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Greek Rafale F3 Vs Turkish S400

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Rafale has 1m2 of RCS
We very well know what about RAFALE ... No any secret data
Mirage 2000 has a RCS in the 1,2 m², nearly the same than F16.
Rafale RCS is at least 10 times smaller than M2000, proved against so many radars....

But continue to dream that Turkey has magic weapons and all the others are noob....
Indeed SPECTRA is not alien technology,it is however tested technology and there are rumors it was used in Watiya as well.

so funny
against 40-45 years old outdated HAWK AD System

Even our UCAVs can destroy HAWK AD System

wake up daydreamers
most modern Systems are not outdated HAWK

F-16 Fighter Jets
Boeing E-7T AEWC
ERALP Early Warning AESA Radar

And this not Libyan soil
This is Turkish soil and Turkish Airspace

Mirage 2000 has a RCS in the 1,2 m², nearly the same than F16.
Rafale RCS is at least 10 times smaller than M2000, proved against so many radars....

Keep dreaming as much as you want

We see Qatari RAFALEs on our Radars
We very well know what about RAFALE .... no any secret data with fully loaded RAFALE
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French SPECTRA = Turkish SPEWS-II
:crazy: :blah::blah::blah:

Turkey is well known for earthenware, raki, some beautifull beachs, nuts and dried fruits, clothes. Absolutely not for high rank electronic devices. Stop dreaming.


Rafale F3?
Now it's Rafale F4, and tomorrow F5

With the Rafale F5, does France still need the SCAF?
30 August 2023

The Rafale F5 now takes priority over the SCAF! This is the statement made by Eric Trappier, CEO of Dassault Aviation, during his appearance on the French business news channel BFM Business.

For the CEO, resources are currently focused on the objective of bringing out the new Rafale standard by 2030, followed by the UAVs that will accompany it, while the SCAF programme is aiming for a more distant timeframe.

In a more diplomatic vein than usual, Eric Trappier also reiterated his concerns about the future of the fighter aircraft programme that brings together France, Germany and Spain.

A still unclear future for the SCAF programme

While the tasks and industrial sharing are relatively well defined for phase 1B of the study preceding the design of the demonstrator until 2027, the future remains unclear.

It took the joint intervention of the French, Spanish and German defence ministers to get the SCAF programme out of the rut it had been in for a year.

Clearly, Dassault Aviation is afraid of a new tug of war with Airbus DS over the management of the NGF (Next Generation Fighter), the combat fighter and first pillar of the programme, which was already at the root of the strong tensions that brought the programme to the brink of implosion just two years ago, until the three countries' supervisory ministers took it in hand.

The fact is, Eric Trappier's concerns are well-founded. Not only is nothing set in stone beyond phase 1B, but another programme could shatter the fragile balance around the SCAF programme.

The links between the SCAF and MGCS programmes

At the same time, the other Franco-German defence programme, MGCS, is currently the subject of a major tug-of-war between Paris and Berlin, again over industrial sharing.

The MGCS and SCAF programmes are politically linked, and the failure of one could well lead to the failure of the other.

Above all, at the next meeting between ministers Sébastien Lecornu and Boris Pistorius at the end of September, France intends to impose Italy's entry into the programme, so as to force a salutary rebalancing of the programme. However, this does not seem to be to the liking of Berlin, and in particular its two industrialists.

For Berlin, or rather for the Bundestag, the two programmes, MGCS and SCAF, are linked, particularly as regards the sharing of responsibilities and industrial management: Germany manages MGCS, France manages SCAF, even if this is disputed by Airbus DS.

In short, if MGCS falls in the next few weeks or months, there is a good chance that the SCAF programme will do the same. Eric Trappier and Sébastien Lecornu are perfectly aware of this.

The ambitions of the Rafale F5 revised upwards by the new LPM

This is precisely where the Rafale F5 standard comes in. Although not officially presented as an alternative to the SCAF, the new Military Planning Law has given this new standard so many attributes that it could unquestionably claim to be one.

So much so, in fact, that we can now ask ourselves whether, in the current context, France still needs the SCAF, given the imminent arrival of the Rafale F5?

Good luck to old Turkish F16....
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Dumb Greeks and Indians flyboys

The problem with talking about engaging a system like the S400 is that it won't just be alone in the middle of an open field. It have an entire network of smaller air defenses around it. Having short and medium anti air systems backing up the $400 make it significantly more dangerous as it's much harder to directly attack.

