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Great Mathematicians

PIERRE DE FERMAT (1601-1665)

Pierre de Fermat, one of the most important mathematicians of the seventeenth century, was a lawyer by profession. He is the most famous amateur mathematician in history. Fermat published little of his mathematical discoveries. It is through his correspondence with other mathematicians that we know of his work. Fermat was one of the inventors of analytic geometry and developed some of the fundamental ideas of calculus. Fermat, along with Pascal, gave probability theory a mathematical basis. Fermat formulated what was the most famous unsolved problem in mathematics. He asserted that the equation x^n + y^n = z^n has no nontrivial positive integer solutions when n is an integer greater than 2. For more than 300 years, no proof (or counterexample) was found. In his copy of the works of the ancient Greek mathematician Diophantus, Fermat wrote that he had a proof but that it would not fit in the margin. Because the first proof, found by Andrew Wiles in 1994, relies on sophisticated, modem mathematics, most people think that Fermat thought he had a proof, but that the proof was incorrect. However, he may have been tempting others to look for a proof, not being able to find one himself.

FIBONACCI (1170-1250)

Fibonacci (short for filius Bonacci, or "son of Bonacci") was also known as Leonardo of Pisa. He was born in the Italian commercial center of Pisa. Fibonacci was a merchant who traveled extensively throughout the Mideast, where he came into contact with Arabian mathematics. In his book Liber Abaci, Fibonacci introduced the European world to Arabic notation for numerals and algorithms for arithmetic. It was in this book that his famous rabbit problem appeared. Fibonacci also wrote books on geometry and trigonometry and on Diophantine equations, which involve finding integer solutions to equations.

GABRIEL LAME (1795-1870)

Gabriel Lame entered the Ecole Polytechnique in 1813, graduating in 1817. He continued his education at the Ecole des Mines, graduating in 1820.

In 1820 Lame went to Russia, where he was appointed director of the Schools of Highways and Transportation in St. Petersburg. Not only did he teach, but he also planned roads and bridges while in Russia. He returned to Paris in 1832, where he helped found an engineering firm. However, he soon left the finn, accepting the chair of physics at the Ecole Polytechnique, which he held until 1844. While holding this position, he was active outside academia as an engineering consultant, serving as chief engineer of mines and participating in the building of railways.

Lame contributed original work to number theory, applied mathematics, and thennodynamics. His bestknown work involves the introduction of curvilinear coordinates. His work on number theory includes proving Fennat's Last Theorem for n = 7, as well as providing the upper bound for the number of divisions used by the Euclidean algorithm.

In the opinion of Gauss, one of the most important mathematicians of all time, Lame was the foremost French mathematician of his time. However, French mathematicians considered him too practical, whereas French scientists considered him too theoretical.
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G. Lejeune Dirichlet was born into a French family living near Cologne, Germany. He studied at the University of Paris and held positions at the University of Breslau and the University of Berlin. In 1855 he was chosen to succeed Gauss at the University of Gottingen. Dirichlet is said to be the first person to master Gauss's Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, which appeared 20 years earlier. He is said to have kept a copy at his side even when he traveled. Dirichlet made many important discoveries in number theory, including the theorem that there are infinitely many primes in arithmetical progressions an + b when a and b are relatively prime. He proved the n = 5 case of Fermat's Last Theorem, that there are no nontrivial solutions in integers to x^5 + y^5 = z^5. Dirichlet also made many contributions to analysis.


Frank Plumpton Ramsey, son of the president of Magdalene College, Cambridge, was educated at Winchester and Trinity Colleges. After graduating in 1923, he was elected a fellow of King's College, Cambridge, where he spent the remainder of his life. Ramsey made important contributions to mathematical logic. What we now call Ramsey theory began with his clever combinatorial arguments, published in the paper "On a Problem of Formal Logic." Ramsey also made contributions to the mathematical theory of economics. He was noted as an excellent lecturer on the foundations of mathematics. His death at the age of 26 deprived the mathematical community and Cambridge University of a brilliant young scholar.

