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Greece vs Turkiye Military Power : Tactical and Strategic Advantages

Probably, but NATO is now on the greek side and beware of Turkey.
You are no more seen as a loyal partner. You remain in the NATO org just to avoid to go in the russian camp.

Turkıye one of the oldest members of NATO since 1952 and never left the pact like France in the past , never closed airspace for NATO operations like France, never closed NATO bases like France.

Turkiye has never sold weapons enemy of NATO and NATO members.

Currently France has no NATO base and port while Turkiye has many ones. Turkiye joined all joint ops. of NATO.

Briefly France can not judge NATO membership of Turkiye.
Hang rings over there . It seems missile will be launched from aircraft.

TuRAF has SOM systems. l coludnt get why this missile will be builded.

SOM is air launched Cruise Missile

CAKIR is a new generation Cruise Missile to be launched from land platforms , Helicopters , unmanned Vessels and Submarines , AKINCI , KIZILELMA and many more

CAKIR Missiles uses next-generation swarm technologies as well as artificial intelligence with electronic jamming capability and passive hybrid ( RF+IIR) seeker , network-centric warfare capability with Datalink

and Turkiye can produce 3 CAKIR Missiles in price of 1 SOM Missile

There is not yet such a detailed mini Cruise Missile in the world

1-- Turkiye to produce unmanned Vessels armed with 4-8 x CAKIR anti-ship Missiles
2-- AKINCI UCAV to carry 4 x CAKIR Missiles for land attack / anti-ship role
3 - Sikorsky SEAHAWK Helicopters to carry 2 x CAKIR anti-ship Missiles
4 - CAKIR will be launched from land platform for coastal defense role
5 - Unmanned Submarines will be armed with CAKIR anti-ship Missiles
6 - KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet to carry 4 x CAKIR Missiles for land attack / anti-ship role





For example, KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet to fire 4 CAKIR cruise missiles
The first one, with electronic jamming capability will go ahead, and the other 3 will follow behind it. The first one will confuse the air defense systems, and the 3 following will hit the targets

Turkiye can send 10 unmanned Vessels armed with total of 80 CAKIR Missiles to destroy Greek S300s in Crete or PATRIOTs in Skyros

250 km KUZGUN-TJ Missile with IIR seeker also will be launched from land-naval-air platforms

Or Turkiye can send 10 unmanned Vessels armed with total of 80 CAKIR Missiles to destroy Greece's future FDI Frigate which costs $1 billion
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İf You are talking about 2028-2030 ( 4 FDI , 85 F-16V and probably F35 )

then Turkiye is not sleeping

KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet
TFX air superiority Fighter Jet
F-16 modernization by indigenous AESA Radar and Systems with Ramjet powered GOKHAN long range air to air Missile

S400 Air Defense System
SIPER Air Defense System
TF-2000 class AW Destroyer
4 ISTIF class stealth Frigates
4 modernized MEKO-200 Frigates ( more stealth design )

Good luck ....

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TFX is far from being a reality.
You need an engine. And you need to struggle against 60% inflation and a people that will probably kick off Erdogan soon.

btw not marketing brochure but firing tests with 40N6E missile ( range of 400 km )
400km for S400 is like the 100+ km figure of AMRAAM or 70+ km of MICA : a max range against a non moving target.

S300 faided against israeli F16, and not a single attempt !
never closed airspace for NATO operations like France
After the 1st Gulf war, the north of Irak was protected by the allies against irakis. It was the Northern Watch operation.
Each allies country (or group of countries) has a day in the week to air patrol.
When it was the day of Turkish "peacefull" missions, no awacs fly or other ally fly was allowed from turkish top brass (possible because main of the allies fighters and awacs were host on the Ircirlik air base).
The Belgium pilots and French pilots flew the day before and the day after the turkish... And they exchange pictures of some groud target before and after the turkish patrols : you used these so peacefull missions to destroy kurds targets, in total violation with your mandat, and to do so by restraining your airspace.

My source? A Jaguar french pilot, husband of a friend of my wife. He showed me pictures....
TFX is far from being a reality.
You need an engine. And you need to struggle against 60% inflation and a people that will probably kick off Erdogan soon.

in 2023 everybody will see roll out and in 2025 first flight

Everybody will see Turkish TEI TS-1400 turboshaft engine on T-625 Helicopter in 2023
TAI-TEI says indigenous turbofan Engine by 2030
also TEI develops TF-6000 turbofan Engine for unmanned Fighter Jets

There is an alternative engine option in addition to the F110 engine to be supplied from the USA

President of defense industry ISMAIL DEMİR said, We also had the possibility of working with Rolls-Royce for the national engine for the TFX

We had some concerns here, and we resolved these concerns as a result of the meetings we held. The work has begun
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After the 1st Gulf war, the north of Irak was protected by the allies against irakis. It was the Northern Watch operation.

And they exchange pictures of some groud target before and after the turkish patrols : you used these so peacefull missions to destroy kurds targets, in total violation with your mandat, and to do so by restraining your airspace.

