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Great Turkish Empires&Leaders

There is little known about the Avar language, how can someone claim something like that ? what is the source ?

Plus how could their native language be Slavic while they obviously nowhere near of other Slavs from living style to fighting style and organizations ? they naturally made Slavic subjects, due to them Slavic could be used through trade etc but thats it.
Ur right,it seems they were a polyethnic people turkic intermixed with slavs.As they penetrated deeper into europe intermixing increased.

There is little known about the Avar language, how can someone claim something like that ? what is the source ?

Plus how could their native language be Slavic while they obviously nowhere near of other Slavs from living style to fighting style and organizations ? they naturally made Slavic subjects, due to them Slavic could be used through trade etc but thats it.

Although there is sparse knowledge about the Avar language, if there was some original Avar (Ur-Avar) language, scholars generally posit that the extinct language of the Eurasian Avars belonged to the Oghuric group, showing both strong similarities and discernable differences to Common Turkic. Today, Chuvash is thought to represent the last remaining branch of Oghuric. How well modern Chuvash represents archaic Oghuric remains speculative. Chuvash itself is not intelligible by speakers of Common Turkic, despite having undergone significant degrees of Turkicization in recent centuries.

Whatever the 'original' languages of the various Avar groups, Slavic was adopted as the dominant language of the Avar khaganate

this is what i found.
Because as I said many of the settled populations were Slavic.

If 50k men captures a land of 150k men, they can't simply erase their existence, their language will be used as well.
GokTurk Empire



Already such topic? How many have you already opened about Turkish empires?

@Aeronaut @WebMaster

This is Ottoman-Turk, Basbuq, etc. He has been banned multi pious times, but he still comes back. He should get a IP-ban.
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Excellent excellent thread.I am eagerly looking forward to this.One thing i noticed though modern day turks look nothing like turkics like attilla or timur who are basically mongolian looking.Why?

I believe it to be the result of marriage between Greek and other Eastern European woman.
Already such topic? How many have you already opened about Turkish empires?

@Aeronaut @WebMaster

This is Ottoman-Turk, Basbuq, etc. He has been banned multi pious times, but he still comes back. He should get a IP-ban.

U could start a persian empires thread,mate.Though yeah,over nationalism and chest thumping is bad and unnecessary.
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Already such topic? How many have you already opened about Turkish empires?

@Aeronaut @WebMaster

This is Ottoman-Turk, Basbuq, etc. He has been banned multi pious times, but he still comes back. He should get a IP-ban.

How about you let him open whatever he wants?? He isn't provoking anyone so if this thread offends you don't bother coming here.
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How about you let him open whatever he wants?? He isn't provoking anyone so if this thread offends you don't bother coming here.

If you don't know about his history of posting, don't mix into this discussion. He has insulted Iranians here multi pious times, and even has laughed, and posted insulted rants, at the thousands of Iranians who died in the Iran-Iraq war.
I have to say one thing about the thread,u chose golden horde which was essentially a mongol state that later came under turkic rule but u left out the delhi sultanate.They defeated the mongols again and again.

I meant noses mostly.But yeah similarity in the guy on the left.

Also moghul empire,was mainly descended from mongols at least they claimed so -name 'moghul from mongol.The delhi sultanate should replace moghuls as the true 'turkic' empire in india.

The Mughals claimed descent from Timur who was a Turk who claimed descent from the Mongols. Hence they were actually Turks of Mongol descent.

Oh, shut up. If you don't know about his history of posting, don't mix into this discussion. He has insulted Iranians here multi pious times, and even has laughed at the thousands of Iranians who died in the Iran-Iraq war.

Why don't you back the phuck up?

First of all you cannot even prove it is him, unless you are 100% sure you should shut the phuck up. So what, threads can be merged and as long as there is meaningful discussion going on it isn't a problem. Which BTW you are preventing so don't tell me to back the phuck up boy.
First of all you cannot even prove it is him, unless you are 100% sure you should shut the phuck up. So what, threads can be merged and as long as there is meaningful discussion going on it isn't a problem. Which BTW you are preventing so don't tell me to back the phuck up boy.

You FOS. Don't mix into this discussion.
Babur claimed descent from both chingiz and timur from his father and mother's side.
You FOS. Don't mix into this discussion.

GTFO surenas you already summoned the mods, they will be here shortly if anything they will merge and ban him so shoo.

Babur claimed descent from both chingiz and timur from his father and mother's side.

Yeah but his mother was Chagatai Turkic so she claimed descent to Genghis but she was a Turk.
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