BLAISE PASCAL (1623-1662)

Blaise Pascal exhibited his talents at an early age, although his father, who had made discoveries in analytic geometry, kept mathematics books away from him to encourage other interests. At 16 Pascal discovered an important result concerning conic sections. At 18 he designed a calculating machine, which he built and sold. Pascal, along with Fermat, laid the foundations for the modern theory of probability. In this work he made new discoveries concerning what is now called Pascal's triangle. In 1654, Pascal abandoned his mathematical pursuits to devote himself to theology. After this, he returned to mathematics only once. One night, distracted by a severe toothache, he sought comfort by studying the mathematical properties of the cycloid. Miraculously, his pain subsided, which he took as a sign of divine approval of the study of mathematics.
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Pierre-Simon Laplace came from humble origins in Normandy. In his childhood he was educated in a school run by the Benedictines. At 16 he entered the University of Caen intending to study theology. However, he soon realized his true interests were in mathematics. After completing his studies, he was named a provisional professor at Caen, and in 1769 he became professor of mathematics at the Paris Military School. Laplace is best known for his contributions to celestial mechanics, the study of the motions of heavenly bodies. His Traite du Mecanique Celeste is considered one oft he greatest scientific works of the early nineteenth century. Laplace was one ofthe founders of probability theory and made many contributions to mathematical statistics. His work in this area is documented in his book Theorie Analytique des Probabilitees, in which he defined the probability of an event as the ratio of the number of favorable outcomes to the total number of outcomes of an experiment. Laplace was famous for his political flexibility. He was loyal, in succession, to the French Republic, Napoleon, and King Louis XVIII. This flexibility permitted him to be productive before, during, and after the French Revolution.
May be Guass, Euler and Newton are the greatest mathematicians ever.

James Bernoulli (also known as Jacob I), was born in Basel, Switzerland. He is one of the eight prominent mathematicians in the Bernoulli family. Following his father's wish, James studied theology and entered the ministry. But contrary to the desires of his parents, he also studied mathematics and astronomy. He traveled throughout Europe from 1676 to 1682, learning about the latest discoveries in mathematics and the sciences. Upon returning to Basel in 1682, he founded a school for mathematics and the sciences. He was appointed professor of mathematics at the University of Basel in 1687, remaining in this position for the rest of his life.

James Bernoulli is best known for the work Ars Conjectandi, published eight years after his death. In this work, he described the known results in probability theory and in enumeration, often providing alternative proofs of known results. This work also includes the application of probability theory to games of chance and his introduction of the theorem known as the law of large numbers. This law states that if ϵ > 0, as n becomes arbitrarily large the probability approaches 1 that the fraction of times an event E occurs during n trials is within ϵ of p(E).
Guass, Euler and Newton may be followed by Riemann, Leibniz, Fermat and Poincare
THOMAS BAYES (1702-1761) was the son a minister in a religious sect known as the Nonconformists. This sect was considered heretical in eighteenth-century Great Britain. Because of the secrecy of the Nonconformists, little is known of Thomas Bayes' life. When Thomas was young, his family moved to London. Thomas was likely educated privately; Nonconformist children generally did not attend school. In 1719 Bayes entered the University of Edinburgh, where he studied logic and theology. He was ordained as a Nonconformist minister like his father and began his work as a minister assisting his father. In 1733 he became minister of the Presbyterian Chapel in Tunbridge Wells, southeast of London, where he remained minister until 1752.
Bayes is best known for his essay on probability published in 1764, three years after his death. This essay was sent to the Royal Society by a friend who found it in the papers left behind when Bayes died. In the introduction to this essay, Bayes stated that his goal was to find a method that could measure the probability that an event happens, assuming that we know nothing about it, but that, under the same circumstances, it has happened a certain proportion of times. Bayes' conclusions were accepted by the great French mathematician Laplace but were later challenged by Boole, who questioned them in his book Laws of Thought. Since then Bayes' techniques have been subject to controversy.
Bayes also wrote an article that was published posthumously: "An Introduction to the Doctrine of Fluxions, and a Defense of the Mathematicians Against the Objections of the Author of The Analyst," which supported the logical foundations of calculus. Bayes was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1742, with the support of important members of the Society, even though at that time he had no published mathematical works. Bayes' sole known publication during his lifetime was allegedly a mystical book entitled Divine Benevolence, discussing the original causation and ultimate purpose of the universe. Although the book is commonly attributed to Bayes, no author's name appeared on the title page, and the entire work is thought to be of dubious provenance. Evidence for Bayes' mathematical talents comes from a notebook that was almost certainly written by Bayes, which contains much mathematical work, including discussions of probability, trigonometry, geometry, solutions of equations, series, and differential calculus. There are also sections on natural philosophy, in which Bayes looks at topics that include electricity, optics, and celestial mechanics. Bayes is also the author of a mathematical publication on asymptotic series, which appeared after his death.