Not Kurds but PKK Terrorists

after the 1st Gulf war , PKK terror organization established many terror camps in the northen of Iraq to attack Turkiye
and PKK terrorists used no fly zone in the northen of Iraq as a protection against the Turkish Armed Force

Turkiye lost over $1 trillion and tens of thousands of citizens to fight USA-France-Germany-Europe backed PKK terrorism since 1990

btw Turkiye saved over 1 million Iraqi Kurds from SADDAM
as like Turkiye saved over 3,5 million Syrians ( over 500.000 Kurds ) from ASSAD , ISIS , PKK/YPG Terrorists
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400km for S400 is like the 100+ km figure of AMRAAM or 70+ km of MICA : a max range against a non moving target.

S300 faided against israeli F16, and not a single attempt !

S400 40N6E Missile has max firing range of 380 km even can hit Hellenic Air Force AEWCs over Athens

PATRIOT PAC2 has maximum firing range of 150-160 km which can not hit Turkish F-16s armed with 280 km SOM and SLAM-ER Cruise Missiles

Even 250 km range can block all Aegean against Hellenic Air Force

btw even outdated S200 kicked İsraeli F-16 in Syria
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Turkiye S400 vs Greece PATRIOT PAC-II

S400 ( 40N6E Missile )

Weight : 1.893 kg
Diameter : 515 mm
Range : 380 km
Altitude : 30 km
Speed : mach 3,5


Weight : 914 kg
Diameter : 410 mm
Range : 160 km
Altitude : 24 km
Speed : mach 4

RESULT : S400 is far superior to PATRIOT PAC-II

Turkiye received 51P6E and 5P85TE2/3 TELs as part of its S-400 regiment.
and only the 51P6E is reportedly capable of carrying the 380 km 40N6E missile

S400 ( 40N6E Missile ) .... No fly zone over the Aegean
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Incapable Hellenic Navy

Hellenic Navy has 13 Frigates armed with only 208 SAMs

9 ELLI class Frigates armed with only 16 x RIM-7 SAMs
4 HYDRA class Frigates armed with only 16 x ESSM SAMs

what a inferior fire power and poor self defence capability

Turkish Navy has 16 Frigates armed with 672 SAMs

4 GABYA class Frigates armed with 36 SM-1MR SAMs
4 GABYA class Frigates armed with 36 SM-1MR and 32 ESSM SAMs
4 MEKO-200 Track-IIA Frigates armed with 16 x RIM-7 SAMs
2 MEKO 200 Track-IIB Frigates armed with 32 x ESSM SAMs
2 MEKO 200 Track-IIB Frigates armed with 64 x ESSM - RIM-7 SAMs

Turkish Navy has more SAMs than Hellenic+French Navies combined

4 modernized GABYA class Frigates armed with 36 SM-1MR and 32 ESSM SAMs
( total of 272 SAMs which are more than 13 Greek Frigates combined )




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The first Greek drone that the Turks are trembling over is almost ready!



AKINCI UCAV to carry total of 1.230 kg weapons in 9 hardpoints

2 x MAM-C
2 x MAM-L
1 x MAM-T
3 x TEBER-82
1 x HGK-82

That means , soon AKINCI UCAV will be able to carry 9 x KUZGUN-TJ Missiles with range of 250 km to hit Warships , Air Defense Systems , Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS



40 km KUZGUN-KY ( rocket motor )
250 km KUZGUN-TJ ( turbojet engine )
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As Sun Tzu said
"" If you know yourself as well as you know the enemy, there is no doubt about victory ""
If a war really broke out, Greece stands no chance at all, Turkey should put their aim higher.

Greece is not even a regional power

Turkiye put aim to become global power again when all Turkish military projects finish in 2030s
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Turkiye S400 vs Greece PATRIOT PAC-II

S400 ( 40N6E Missile )

Weight : 1.893 kg
Diameter : 515 mm
Range : 380 km
Altitude : 30 km
Speed : mach 3,5


Weight : 914 kg
Diameter : 410 mm
Range : 160 km
Altitude : 24 km
Speed : mach 4

RESULT : S400 is far superior to PATRIOT PAC-II

Turkiye received 51P6E and 5P85TE2/3 TELs as part of its S-400 regiment.
and only the 51P6E is reportedly capable of carrying the 380 km 40N6E missile

S400 ( 40N6E Missile ) .... No fly zone over the Aegean
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The range of S400 is so empressive that it destroyed all the Turkish F35 !!!

If a war really broke out, Greece stands no chance at all, Turkey should put their aim higher.
All NATO is behind Greece.
Turkey is now, during the Erdogan area, seen as the key of Bosphore, nothing more. It is a dubious ally.

Turkish Navy has more SAMs than Hellenic+French Navies combined
You really can't compare ESSM and SM1 with ASTER 15/30.

in 2023 everybody will see roll out and in 2025 first flight

Everybody will see Turkish TEI TS-1400 turboshaft engine on T-625 Helicopter in 2023
TAI-TEI says indigenous turbofan Engine by 2030
also TEI develops TF-6000 turbofan Engine for unmanned Fighter Jets

There is an alternative engine option in addition to the F110 engine to be supplied from the USA

President of defense industry ISMAIL DEMİR said, We also had the possibility of working with Rolls-Royce for the national engine for the TFX

We had some concerns here, and we resolved these concerns as a result of the meetings we held. The work has begun
You struggle to developp a 1500HP engine for your MBT. A fighter engine is another beast, really.
Betwwen the plan and the real result there may be a deep gap. Ask China why they used so many time and money just to have a fade copy of russian engine.
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