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Greek Rafale F3 Vs Turkish S400

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And AWACS and tankers are flying lot further from fighter jets and attacking jets

And last do tell me why China and Russia have developed specific VLRAAM to target AWACS and tankers such as R-37 and PL-17. Please explain???
Meteor has :
a NEZ of more than 60km (official). No need to have a fully agile missile (ie the NEZ) to hit an awacs !
a max range of well over 200km. It was said some years ago a very max range (with very low agility remaining, for sure) of up to 350km.... So an Awacs can be hit somewhere in the 200 - 300km...

BON PLAN and FOINIKAS have very limited military knowledge
But @MMM-E is a specialist ! a bull shit specialist for sure.

Turkish Air Force Boeing E-7T AEWC has 600 km MESA Radar to detect F-16V or RAFALE from 380 km away
F16, even in a V standart, and Rafale have not the same RCS.
Rafale specially in air to air config is stealthier than F16V. so if F16C can be detect up to 380, Rafale can goes closer, far closer thanks to Spectra...

I'm so disappointed by a so called specialist !
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But @MMM-E is a specialist ! a bull shit specialist for sure.

Only ignorant guys like you can dream about to enter Turkish Airspace and to shot down E-7T AEWC from 350+ km away

better worry about how to survive against Turkish Air Force Fighter Jets , and S400 - SIPER Air Defense Systems

F16, even in a V standart, and Rafale have not the same RCS.
Rafale specially in air to air config is stealthier than F16V. so if F16C can be detect up to 380, Rafale can goes closer, far closer thanks to Spectra...

I'm so disappointed by a so called specialist !

F-16C and RAFALE have same RCS 1m2
and SPECTRA can do nothing against E-7T AEWC

a max range of well over 200km. It was said some years ago a very max range (with very low agility remaining, for sure) of up to 350km.... So an Awacs can be hit somewhere in the 200 - 300km...

only in your dreams
AIM-120C5/C7 and METEOR can not do it

F16V or RAFALE cannot come within 350 km of an E-7T AEWC in Turkish Airspace
Turkish Air Force Fighter Jets also S400 - SIPER - HISAR-O Air Defense Systems will not sleep
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Meteor has :
a NEZ of more than 60km (official). No need to have a fully agile missile (ie the NEZ) to hit an awacs !
a max range of well over 200km. It was said some years ago a very max range (with very low agility remaining, for sure) of up to 350km.... So an Awacs can be hit somewhere in the 200 - 300km...
But AWACS are able to fly as far as 400-500 km away from front lines and still able to control your airspace you need 400-500 km dedicated BVR to destroy AWACS and tankers if you don't have dedicated aams to destroy AWACS than you're in harm's way of enemy fighter jets
F-16C and RAFALE have same RCS 1m2
unfortunately for you, no.
F16, like M2000, was studied without any RCS objective.

Rafale had a RCS target : it is a secret data add by the french government in the 90's. Rafale is not VLO, but LO.

And Rafale is fitted with SPECTRA... SPECTRA is said to create an active stealth. It is why the sole SPECTRA developpment take 25% of the whole R&D budget alone, ie 2 billions € of this time (12 billions of french francs).

Spectra proved to be so efficient that it is now well known that a Su35 can't have a fire solution on a Rafale during a training for Egypt air force.. Same occured several years ago against RAF EF2000 during a training in Scotland.

Jusk ask yourself why, now that rafale is mature and no more subject to french bashing, it is selled so easily ? Maybe because it is so deadly. It is the sole clever answer.

But AWACS are able to fly as far as 400-500 km away from front lines and still able to control your airspace you need 400-500 km dedicated BVR to destroy AWACS and tankers if you don't have dedicated aams to destroy AWACS than you're in harm's way of enemy fighter jets
The max range of any air radar is against big air target, as tanker, liner.... A LO fighter as Rafale or VLO as F22 isn't track at this max range.
Our E7-T AEWC can see and conrol Greece including Athens , Aegean from Turkish Airspace
and Enemy Air Force can not enter Turkish Air Force ..
because of S400 and SIPER Air Defense Systems also 234 F-16 Fighter Jets
That's why you get owned in the Aegean again and again.

even Enemy Air Force can not cross the 25th meridian in the Agean
You repeat it to believe it?

And Rafale is fitted with SPECTRA... SPECTRA is said to create an active stealth. It is why the sole SPECTRA developpment take 25% of the whole R&D budget alone, ie 2 billions € of this time (12 billions of french francs).

Spectra proved to be so efficient that it is now well known that a Su35 can't have a fire solution on a Rafale during a training for Egypt air force.. Same occured several years ago against RAF EF2000 during a training in Scotland.
Ah but MMM-E thinks it's trash. Without evidence.

His evidence is "Don't compare Egyptian Air Force with Turkish Air Force" and "Even Qatar Eurofighter defeat Rafale in training!"