Chebyshev was born into the gentry in Okatovo, Russia. His father was a retired army officer who had fought against Napoleon. In 1832 the family, with its nine children, moved to Moscow, where Pafnuty completed his high school education at home. He entered the Department of Physics and Mathematics at Moscow University. As a student, he developed a new method for approximating the roots of equations. He graduated from Moscow University in 1841 with a degree in mathematics, and he continued his studies, passing his master's exam in 1843 and completing his master's thesis in 1846.

Chebyshev was appointed in 1847 to a position as an assistant at the University of St. Petersburg. He wrote and defended a thesis in 1847. He became a professor at St. Petersburg in 1860, a position he held until 1882. His book on the theory of congruences written in 1849 was influential in the development of number theory. His work on the distribution of prime numbers was seminal. He proved Bertrand's conjecture that for every integer n > 3, there is a prime between n and 2n -2. Chebyshev helped develop ideas that were later used to prove the Prime Number Theorem. Chebyshev's work on the approximation of functions using polynomials is used extensively when computers are used to find values of functions. Chebyshev was also interested in mechanics. He studied the conversion of rotary motion into rectilinear motion by mechanical coupling. The Chebyshev parallel motion is three linked bars approximating rectilinear motion.


It is known that Eratosthenes was born in Cyrene, a Greek colony west of Egypt, and spent time studying at Plato's Academy in Athens. We also know that King Ptolemy II invited Eratosthenes to Alexandria to tutor his son and that later Eratosthenes became chief librarian at the famous library at Alexandria, a central repository of ancient wisdom. Eratosthenes was an extremely versatile scholar, writing on mathematics, geography, astronomy, history, philosophy, and literary criticism. Besides his work in mathematics, he is most noted for his chronology of ancient history and for his famous measurement of the size of the earth.

HELMUT HASSE (1898-1979)

Helmut Hasse was born in Kassel, Germany. He served in the German navy after high school. He began his university studies at Gottingen University in 1918, moving in 1920 to Marburg University to study under the number theorist Kurt Hensel. During this time, Hasse made fundamental contributions to algebraic number theory. He became Hensel's successor at Marburg, later becoming director of the famous mathematical institute at Gottingen in 1934, and took a position at Hamburg University in 1950. Hasse served for 50 years as an editor of Crelle s Journal, a famous German mathematics periodical, taking over . the job of chief editor in 1936 when the Nazis forced Hensel to resign. During World War II Hasse worked on applied mathematics research for the German navy. He was noted for the clarity and personal style of his lectures and was devoted both to number theory and to his students. (Hasse has been controversial for connections with the Nazi party. Investigations have shown he was a strong German nationalist but not an ardent Nazi.)

