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Greece offers to evacuate 15,000 Chinese nationals

US and Germany NO, but china has $ 1.2 trillion in cash reserves.. it can do it... theoretically ..not that it should, Greece doesn't owe money to countries as such, it owes money to banks and investment funds, they took the gamble on Greece and lost, they should take the loss.. not anyone else..

2.8 trillion in currency reserves actually.

And I think China has already pledged to buy a large amount of European debt, for business and diplomatic purposes.
aaaaa that one ...

well that was a major-major bit of help, but it doesn't qualify as a bail out...

bail out would be 400 bn euros by the end of 2011.. that would be a bail out.

400bn? :woot: does that include diapers too?
well,thats the reality..so how do you think greece will get over this situation?

Difficult to say, it is on a knife's edge, if you are asking my personal opinion, I think no.

2.8 trillion in currency reserves actually.

And I think China has already pledged to buy a large amount of European debt, for business and diplomatic purposes.
Indeed it has, so has Russia ( a smaller amount) .. Greece was not allowed to consider China's offer. Catch my drift ?

400bn? :woot: does that include diapers too?

Dude... for that kind of money .. Batman and Superman are included too....
Dude... for that kind of money .. Batman and Superman are included too....


just turn on BBC 1 now , or later go check itv at 6:30, where it had one shot of an Air China Boeing 737 landing or taking off at Tripoli airport.
I want to say, thank you Greece has always been friendship and support. But if you talk about trade, Greece is not a safe enough place for now, China's investment is not just commercial considerations but for the long-term relationship, just know it.
I want to say, thank you Greece has always been friendship and support. But if you talk about trade, Greece is not a safe enough place for now, China's investment is not just commercial considerations but for the long-term relationship, just know it.

Greece has always been a friendly nation and has a long tradition of trading with china.
Greece has always been a friendly nation and has a long tradition of trading with china.

Hope to develop trade and Greece, of course, hope to get the friendship of Greece, not the short term, but long-term, Greece, as a foothold of china in Europe, it is definitely a win-win situation.
Hope to develop trade and Greece, of course, hope to get the friendship of Greece, not the short term, but long-term, Greece, as a foothold of china in Europe, it is definitely a win-win situation.

We have gutless governments with puppet politicians with no will or vision whatsoever. Our Western allies have treated us always like a colony, especially the US for a yet undetermined reason and have never backed us up (not even for pretences) in any issue ...ever. Even preferring to back up other countries far less important than Greece is every aspect.

China's interest (and Russia's) in Greek affairs was welcomed as a sign of true relief by the people in Greece I happen to know.
The politicians however, slaves to the western centers of decision making forced us in a position to deny (or make impossible) any intervention to Greek affairs by either Russia or China. Look what happened to the pipeline between Russia/Bulgaria/Greece..
To stop it, the US made their puppet Bulgarian government raise ilogical demands on the Russians and when the Greek government changed to an american supported one, the Greek government then stopped any pressure to the Bulgarians.

Same thing happened with all chinese involvement in Greek relations. Made impossible.

It seems the west doesn't want to help with the crisis (i.e. tell their banks to suck their losses and shut up) but they don't want us to help ourselves either by developing strategic ties with China or Russia either ... it seems they want the country in a permanent state of upheaval ..
.... but they don't want us to help ourselves either by developing strategic ties with China or Russia either ... it seems they want the country in a permanent state of upheaval ..

If by "they " you referred to the EU, then it has already done so, not publicly though. Remember China's Premier Wen 's latest visit to the EU months ago ( days before the G20 meeting in Korea) ?

The visit was scheduled for Brussels only to meet the EU leaders, yet for the 1st time after the Cold War as it was widely speculated that a Chinese Premier changed his itinerary during a foreign visit trip when Wen stopped over at a German city in the late evening invited and privately hosted by Angela Merkel.

That meeting with Merkel was very significant. I believe it was the start of a paramount Sino-German informal alliance in a range of very critical economical and geopolitical issues. I bet that Greek bailout was a part of that discussion :

Merkel told Wen that Germany couldn't afford to do so and asked for China's help; while China of course said "no problem" on top of historical Sino-Greek friendship as long as the Germany-led EU would promise to ally with China in the coming G20 meeting against the US/Fed false changes and pressure on the value of Chinese currency - that was the deal IMO, also including the pending 100bn Spainish bailout and Portugese one by China.

