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NOT shopped. This photo was taken at the anti-Holocaust event that Ahmedinejad held.
Of all the ‘as a Jew’ anti-zionist groups it’s Neturei Karta which attracts the greatest attention. Whether it’s a Holocaust revisionist seminar in Tehran or an anti-Israel demonstration in Kensington no display of visceral hatred of Israel is complete without a handful of men dressed in traditional Haredi dress playing a prominent role in its proceedings, often expressing the most offensive comments.
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lol you really hate Iran. dont ya?

More than any other nation on the planet! In fact, it is the only nation that I "hate". Some others (North Korea, Myanmar, Cuba, Venezuela) have despicable governments, but I don't get too upset about them. Iran is the one nation I am not completely rational about. I admit, I absolutely hate the Iranian government.
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