PAUL ERDOS (1913-1996)

Paul Erdos, born in Budapest, Hungary, was the son of two high school mathematics teachers. He was a child prodigy; at age 3 he could multiply three-digit numbers in his head, and at 4 he discovered negative numbers on his own. Because his mother did not want to expose him to contagious diseases, he was mostly home-schooled. At 17 Erdos entered Eotvos University, graduating four years later with a Ph.D. in mathematics. After graduating he spent four years at Manchester, England, on a postdoctoral fellowship. In 1938 he went to the United States because of the difficult political situation in Hungary, especially for Jews. He spent much of his time in the United States, except for 1954 to 1962, when he was banned as part of the paranoia ofthe McCarthy era. He also spent considerable time in Israel.

Erdos made many significant contributions to combinatorics and to number theory. One of the discoveries of which he was most proud is his elementary proof (in the sense that it does not use any complex analysis) of the Prime Number Theorem, which provides an estimate for the number of primes not exceeding a fixed positive integer. He also participated in the modem development of the Ramsey theory.

Erdos traveled extensively throughout the world to work with other mathematicians, visiting conferences, universities, and research laboratories. He had no permanent home. He devoted himself almost entirely to mathematics, traveling from one mathematician to the next, proclaiming "My brain is open." Erdos was the author or coauthor of more than 1500 papers and had more than 500 coauthors. Copies of his articles are kept by Ron Graham, a famous discrete mathematician with whom he collaborated extensively and who took care of many of his worldly needs.

Erdos offered rewards, ranging from $10 to $10,000, for the solution of problems that he found particularly interesting, with the size ofthe reward depending on the difficulty ofthe problem. He paid out close to $4000. Erdos had his own special language, using such terms as "epsilon" (child), "boss" (woman), "slave" (man), "captured" (married), "liberated" (divorced), "Supreme Fascist" (God), "Sam" (United States), and "Joe" (Soviet Union). Although he was curious about many things, he concentrated almost all his energy on mathematical research. He had no hobbies and no full-time job. He never married and apparently remained celibate. Erdos was extremely generous, donating much of the money he collected from prizes, awards, and stipends for scholarships and to worthwhile causes. He traveled extremely lightly and did not like having many material possessions.

LEONHARD EULER (1707-1783)

Leonhard Euler was the son of a Calvinist minister from the vicinity of Basel, Switzerland. At 13 he entered the University of Basel, pursuing a career in theology, as his father wished. At the university Euler was tutored by Johann Bernoulli of the famous Bernoulli family of mathematicians. His interest and skills led him to abandon his theological studies and take up mathematics. Euler obtained his master's degree in philosophy at the age of 16. In 1727 Peter the Great invited him to join the Academy at St. Petersburg. In 1741 he moved to the Berlin Academy, where he stayed until 1766. He then returned to St. Petersburg, where he remained for the rest of his life.

Euler was incredibly prolific, contributing to many areas of mathematics, including number theory, combinatorics, and analysis, as well as its applications to such areas as music and naval architecture. He wrote over 1 100 books and papers and left so much unpublished work that it took 47 years after he died for all his work to be published. During his life his papers accumulated so quickly that he kept a large pile of articles awaiting publication. The Berlin Academy published the papers on top of this pile so later results were often published before results they depended on or superseded. Euler had 13 children and was able to continue his work while a child or two bounced on his knees. He was blind for the last 17 years of his life, but because of his fantastic memory this did not diminish his mathematical output. The project of publishing his collected works, undertaken by the Swiss Society of Natural Science, is ongoing and will require more than 75 volumes.