Days later, if you paid attention to the press, German Finance Minister Schaeuble launched a rare but fierce open attack on German TV against Fed's beggar thy neighbour policy of USD devaluation. A "supposely a united alliance" led by the US then achieved absolutely zero against Chinese Yuan during the following Seoul G20, patially due to the rebel of the EU. Now you see there're a lot more behind the door.

But nonetheless I think the Greeks , or prehaps you in particular given your prevous remarks, should learn how to say "Thank You, China" as the bailout has bailed out not only your (dirty) politician as a by products , but also more importantly Greece's entire public sevices, education, health/hospital, etc. that fall in your govt budget - Greek poeple in a general sense.
If by "they " you referred to the EU, then it has already done so, not publicly though. Remember China's Premier Wen 's latest visit to the EU months ago ( days before the G20 meeting in Korea) ?

The visit was scheduled for Brussels only to meet the EU leaders, yet for the 1st time after the Cold War as it was widely speculated that a Chinese Premier changed his itinerary during a foreign visit trip when Wen stopped over at a German city in the late evening invited and privately hosted by Angela Merkel.

That meeting with Merkel was very significant. I believe it was the start of a paramount Sino-German informal alliance in a range of very critical economical and geopolitical issues. I bet that Greek bailout was a part of that discussion :

Merkel told Wen that Germany couldn't afford to do so and asked for China's help; while China of course said "no problem" on top of historical Sino-Greek friendship as long as the Germany-led EU would promise to ally with China in the coming G20 meeting against the US/Fed false changes and pressure on the value of Chinese currency - that was the deal IMO, also including the pending 100bn Spainish bailout and Portugese one by China.

Days later, if you paid attention to the press, German Finance Minister Schaeuble launched a rare but fierce open attack on German TV against Fed's beggar thy neighbour policy of USD devaluation. A "supposely a united alliance" led by the US then achieved absolutely zero against Chinese Yuan during the following Seoul G20, patially due to the rebel of the EU. Now you see there're a lot more behind the door.

But nonetheless I think the Greeks , or prehaps you in particular given your prevous remarks, should learn how to say "Thank You, China" as the bailout has bailed out not only your (dirty) politician as a by products , but also more importantly Greece's entire public sevices, education, health/hospital, etc. that fall in your govt budget - Greek poeple in a general sense.

I don't know how right u are in what u just put up here, but apparently you haven't been keeping up with current events. The EU is not going to extend the payback period for the support given to Greece and the new eurobond is not going to be issued or even discussed any time soon, with Germany being the major obstacle while France for example is all for it. The measures taken by the Greek government have been almost solidly demanded by germany and instead of reducing the debt, they have increased to 160% GDP in just under a year while the economy is stagnant contrary to what the german politicians where saying. So don't tell me china kept the Greek public sector health and education up , because they are all shut down or shuting down for the last 11 months, what china has done, is offer some short-lived (an much needed) support...
So your Chino-German secret agenda may exist.. .I just don't think it has the face you believe, or it's terms are entirely different.
And personally I think what China did in that case was good, a show of friendship and solid political move.. but neither a thank you is necessary neither is it a bail out .. it was nothing else but a short term help. Much appreciated and definitely very useful, one that will carry significant weight in future relations with china, but most certainly not a bail out.
It seems the west doesn't want to help with the crisis (i.e. tell their banks to suck their losses and shut up) but they don't want us to help ourselves either by developing strategic ties with China or Russia either ... it seems they want the country in a permanent state of upheaval ..

its weird..west has always tried to secure the balance between greece and turkey..i think they want to help but what can they do!..its not easy to say their banks to suck the losses and shut up...
its weird..west has always tried to secure the balance between greece and turkey..i think they want to help but what can they do!..its not easy to say their banks to suck the losses and shut up...

no, it's not easy, far from it.
Greece is one of China's most valuable partners in Europe. If Greece ever falls out of US favor, we should take steps to aid Greece in maintaining its independence. Their aging F-16s and Mirage 2000s could later be replaced by JF-17s and J-10s.
Far too risky since each administration might reverse their allegiance and gift J-17s and J-10s for study by American scientists. It's the same thing with Taiwan. No American president would allow the sale of J-22s to Taiwan because it is highly likely that someday those F-22s will be studied by China's scientists.
Far too risky since each administration might reverse their allegiance and gift J-17s and J-10s for study by American scientists. It's the same thing with Taiwan. No American president would allow the sale of J-22s to Taiwan because it is highly likely that someday those F-22s will be studied by China's scientists.

Greece has been operating russian equipment for almost 15 years now and i promise you , no US eye has ever come within 10 miles of it.
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