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Grenade Attack on Mosque Kills 3 in Pakistan

[Bregs];4792206 said:
Do such attacks serve any purpose for terrorists except of course alienating general public from them

The general public regards Sufis as heretics. Most of them won't condone grenading them, but this classification into heretics versus pure is what allows extremists to thrive.

For example, here is what a popular Islamic website says about Sufis:

In the suburb where I live there is a Masjid that belongs to Sufis and another smaller Masjid belongs to them as well. Is it permissible to pray in it?.

Praise be to Allaah.

Do not pray with these Sufis in their zawiyahs, and beware of keeping company with them and mixing with them, lest you be affected by what has affected them. Try to pray in the mosque of a congregation who seek to follow the Sunnah and are keen to do so.

And Allaah is the Source of strength. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. End quote.

Standing Committee for Academic Research and Issuing Fatwas

Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Baaz, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Razaaq ‘Afeefi, Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Ghadyaan, Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Qa’ood

Islam Question and Answer - Ruling on praying in Sufi mosques

Dude a Wikipedia page written on it doesn't make a Mosque a Sufi Mosque for Sufis are either Sunnis or Shias ! :blink:

There really is no such thing as a Sufi Mosque !

Because Sufism by its very nature deals with the esoteric meaning of exoteric rituals & paradigms like the Shariah !

The exoteric rituals & paradigms or even practices broadly fall into Sunni or Shia categories ! Hence why some Sufis are Shias whilst others are Sunnis.
Dude a Wikipedia page written on it doesn't make a Mosque a Sufi Mosque for Sufis are either Sunnis or Shias ! :blink:

There really is no such thing as a Sufi Mosque !

Because Sufism by its very nature deals with the esoteric meaning of exoteric rituals & paradigms like the Shariah !

The exoteric rituals & paradigms or even practices broadly fall into Sunni or Shia categories ! Hence why some Sufis are Shias whilst others are Sunnis.

Fine, but there are many shrines where only Sufis go to pray, and other sunnis/shias don't. Those can be called sufi mosques, can't they? Although "shrine" is used more widely for such places.
Fine, but there are many shrines where only Sufis go to pray, and other sunnis/shias don't. Those can be called sufi mosques, can't they? Although "shrine" is used more widely for such places.

No not really ! Everyone goes to Rumi's Tomb, everyone visits Ali Hajveri (Datta Gunjbaksh)'s Tomb & quite a few people attend the annual Urs of Bulleh Shah, Heer Waris Shah, Shah Abdul Lateef Bhittai & countless others in Pakistan !

Most of the ones going there are Barelvis - a sub sect of Sunnis & who are the largest single sub sect in both India & Pakistan.

At any rate Sufis don't go to Shrines to Pray but for Urs or Fateha or any such invocation ! The same as the rest of them.

I am, for example, a Sufi who loosely follows the Hanafi Fiqh (one of the 4 Sunni Schools of Islamic Jurisprudence) !

So I dunno how one separates a Sunni from a Sufi or a Shia from a Sufi because one deals with the exoteric meaning of Islam whilst the other (Sufi) deals with its Esoteric meaning ! :unsure:
I used to go when I was a kid to play cricket when it rained outside. :D
The friends(seems too strange for me to call them Muslims, never thought about it) who used to play always took prasad from the Lal temple while returning home after playing :devil:
Kids are the best :yay:

bro , one of our frnd who happens to be a muslim visited the yadgirigutta temple along with us ... he even came inside temple made darshan had the prasad ....
bro , one of our frnd who happens to be a muslim visited the yadgirigutta temple along with us ... he even came inside temple made darshan had the prasad ....

I have Muslim friends who even pray to Hindu Gods in temples. It is no big deal. You can worship anything/anyone/no one. Just that your faith should not be at the cost of someone else's blood. :)
What the hell is a Sufi Mosque ? :unsure:

Armstrong, the indian, who mentioned sufi mosques, does not know what he is talking about

This mosque in Khyber was a deobandi one that rebelled against lashkare jhangvi / lashkar e islam, by supporting the government of Pakistan peace initiatives. So, it was a revenge attack.

I have Muslim friends who even pray to Hindu Gods in temples. It is no big deal. You can worship anything/anyone/no one. Just that your faith should not be at the cost of someone else's blood. :)

then your friends are not Muslims. They are hindus.

Muslims are not idol worshippers. Islam rejects idol worship as the biggest sin. idol worshipping is paganism.
bro , one of our frnd who happens to be a muslim visited the yadgirigutta temple along with us ... he even came inside temple made darshan had the prasad ....

if he worshipped an idol, then he is no longer a muslim.
Armstrong, the indian, who mentioned sufi mosques, does not know what he is talking about

This mosque in Khyber was a deobandi one that rebelled against lashkare jhangvi / lashkar e islam, by supporting the government of Pakistan peace initiatives. So, it was a revenge attack.

then your friends are not Muslims. They are hindus.

Muslims are not idol worshippers. Islam rejects idol worship as the biggest sin. idol worshipping is paganism.

Duh...who cares? Kids don't. :coffee:
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