William Rowan Hamilton, the most famous Irish scientist ever to have lived, was born in 1805 in Dublin. His father was a successful lawyer, his mother came from a family noted for their intelligence, and he was a child prodigy. By the age of 3 he was an excellent reader and had mastered advanced arithmetic. Because of his brilliance, he was sent off to live with his uncle James, a noted linguist. By age 8 Hamilton had learned Latin, Greek, and Hebrew; by 10 he had also learned Italian and French and he began his study of oriental languages, including Arabic, Sanskrit, and Persian. During this period he took pride in knowing as many languages as his age. At 17, no longer devoted to learning new languages and having mastered calculus and much mathematical astronomy, he began original work in optics, and he also found an important mistake in Laplace's work on celestial mechanics. Before entering Trinity College, Dublin, at 18, Hamilton had not attended school; rather, he received private tutoring. At Trinity, he was a superior student in both the sciences and the classics. Prior to receiving his degree, because of his brilliance he was appointed the Astronomer Royal of Ireland, beating out several famous astronomers for the post. He held this position until his death, living and working at Dunsink Observatory outside of Dublin. Hamilton made important contributions to optics, abstract algebra, and dynamics. Hamilton invented algebraic objects called quaternions as an example of a noncommutative system. He discovered the appropriate way to multiply quaternions while walking along a canal in Dublin. In his excitement, he carved the formula in the stone of a bridge crossing the canal, a spot marked today by a plaque. Later, Hamilton remained obsessed with quaternions, working to apply them to other areas of mathematics, instead of moving to new areas of research.

In 1857 Hamilton invented "The Icosian Game" based on his work in noncommutative algebra. He sold the idea for 25 pounds to a dealer in games and puzzles. (Because the game never sold well, this turned out to be a bad investment for the dealer.) Hamilton married his third love in 1833, but his marriage worked out poorly, because his wife, a semi-invalid, was unable to cope with his household affairs. He suffered from alcoholism and lived reclusively for the last two decades of his life. He died from gout in 1865, leaving masses of papers containing unpublished research. Mixed in with these papers were a large number of dinner plates, many containing the remains of desiccated, uneaten chops.


Edsger Dijkstra, born in the Netherlands, began programming computers in the early 1950s while studying theoretical physics at the University of Lei den. In 1952, realizing that he was more interested in programming than in physics, he quickly completed the requirements for his physics degree and began his career as a programmer, even though programming was not a recognized profession. (In 1957, the authorities in Amsterdam refused to accept "programming" as his profession on his marriage license. However, they did accept "theoretical physicist" when he changed his entry to this.) Dijkstra was one of the most forceful proponents of programming as a scientific discipline. He has made fundamental contributions to the areas of operating systems, including deadlock avoidance; programming languages, including the notion of structured programming; and algorithms. In 1972 Dijkstra received the Turing Award from the Association for Computing Machinery, one of the most prestigious awards in computer science. Dijkstra became a Burroughs Research Fellow in 1973, and in 1984 he was appointed to a chair in Computer Science at the University of Texas.


Claude Shannon was born in Petoskey, Michigan, and grew up in Gaylord, Michigan. His father was a businessman and a probate judge, and his mother was a language teacher and a high school principal. Shannon attended the University of Michigan, graduating in 1936. He continued his studies at M.I.T., where he took the job of maintaining the differential analyzer, a mechanical computing device consisting of shafts and gears built by his professor, Vannevar Bush. Shannon's master's thesis, written in 1936, studied the logical aspects of the differential analyzer. This master's thesis presents the first application of Boolean algebra to the design of switching circuits; it is perhaps the most famous master's thesis of the . twentieth century. He received his Ph.D. from M.I.T. in 1940. Shannon joined Bell Laboratories in 1940, where he worked on transmitting data efficiently. He was one of the first people to use bits to represent information. At Bell Laboratories he worked on determining the amount of traffic that telephone lines can carry. Shannon made many fundamental contributions to information theory.

In the early 1950s he was one of the founders of the study of artificial intelligence. He joined the M.I.T. faculty in 1956, where he continued his study of information theory. Shannon had an unconventional side. He is credited with inventing the rocket-powered Frisbee. He is also famous for riding a unicycle down the hallways of Bell Laboratories while juggling four balls. Shannon retired when he was 50 years old, publishing papers sporadically over the following 10 years. In his later years he concentrated on some pet projects, such as building a motorized pogo stick. One interesting quote from Shannon, published in Omni Magazine in 1987, is "I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans. And I am rooting for the machines."


