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Greece to buy F-35 Fighter Jets: A game-changer in the region?



New Recruit

Oct 17, 2020
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The United States will sell 20 F-35 Stealth Fighter Jets (fifth-generation fighter jets) to Greece initially intended for Turkey, who was also a partner of the F-35 program, in an attempt to modernize the aging Greek Air fleet. The F-35 fighter jets could give Greece a strategic advantage against historical enemy Turkey. Both Greece and Turkey are at odds against each other over vast resources in the Mediterranean Sea.

The F-35 project is a disaster. It won't change anything
The United States will sell 20 F-35 Stealth Fighter Jets (fifth-generation fighter jets) to Greece initially intended for Turkey, who was also a partner of the F-35 program, in an attempt to modernize the aging Greek Air fleet. The F-35 fighter jets could give Greece a strategic advantage against historical enemy Turkey. Both Greece and Turkey are at odds against each other over vast resources in the Mediterranean Sea.

The real cost of the US F-35 comes from its maintenance apart from its expensive price tag. Can Greece really afford It with her present state of economy?
There will be an anecdotal feeling on the ground over this decision although Mike Pompeo may have falsely whispered and assured Greece that they will side with her against Turkey. The serpent in the Garden of Eden.
Why don't USA just donate the plane to Greece instead? :coffee:
In case of war these planes will be shot on the ground. It wont change anything
Game changer.

Turkey has nothing that can stand up to 20 F-35s and 18 Rafale.

It needs to hurry up the TF-X.
S-400 has been very costly.

France is getting involved in Greek side after Turkey fell out with USA over S-400 purchase.

If Turkey now had F-35s from USA, France would not have dared get involved in Greece/Turkey dispute.
Having seen the humiliation of Indian military in Feb 2019 , I can confidently say that mere possession of modern weapons or greater size of troops make no difference.
Having seen the humiliation of Indian military in Feb 2019 , I can confidently say that mere possession of modern weapons or greater size of troops make no difference.

There is more than one way to skin a cat, especially when the Turks are gaining experience as we speak assisting Azerbaijan. Turkey does need the T-FX now more than ever. Along with their own engines. They make 817 out of 2400 parts of the F-35 airframe and 188 out of the 3000 parts in the engine. It’s a good start.

What may still be hurting them, more than anything, was the purge of pilots, ground crew, and other enlisted and officers in the Air Force following the attempted coup in 2016. Rebuilding the Air Force on a personnel level was what caused serious setback in war time for both Soviets during WW2 (due to Stalin’s purges) and the Iranian Air Force (after the revolution) during the Iran-Iraq war in the 80’s.
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The F-35 project is a disaster. It won't change anything

Differentiate between 'project' and 'airplane'

A failed project does not mean a failed aircraft. The airplane could be extremely successful whilst the project is considered failed due to not keeping to the financial budget/constraints set.

I think you are just upset nigga.
Having seen the humiliation of Indian military in Feb 2019 , I can confidently say that mere possession of modern weapons or greater size of troops make no difference.
But fact is, India airforce asset are overhyped and not modern. I can well assured u , the BARS PESA of MKI are worse off than KJL-7 of JF-17. The awac phalcon asset of IAF are a generation behind ZDK-03
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