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Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

Isn't it used by both genders?

Right...! So I should say : I'm a realistic gal ! :woot:

But seriously Deno, why do most Turks, at least on this form, identify so strongly with their fellow 'Turkic Nations' when these 'ethnicities' or 'ethno-lingusitic groups' are little more than something that we made up a few thousand years ago ?
Right...! So I should say : I'm a realistic gal ! :woot:

But seriously Deno, why do most Turks, at least on this form, identify so strongly with their fellow 'Turkic Nations' when these 'ethnicities' or 'ethno-lingusitic groups' are little more than something that we made up a few thousand years ago ?

Well, consider this, Ottomans although were Turks and settled muslims of the west were Turks, they didn't actually called themselves Turks and pretty much opressed the hell out of nomads of Anatolia and when nationalist ideas first came to Anatolia and Balkans Turks again were opressed by Ottoman sultans.

After wars with Turks of Iran and Azerbaijan, (Aq Qoyunlu and Safavids. Specially after Safavids. Turks still had the majority of power in times of Selim the Grim but after Suleiman's death), Ottoman sultans fear of competition in throne was big enough to take all the power from ethnic Turks and give most of the power to minorities in Empire. And after nationalist rebellions of other nations Turks lived with and specially after Arab rebellions Turks kinda said, screw other nations we should stick together and only trust each other. and that is the reason why Turks are very nationalistic and care so much about their ethnic brothers.

P.S: And give me a break, its not my first language. I learned english from games and tv series. They always called each other ''hey guys'' ''whats up guys'' :)
Stop getting personal, nobody cares about anybody. Voice your opinion and gtfo.

Why you keep arguing with him while you know the fact that he not gonna change his mind? Contradiction nr. 2324
I challange you to Quote any of my messages to kajut whatever. You won't find any.
I'm done with both of you.
Wait, Deno are you a women?
And you, Deno isn't a plural entity. She's called woman.
Like you ever participated in the JSF project. Let alone seeing it in real life.

Let the engineers at Lockheed work on it.
They've been working on its defects and malfunctions for the past six years but have been unable to sort them out.

In November 2011, a Pentagon study team identified the following 13 areas of concern that remained to be addressed in the F-35:

> The helmet-mounted display system does not work properly.
> The fuel dump subsystem poses a fire hazard.
> The Integrated Power Package is unreliable and difficult to service.
> The F-35C's arresting hook does not work.
> Classified "survivability issues", which have been speculated to be about stealth.[142]
> The wing buffet is worse than previously reported.
> The airframe is unlikely to last through the required lifespan.
> The flight test program has yet to explore the most challenging areas.
> The software development is behind schedule.
> The aircraft is in danger of going overweight or, for the F-35B, not properly balanced for VTOL operations.
> There are multiple thermal management problems. The air conditioner fails to keep the pilot and controls cool enough, the roll posts on the F-35B overheat, and using the afterburner damages the aircraft.
> The automated logistics information system is partially developed.
> The lightning protection on the F-35 is un-certified, with areas of concern.

Zabs, why do I even bother to tell you all this? But I thought, what the heck. Even girls need some knowledge in matters generally reserved for the male species! :P

Every project experiences difficulties, in an extremely complex product like F35 it's perfectly normal for these problems to occur. That's why it's called a prototype and that's why there's a testing process. Patience and lots of money are required.

Also from what i understand the CTOL variant that Turkey ordered has least problems. She can enter mass-production before the VTOL and Carrier variants.
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