Willard Quine, born in Akron, Ohio, attended Oberlin College and later Harvard University, where he received his Ph.D. in philosophy in 1932. He became a Junior Fellow at Harvard in 1933 and was appointed to a position on the faculty there in 1936. He remained at Harvard his entire professional life, except for World War II, when he worked for the U.S. Navy decrypting messages from German submarines. Quine was always interested in algorithms, but not in hardware. He arrived at his discovery of what is now called the Quine-McCluskey method as a device for teaching mathematical logic, rather than as a method for simplifying switching circuits. Quine was one of the most famous philosophers of the twentieth century. He made fundamental contributions to the theory of knowledge, mathematical logic and set theory, and the philosophies of logic and language. His books, including New Foundations of Mathematical Logic published in 1937 and Word and Object published in 1960, have had profound impact. Quine retired from Harvard in 1978 but continued to commute from his home in Beacon Hill to his office there. He used the 1927 Remington typewriter on which he prepared his doctoral thesis for his entire life. He even had an operation performed on this machine to add a few special symbols, removing the second period, the second comma, and the question mark. When asked whether he missed the question mark, he replied, "Well, you see, I deal in certainties." There is even a word quine, defined in the New Hacker s Dictionary as a program that generates a copy of its own source code as its complete output. Producing the shortest possible quine in a given programming language is a popular puzzle for hackers.


Noam Chomsky, born in Philadelphia, is the son of a Hebrew scholar. He received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in linguistics, all from the University of Pennsylvania. He was on the staff of the University of Pennsylvania from 1950 until 1951. In 1955 he joined the faculty at M.I.T., beginning his M.I.T career teaching engineers French and German. Chomsky is currently the Ferrari P. Ward Professor of foreign languages and linguistics at M.I.T. He is known for his many fundamental contributions to linguistics, including the study of grammars. Chomsky is also widely known for his outspoken political activism.


Alan Turing was born in London, although he was conceived in India, where his father was employed in the Indian Civil Service. As a boy, he was fascinated by chemistry, performing a wide variety of experiments, and by machinery. Turing attended Sherborne, an English boarding school. In 1931 he won a scholarship to King's College, Cambridge. After completing his dissertation, which included a rediscovery of the Central Limit Theorem, a famous theorem in statistics, he was elected a fellow of his college. In 1935 Turing became fascinated with the decision problem, a problem posed by the great German mathematician Hilbert, which asked whether there is a general method that can be applied to any assertion to . determine whether the assertion is true. Turing enjoyed running (later in life running as a serious amateur in competitions), and one day, while resting after a run, he discovered the key ideas needed to solve the decision problem. In his solution, he invented what is now called a Turing machine as the most general model of a computing machine. Using these machines, he found a problem, involving what he called computable numbers, that could not be decided using a general method.

From 1936 to 1938 Turing visited Princeton University to work with Alonzo Church, who had also solved Hilbert's decision problem. In 1939 Turing returned to King's College. However, at the outbreak of World War II, he joined the Foreign Office, performing cryptanalysis of German ciphers. His contribution to the breaking of the code of the Enigma, a mechanical German cipher machine, played an important role in winning the war. After the war, Turing worked on the development of early computers. He was interested in the ability of machines to think, proposing that if a computer could not be distinguished from a person based on written replies to questions, it should be considered to be ''thinking.'' He was also interested in biology, having written on morphogenesis, the development of form in organisms. In 1954 Turing committed suicide by taking cyanide, without leaving a clear explanation. Legal troubles related to a homosexual relationship and hormonal treatments mandated by the court to lessen his sex drive may have been factors in his decision to end his life.

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My thread. lol.
yea i know not reasonable to have two accounts. but i got banned before my waiting time was up. so had to troll with a new account to pass time. but tomorrow my time really is up.
i belonged to a different world. was here not entirely by accident. now leaving with something otherworldly left behind. apologies in advanced. i know you guys cant handle it and will pay heavily for it even though you seem to be enjoying it now.
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