SPEWS-II = British - Turkish technology which has been developed by BAE Systems and ASELSAN
( one of top companies in NATO for EW technologies )

Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman ... USA
BAE Systems .. The UK
ASELSAN .. Turkiye
THALES .. France

where is French land based Radar EW System ? nowhere ... so funny

Turkiye : REDET-II
Russia : Krasukha-4

Aselsan REDET-II next gen Radar EW System
Good luck to old Turkish F16....

We dont care about old RAFALE
RAFALE is not stealth platform
S400 and SIPER AD Systems are enough to turn RAFALE into scrap of metal

MURAD AESA Radar and GOKHAN ramjet powered long range air to air missile to turn Turkish F-16s into most lethal VIPERs in the world

also Turkiye has its own agenda with KIZILELMA and KAAN as 2028

Good luck to old RAFALE until 2040-2045

Turkish Monsters are coming

RAFALE is not stealth platform
A Stealthier Rafale?

Posted by Bill Sweetman 10:30 AM on Apr 05, 2010
(2010, not new my dear @MMM-E )

Our colleagues at Air & Cosmos report that the French government is funding a demonstration of improved stealth technology for the Dassault Rafale fighter, with a focus on active cancellation techniques. The story itself is not online but is being discussed at the Key Military Forum.

Active cancellation means preventing a radar from detecting a target by firing back a deception signal with the same frequency as the reflection, but precisely one-half wavelength out of phase with it. Result: the returned energy reaching the radar has no frequency and can't be detected.

It's quite as difficult as it sounds. Some reports have suggested that the so called SP-3 or ZSR-62 "radar jamming device" planned in the early days of the B-2 program was an active cancellation system. It did not work and was scrapped in 1987-88. In 2005, Northrop Grumman paid $62 million to settle a False Claims Act case involving the system.

This may not be the first French attempt to implement AC on the Rafale. At the Paris air show in 1997, I interviewed a senior engineer at what was then Dassault Electronique, about the Rafale's Spectra jamming system. He remarked that Spectra used "stealthy jamming modes that not only have a saturating effect, but make the aircraft invisible... There are some very specific techniques to obtain the signature of a real LO aircraft."

"You mean active cancellation?" I asked. The engineer suddenly looked like someone who deeply regretted what he had just said, and declined any further comment. (As Hobbes once put it after pouncing on an unsuspecting Calvin: "We tigers live for moments like that."*)

The fact that a new demonstrator is being contemplated suggests that the technology may not have been up to the job the first time round - but since AC depends on electronics and processing, that picture may have changed. MBDA and Thales, which absorbed Dassault Electronique and is now the prime contractor on Spectra, have since confirmed that they are working on active cancellation for missiles.

The whole Spectra program has been a major venture, including the construction of four new indoor test ranges, including the colossal Solange RCS range discussed in Ares in 2007. That facility will probably play a major role in the new demonstrator program.

* It should be noted that Calvin's response was "Not for long you don't."

RAFALE is not stealth platform
As always, no source, no proof, nothing. Just the proud to be a turkish people. Too few to convince anybody.
A Stealthier Rafale?

Posted by Bill Sweetman 10:30 AM on Apr 05, 2010
(2010, not new my dear @MMM-E )

Our colleagues at Air & Cosmos report that the French government is funding a demonstration of improved stealth technology for the Dassault Rafale fighter, with a focus on active cancellation techniques. The story itself is not online but is being discussed at the Key Military Forum.

Active cancellation means preventing a radar from detecting a target by firing back a deception signal with the same frequency as the reflection, but precisely one-half wavelength out of phase with it. Result: the returned energy reaching the radar has no frequency and can't be detected.

It's quite as difficult as it sounds. Some reports have suggested that the so called SP-3 or ZSR-62 "radar jamming device" planned in the early days of the B-2 program was an active cancellation system. It did not work and was scrapped in 1987-88. In 2005, Northrop Grumman paid $62 million to settle a False Claims Act case involving the system.

This may not be the first French attempt to implement AC on the Rafale. At the Paris air show in 1997, I interviewed a senior engineer at what was then Dassault Electronique, about the Rafale's Spectra jamming system. He remarked that Spectra used "stealthy jamming modes that not only have a saturating effect, but make the aircraft invisible... There are some very specific techniques to obtain the signature of a real LO aircraft."

