Ah yes.. thanks
I'm not here for philosophy lessons, my arguement isn't about right or wrong. But is it worth going to war?
Give me one solid explaination why 12nm is so crucial for Greece. It doesn't leave any room for Turkish ships to pass, so what does it bring to you? nothing. it's just childish
Well casus belli declared and Greece couldn't claim 12nm territorial waters. What does it tell about you?
Well, if we put together all the lands Turks have ruled in history it makes twice the land that borders present day China. If you look at it this way about half the old world is stolen from Turks
And yes I'm fond of populares as a whole but Gaius Marius is special for me.
First of all we need to acknowledge that Turkey has exercised a 12 mile extension to her territorial waters in the Black Sea and eastern med since 1964. Double standards it seems here.
Second, 12 miles is not necessarily crucial to Greece. The Aegean is a unique archipelago. 12 nm waters would mean that shipping lanes would be affected not just for Turkey but for everyone. Greece was very careful to preserve her sovereign right by declaring:
"ο χρόνος και ο τόπος άσκησης των εν λόγω δικαιωμάτων, χωρίς τούτο να σημαίνει ούτε κατ' ελάχιστο απεμπόληση εκ μέρους της των εν λόγω δικαιωμάτων, είναι ένα ζήτημα που απορρέει από την εθνική της στρατηγική"
this translates to: "the time and place of exercising the rights in question and without this implying in the least the waiving on behalf of Greece of these rights, is a matter stemming of Greece's national strategic planning"
and thus maintaining the sovereign right, without extending the waters. That is mainly to keep the current shipping status quo intact.
Quite frankly in this declaration, I don't see anything meriting a casus belli. Do you?
This is not a unilateral move by Greece. These are in article 2, Ν.2321/1995 of the international treaty. Turkey hasn't signed this treaty. However this was not a treaty created nor planned nor implemented by Greece. It has hundreds of participants and it was sanctioned by someone else. We didn't make the rules to this game. Others did.
Turkey is in a position that quite simply translates to a kid saying that he doesn't like the rules of the game simply because he doesn't get to play as much with the ball. Kind of foolish really.
The whole island propaganda is now another ploy to further inhibit Greece from solidifying the justification of this treaty by bringing into play more and more islets. Nothing more.
So to answer you question simply. Crucial because if one doesn't exercise their sovereign rights then they are waiving them and someone is going to take advantage of them.
Besides I already mentioned. If turkey has psychological issues as a political animal with the 12 mile waters, then it should join the EU.
Italy has practically no borders with Greece. Turkey could too..