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unfortunately for you, no.
F16, like M2000, was studied without any RCS objective.

Rafale had a RCS target : it is a secret data add by the french government in the 90's. Rafale is not VLO, but LO.

Rafale has 1m2 of RCS
We very well know what about RAFALE ... No any secret data

Qatari RAFALEs are in Turkiye with Turkish F-16s

And Rafale is fitted with SPECTRA... SPECTRA is said to create an active stealth. It is why the sole SPECTRA developpment take 25% of the whole R&D budget alone, ie 2 billions € of this time (12 billions of french francs).

French SPECTRA = Turkish SPEWS-II

SPECTRA is multi-spectral integrated defensive aids suite

Turkish Air Force 60 CCIP modernized F-16C equipped with Aselsan SPEWS-II self protection electronic warfare suite

Also Turkish REDET-II next gen Radar Electronic Warfare System to jam/paralyze enemy Fighter Jet Radar from 200 km away


Also Airborne variant HAVASOJ stand off jammer Aircraft is coming to jam/paralyze enemy Fighter Jet Radar from 400 km away

Greece only can dream about these technologies

keep dreamig with SPECTRA
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The max range of any air radar is against big air target, as tanker, liner.... A LO fighter as Rafale or VLO as F22 isn't track at this max range.

Turkish Air Force 4 Boeing E-7T AEWCs from Turkish Airspace can detect F-16C and RAFALE from 380 km away over Athens or over Crete

Thanks to 600 km MESA Radar

and 250 km S400 AD System block all Agean against enemy Air Forces


also 150 km SIPER-2 AD System to block the 25th meridian in the Agean

also 234 F-16 Fighter Jets

You have to pass 3 defensive walls to enter Turkish Airspace and to reach the Boeing E-7T AEWC

-- S400
-- F-16 Fighter Jets

it's almost impossible
French SPECTRA = Turkish SPEWS-II

You have to pass 3 defensive walls to enter Turkish Airspace and to reach the Boeing E-7T AEWC

-- S400
-- F-16 Fighter Jets

it's almost impossible
Turkey had one of the worst AA defence in Europe and the Middle-East,now suddenly is an expert with "3 defensive walls"

Almost impossible.
And KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet is coming to beat F-16V and RAFALE in BVR Combat

-- GaN based AESA Radar , EOTS , sensor fusion
-- Stealth design for much lower RCS
-- Internal weapon stations for stealth flight capability
-- No risk to lose Pilot

RCS ( m2 )
F-16C Block70 : 1

RAFALE : 15.27 m
F-16 : 15.06 m
KIZILELMA : 14.70 m


According to retired Air Pilot major General BEYAZIT KARATAS

KIZILELMA can engage on F-16 Block70 from 90 km away while F-16 Block70 can engage on KIZILELMA from 67 km away and RAFALE can do it from 81 km away

Range of engagement
KIZILELMA : from 90 km
RAFALE : from 81 km
F-16 Block70 : from 67 km

first-look, first-shot, first-kill capability
Even 20 km is impressive when you realize the KIZILELMA has already killed the 4th gen Fighters F-16V a couple times before you visually IDed him.


100+ km GOKDOGAN air to air Missile

Ramjet powered GOKHAN long range air to air missile will finish the GAME

1 --- Boeing E-7 AEWC will detect F-16V and RAFALE from 380 km away
2 --- KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jets will fire GOKHAN long range air to air missiles via E7-T AEWC
3 --- Ramjet powered GOKHAN long range air to air missiles will hit F-16V and RAFALE from 200 km in safe distance

Thanks to network centric warfare and cooperative engagement capabilities

and bye bye Greece-France
And KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet is coming to beat F-16V and RAFALE in BVR Combat

-- GaN based AESA Radar , EOTS , sensor fusion
-- Stealth design for much lower RCS
-- Internal weapon stations for stealth flight capability
-- No risk to lose Pilot

RCS ( m2 )
F-16C Block70 : 1

RAFALE : 15.27 m
F-16 : 15.06 m
KIZILELMA : 14.70 m

View attachment 949999

According to retired Air Pilot major General BEYAZIT KARATAS

KIZILELMA can engage on F-16 Block70 from 90 km away while F-16 Block70 can engage on KIZILELMA from 67 km away and RAFALE can do it from 81 km away

Range of engagement
KIZILELMA : from 90 km
RAFALE : from 81 km
F-16 Block70 : from 67 km

first-look, first-shot, first-kill capability
Even 20 km is impressive when you realize the KIZILELMA has already killed the 4th gen Fighters F-16V a couple times before you visually IDed him.
View attachment 950001
View attachment 950002
100+ km GOKDOGAN air to air Missile
View attachment 950004

Ramjet powered GOKHAN long range air to air missile will finish the GAME

1 --- Boeing E-7 AEWC will detect F-16V and RAFALE from 380 km away
2 --- KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jets will fire GOKHAN long range air to air missiles via E7-T AEWC
3 --- Ramjet powered GOKHAN long range air to air missiles will hit F-16V and RAFALE from 200 km in safe distance

Thanks to network centric warfare and cooperative engagement capabilities

and bye bye Greece-France

(something that MMM-E can't even spell and always copy/pastes)

Aaah Promotion Man gets paid 10 Turkish liras per post. He tries hard to convince.
Turkey had one of the worst AA defence in Europe and the Middle-East,now suddenly is an expert with "3 defensive walls"

Almost impossible.

