught in it i will research those names u said tomorrow:).
A little long but funny read and angle.....

The Heart Attack that Saved the Western World

You know how every comic book villain and James Bond mastermind has some convoluted plan to take over the world? Totally ridiculous, right? The entire world? Come on. Nobody can possibly hope to do that.

Or maybe real villains just don't think big enough, because it can be done. In fact, if it weren't for a well-placed heart attack, it probably would have already happened.

The Ridiculous Coincidence

Welcome to Central Europe, circa mid-13th Century. A few years ago, you got word of some powerful distant nation, led by a guy named Genghis Khan, was destroying the hated Muslims. "Great!" you said. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend! What could possibly go wrong?"

Then things started getting sketchy. You heard about this mysterious army utterly annihilating Russia. Hey, that's not right! Russia is Christian! They're Orthodox heretics, sure, but they're still Christians.

Then one day, you finally meet this friend. Except, instead of bringing you Funyuns and Mountain Dew, he's here to slaughter you and everything you hold dear.

Folks, this was the Mongol Invasion of Europe. And shitty Europe, with its clunky knights and piss-poor peasantry, could do absolutely nothing to stop it. The Mongols, led by Genghis Khan and later, his son Ogedei, defeated the armies of such greats as Hungary, Austria and the Holy Roman Empire. They utterly plundered Poland (thank God that country never suffered again), and set their sights on the next densely populated nation: Germany.

Then, the Mongolian leader, Ogedei Khan, died. And everyone had to go back to Mongolia.

Why? Because Mongolian cultural traditions required everyone to go back home when a new khan ascended.
Everyone knew that Ogedei's son Guyuk was going to succeed him, but they all had to go back to Mongolia and ceremonially "vote" for him anyway--or vote for someone else, and probably get their face skewered.

And How Did it Change The World?

More than you might think, actually. One recent book speculates that the Mongols' destruction of the Islamic heartland, and their comparative non-destruction of Europe, was what allowed the West to become the power center it was.

After they were done piling skulls into pyramids and ripping fetuses out of pregnant women's uteri, what the Mongols basically did was connect the world. New trade routes opened up, and new contacts were made between the major centers of population.

So while China and the Middle East were getting their **** burned, Europe was gaining new contact with the East. This, in turn, motivated the Age of Exploration. Hence why the West has nukes and computers and technology today, while everyone else has goats and carriages. Thanks, Mongolia!
Not that i underestimate the power of faith, however that is not all that is required to be a great warrior/commander.

Khalid bin Waleed had men under him, men who died like any other.
It was his great courage, steely determination, sheer brilliance and unmatched skill which made him victorious over many armies and top commanders which Persia and Rome threw at him.

You would do well to read in depth about his strategic vision and tactical brilliance which ranks right on top along with the likes of Alexander and Genghis Khan.

However Khalid also had another quality, he was the best duelist of his time and killed scores of enemy champions in one on one encounters which were a tradition in those days. In armed or unarmed combat, Khalid's great strength, supreme confidence, speed and lightning reflexes made him something of a living legend...a legend which only grew as he fought the best armies and champions in the world.
There was not a single Arab, Roman or Persian champion who took on Khalid and was not defeated. This is something most extraordinary for a commander in chief, which to me makes him the complete Warrior.

With his combined traits of military leadership, courage and fighting skills...he was a complete and peerless warrior/commander.

Khalid never lost a battle against the Roman and Persian empires. He was undefeated against two of the super powers of his time and this includes epic battles where the enemy had nearly a 100,000 Troops with Muslims at a disadvantage of 1:3 combatant ratio.

Another very interesting fact about him is that as a non Muslim he was the one responsible for inflicting the only reverse on Muslims when they were commanded by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Khalid was the commander of cavalry and lingered on waiting for an opening even though the infantry of his Army had already started fleeing. The Muslim archers thought victory had been secured and left their post on a strategic hill against the instructions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Khalid immediately calculated his chances and flanked the Muslims and nearly routed the Muslim Army which had to retreat to the hills for safety.

This was a key trait of Khalid, he really never ever gave up and was always precise in his calculation and timing with a counter attack...even in seemingly hopeless situations, he never lost tactical clarity or strategic vision and this inspired his subordinates so much that it became common knowledge amongst all Muslim soldiers that if Khalid was in command, they would never lose any battle.

If you read in detail the history of Arab victories against Persia and Rome , you were amazed that they dont even have proper war uniform and equipments . They always won wars with divine support .
Khalid Bin Waleed, according to Urdu literature I read said "My horse is willing to cross the sea to meet my enemies". Unlike many, he was one of the few that could back up his words, by actions.
Praising Genghis Khan is like praising GW Bush /Rumsfeld / Cheney / Necocon clique for 'conquering' Iraq & Afghanistan.

All mass murderers deserve to be condemned.

By your words, every warrior, is a mass murderer. Which is quite true, in a way
Greatest warrior - that's a difficult one.

Greatest military commander - Alexander of Macedon, Temudgin of Mongolia.
Praising Genghis Khan is like praising GW Bush /Rumsfeld / Cheney / Necocon clique for 'conquering' Iraq & Afghanistan.

All mass murderers deserve to be condemned.

Will you say the same thing of Nader Shah, who completely raped our lands and left nothing?
Will you say the same thing of Nader Shah, who completely raped our lands and left nothing?

History is written by victors - Nader Shah will be a hero in Persia, Chengiz will be a hero in Mongolia and Abdali will be a hero in Afghanistan. Conversely they will be regarded as villains in areas they conquered and indulged in killings.
History is written by victors - Nader Shah will be a hero in Persia, Chengiz will be a hero in Mongolia and Abdali will be a hero in Afghanistan. Conversely they will be regarded as villains in areas they conquered and indulged in killings.

Nader Shah was what encouraged the East India company to be as bold as they were and perhaps without his expolits, the British would have never had the idea nor resolve to conquer India.
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