"You mean active cancellation?" I asked. The engineer suddenly looked like someone who deeply regretted what he had just said, and declined any further comment. (As Hobbes once put it after pouncing on an unsuspecting Calvin: "We tigers live for moments like that."*)

The fact that a new demonstrator is being contemplated suggests that the technology may not have been up to the job the first time round - but since AC depends on electronics and processing, that picture may have changed. MBDA and Thales, which absorbed Dassault Electronique and is now the prime contractor on Spectra, have since confirmed that they are working on active cancellation for missiles.

The whole Spectra program has been a major venture, including the construction of four new indoor test ranges, including the colossal Solange RCS range discussed in Ares in 2007. That facility will probably play a major role in the new demonstrator program.

* It should be noted that Calvin's response was "Not for long you don't."

As always, no source, no proof, nothing. Just the proud to be a turkish people. Too few to convince anybody.
Nice article!
Meet the EUROPE's best AD Capability

S400 is extra firepower for the Turkish Armed Forces to turn F-16V and RAFALE into scrap of metal

-- 36 launchers
-- 192 missiles
600 km BI BIRD Radar


Now Turkiye has its own SIPER AD System to turn F-16V and RAFALE into scrap of metal

100+ km SAMP-T .. France / Italy
100+ km SIPER Block1 .. Turkiye
150 km SIPER Block2 .. Turkiye
160 km PATRIOT PAC-2 .. USA

100+ km SIPER Block1

150 km SIPER Block2

Even HISAR-O and GOKDEMIR AD Systems to turn F-16V and RAFALE into scrap of metal



Other Air Defense Systems




234 F-16 Fihter Jets

Early Warning and Command Control Aircraft
Network Centric Warfare

4 Boeing E-7T AEWCs can provide a "big picture" of both the airspace and maritime environment and transfer it to the relevant command centers via Link-16 Tactical Data Link

Turkiye's most significant advantage in terms of Airborne Early Warning is the 163+29+35 F-16s with Link-16 TDL capability,


RADAR Network

Fixed radars are relatively easy to destroy because their locations are known, so mobile radars and airborne early warning aircraft are used as a precaution


Electronic Warfare

Greece : NO

Another issue experienced in these operations was the effectiveness of land-air based Electronic Attack Systems.

The Turkish Air Force has placed great importance on Electronic Warfare for many years and has invested in equipment in this regard

And Foinikas
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Meet the EUROPE's best AD Capability

S400 is extra firepower for the Turkish Armed Forces to turn F-16V and RAFALE into scrap of metal

-- 36 launchers
-- 192 missiles
600 km BI BIRD Radar

View attachment 950045

Now Turkiye has its own SIPER AD System to turn F-16V and RAFALE into scrap of metal

100+ km SAMP-T .. France / Italy
100+ km SIPER Block1 .. Turkiye
150 km SIPER Block2 .. Turkiye
160 km PATRIOT PAC-2 .. USA

100+ km SIPER Block1
View attachment 950031

150 km SIPER Block2
View attachment 950032

Even HISAR-O and GOKDEMIR AD Systems to turn F-16V and RAFALE into scrap of metal

View attachment 950046
View attachment 950044

Other Air Defense Systems
View attachment 950056
View attachment 950054
View attachment 950055
View attachment 950057

234 F-16 Fihter Jets
View attachment 950053

Early Warning and Command Control Aircraft
Network Centric Warfare

4 Boeing E-7T AEWCs can provide a "big picture" of both the airspace and maritime environment and transfer it to the relevant command centers via Link-16 Tactical Data Link

Turkiye's most significant advantage in terms of Airborne Early Warning is the 163+29+35 F-16s with Link-16 TDL capability,
View attachment 950047
View attachment 950048

RADAR Network

Fixed radars are relatively easy to destroy because their locations are known, so mobile radars and airborne early warning aircraft are used as a precaution
View attachment 950049
View attachment 950050

Electronic Warfare

Greece : NO

Another issue experienced in these operations was the effectiveness of land-air based Electronic Attack Systems.

The Turkish Air Force has placed great importance on Electronic Warfare for many years and has invested in equipment in this regard
View attachment 950051

And Foinikas
View attachment 950052
So let me get this right:

You completely ignored the article @BON PLAN posted

And you went straight ahead and spammed photos and lists again.

Then you expect people to take you seriously.
So let me get this right:

You completely ignored the article @BON PLAN posted

And you went straight ahead and spammed photos and lists again.

Then you expect people to take you seriously.

Yes SPECTRA .... lol

keep dreamin with SPECTRA
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