5 years ago Turkiye had only HAWK and RAPIER AD Systems

Now Turkiye has the best AA defense capability in Europe

-- SAHIN and ALKA anti-Drone Systems
-- HISAR-A low altitude Air Defense System
-- HISAR-O medium altitude Air Defense System
-- SIPER high altitude Air Defense System
-- S400 high altitude Air Defense System

-- also GURZ and GOKDEMIR AD Systems are coming

-- REDET-II next gen Radar EW System

superior radar network with
450+ km ERALP AESA Radar
600 km BIG BIRD Radar
600 km MESA Radar

-- 4 Boing E-7T AEWC
-- 234 F-16 Fighter Jet
-- also KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet is coming

I am saying again
You have to pass 3 defensive walls to enter Turkish Airspace and to reach the Boeing E-7T AEWC

-- S400 ... ( in service )
-- SIPER ... ( enter service in 2023 )
-- F-16 Fighter Jets ... ( in service )

it's almost impossible

(something that MMM-E can't even spell and always copy/pastes)
Aaah Promotion Man gets paid 10 Turkish liras per post. He tries hard to convince.

As always silly post from FOINIKAS
No any technical military post/knowledge ... only babbling and trolling

keep dreaming with SPECTRA
in a conflict we will wake up all day dreamers ....
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5 years ago Turkiye had only HAWK and RAPIER AD Systems

Now Turkiye has the best AA defense capability in Europe
That's my point.

5 years ago Turkey only had HAWK,Rapier and manpads like Stinger and Zipkin.

Now,all of a sudden,you have produced all these systems and you claim (and especially you personally)they are the "best" in Europe.

I am saying again
You have to pass 3 defensive walls to enter Turkish Airspace and to reach the Boeing E-7T AEWC

-- S400 ... ( in service )
-- SIPER ... ( enter service in 2023 )
-- F-16 Fighter Jets ... ( in service )

it's almost impossible
You can say it a thousand times. Which is basically what you do,but it won't make any difference.

I thought you had wisened up a little bit,just a tiny bit. But I guess you haven't. It's all the same spam of photos and stats with sensational titles.
Now,all of a sudden,you have produced all these systems and you claim (and especially you personally)they are the "best" in Europe.

In a conflict everybody will see what will happen
dont worry

go and dream about SPECTRA which is not allien technology
an ordinary EW Suite .. nothing else

Daydreamer Greeks are always same 1922-1974-1996-Now
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I thought you had wisened up a little bit,just a tiny bit. But I guess you haven't. It's all the same spam of photos and stats with sensational titles.

You're just manipulating threads and babbling-trolling with silly posts

ignorant troll team dreaming about to shoot down Boing E-7T AEWC in Turkish airspace
because of SPECTRA .... what a troll team

in a conflict
E-7T AEWCs will stand in safe zone ( 350+ km away from conflict zone ) under protection of Turkish Air Force
( S400 , SIPER , HISAR-O , F-16s and soon KIZILELMA )
In a conflict everybody will see what will happen
dont worry

go and dream about SPECTRA which is not allien technology
an ordinary EW Suite .. nothing else

Daydreamer Greeks and loser France
Yes,in a conflict everybody will see what will happen. The problem is that in almost every post of yours on the forum,you have already finished the conflict in your mind.

Indeed SPECTRA is not alien technology,it is however tested technology and there are rumors it was used in Watiya as well. If it really was or wasn't,that remains unknown for now. But what is widely known and is a fact,is that "loser France" has had greater experience in such systems,than newcomer Turkey.

You're just manipulating threads and babbling-trolling with silly posts

ignorant troll team dreaming about to shoot down Boing E-7T AEWC in Turkish airspace
because of SPECTRA .... what a troll team

E-7T AEWCs will stand in safe zone ( 350+ km away from conflict zone ) under protection of Turkish Air Force ( S400 , SIPER , HISAR-O , F-16s and soon KIZILELMA )
It's not my fault if the only thing you do is repost the same photos,stats every time and present them as undeniable facts,even if they are highly theoretical. And then you add all the boasting and childish signature quotes like "nobody can defeat regional superpower Turkiye" or "East Mediterranean is Turkey's playground" etc.

Again,learn to take criticism. When even people who see you sympathetically,try to advise you about these quotes,you rush to say: "It's no a boasting,I am only posting the truth".
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