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Greatest Persians in history

kingmamba you need a good punch in the face

acting like an animal on the net is easy, do that in real life and you'll get your *** beat mofo.

What a nutter.

lool zoorkhane... check, norouz... check, zoroastrianism... check... etc... and they even acknowledge that it's all Persian. Then ASQ comes here and badmouths parsis!!!!!! Everything they have, from A-Z, even the name of their country is Parsi!

What hypocrites

Yeah okay I don't talk sht unlike internet warriors like your ***, even if I did who would teach me you? I know what you are made of son you aint sht don't bother uttering my name fool ain't no Persians here in the states who aint refugees. Take a hike I posted historical facts and legitimate questions don't get mad you can't answer nothing. If you hate Muslims in Iran so much go liberate your country.

Go tell your fellow countrymen in the US that. They have started this 'we are Persian' nonsense.

He is in Canada.
10 greatest Persians!!! That's what happens when we don't educate our kids about their history and identity and instead feed them a diet of inflated ego and innate superiority. Who gives a sh!t about who we really are and what our real name is? Let's be Persians today. It sounds cooler to Western ears anyway. That's how the name of Iran and Iranian which has been in use since the time of Zarathushtra becomes Persia and Persian. And the name of our language with millenia of history and recognition in most of the world, becomes 'farsi' at the hand our own ignorant selves.

et's be Persians today. It sounds cooler to Western ears anyway.


Who gives a sh!t about who we really are

That's sad...
Yeah okay I don't talk sht unlike internet warriors like your ***, even if I did who would teach me you? I know what you are made of son you aint sht don't bother uttering my name fool ain't no Persians here in the states who aint refugees. Take a hike I posted historical facts and legitimate questions don't get mad you can't answer nothing. If you hate Muslims in Iran so much go liberate your country.

No historical facts bro. We resisted Arab culture for more than one century, and we still aren't Arabized now. Unlike you guys, we still cherish our pre-Islamic history.
I do! This was never meant for the culturally avant-guard Iranians living in the neverlands, such as yourself.

How cool is it to be "Persian" in America? Get any girls because of it?
I do! This was never meant for the culturally avant-guard Iranians living in the neverlands, such as yourself.

Your welcome, dadash. At least these culturally avant-guard Iranian knows that the term Persian derives from the most famous Achaemenid tribes; the Pasargadae. It isn't just a western invention, as you like to imply.
No historical facts bro. We resisted Arab culture for more than one century, and we still aren't Arabized now. Unlike you guys, we still cherish our pre-Islamic history.

Arabs never tried to force their culture on you bro, in fact Arabs embraced Persian culture (Abbasids were Persianized as they would say).

"Iran was indeed Islamized, but it was not Arabized. Persians remained Persians. And after an interval of silence, Iran reemerged as a separate, different and distinctive element within Islam, eventually adding a new element even to Islam itself. Culturally, politically, and most remarkable of all even religiously, the Iranian contribution to this new Islamic civilization is of immense importance. The work of Iranians can be seen in every field of cultural endeavor, including Arabic poetry, to which poets of Iranian origin composing their poems in Arabic made a very significant contribution. In a sense, Iranian Islam is a second advent of Islam itself, a new Islam sometimes referred to as Islam-i Ajam. It was this Persian Islam, rather than the original Arab Islam, that was brought to new areas and new peoples: to the Turks, first in Central Asia and then in the Middle East in the country which came to be called Turkey, and of course to India. The Ottoman Turks brought a form of Iranian civilization to the walls of Vienna... - Bernard Lewis Historian and Orientalist (One of the most respected historians as well)
I do! This was never meant for the culturally avant-guard Iranians living in the neverlands, such as yourself.

Another crazy old timer

I love how you old timers are so crazy

When you become senior citizens you'll look very cute with your weird conspiracy theories and messed up stories.

culturally avant garde lmao

which decade did you leave Iran? 1950's??

@ Surenas

Don't respond to this kingwahabi. It's like talking to a akhoond, you won't get anywhere with them. He's a fanatic. He'll keep repeating his bs over and over again.
AS for your statement on Pakistanis we never reject our past we follow all our same cultural values, same languages, same foods, same dances, etc. Punjabis are still proud Punjabis, Sindhis proud Sindhis, Baloch proud Baloch, Pashtun proud Pashtun, and if you have any doubts just ask any Pakistanis on this forum. We only have beef with Hindus because of the wars we have fought against them besides that before the British divided Muslim and Hindu everyone got along.

Another crazy old timer

I love how you old timers are so crazy

When you become senior citizens you'll look very cute with your weird conspiracy theories and messed up stories.

culturally avant garde lmao

which decade did you leave Iran? 1950's??

@ Surenas

Don't respond to this kingwahabi. It's like talking to a akhoond, you won't get anywhere with them. He's a fanatic. He'll keep repeating his bs over and over again.

I am not a Wahabbi, I have criticized Saudi salafists all over this forum just because I do not agree with you does not mean I am a fanatic. That is what all you Iranians and Arabs do on this forum, Arabs when they have nothing left say well you are Shia/Atheist kuffar and Iranians say well Wahhabi terrorist. When that doesn't work you attack each others races.
What? They didn't? Please read the history of my country, before claiming such thing. Begin by reading this:

Shu'ubiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I already know about that, it was an attempt by Ummayad elite to keep non Arabs in the backseat. Hence they did not encourage conversion and even if non Arabs did convert they treated them second class. Note that this treatment ended when the Abbasids overthrew the Ummayads with help from guess who?? That is right Khorasanian aka Persian troops.

I am not a Wahabbi, I have criticized Saudi salafists all over this forum just because I do not agree with you does not mean I am a fanatic

well stop criticizing them then, b/c you're repeating their bs

And me and you never discussed anything, so not sure how we're disagreeing on anything. Reading your wahabiesque posts makes me think that you're a fundie. Only a fundie will worship arabs like you're doing right now. Arabs have less respect for themselves than you're giving them right now.
Seriously how are you guys going to overthrow 'Walayat e Faqih' - its impossible to go for a secular Iran with this system and frankly the 'walyat e faqeeh' system now seems (to an outsider) to be a part of Shi'ism in Iran.

Secondly why go for Zoroastrianism (which some secular Irani here want to do)? why not go Atheist? Considering religion is treated as a hurdle to development by most of you.

@KingMamba93 : chill dude, this matter is between Persians why are you getting so enraged?
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Are you trying to say the Abbasids were not Persianized, they were too Arab for you?? Their armies were a mix of Persian and Arabs and they even moved their capital to Baghdad to be close to whom they felt comfortable with, Persians.
Your welcome, dadash. At least these culturally avant-guard Iranian knows that the term Persian derives from the most famous Achaemenid tribes; the Pasargadae. It isn't just a western invention, as you like to imply.

Sigh!!! Pasaargad wasn't the name of the tribe. It was the name of the city believed to be established by Kourash Jr (aka the Great). The tribe was called Parsua or simply Pars. And even the mighty kings of the Acheminid dynasty, who indeed belonged to the Persian tribe, after establishing their bloodline and lineage, always identified themselves as Iranian (Airya in old Persian). See what I mean? But nevermind... You're too culturally avant-guard to learn anything new.
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