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Graveyard of empires

mere bhai dekho

start getting civilised

its too much that you guys imitate like stone age afghanis, ...

This is true.

With all the shortcomings, Karachi and Lahore and every other area in Pakistan has been open to people from FATA.

However FATA has not reciprocated in kind even for the tourists and short time travelers from the rest of the Pakistan.

May be the tribals do not want to be civilized as long as Pak-one types are ready to support even the bad habits, the stone age traditions of tribals.

mere bhai dekho

start getting civilised

its too much that you guys imitate like stone age afghanis, you imitated afghanis by making TTP, you imitated afghanis by following that sarhadi gandhi bacha khan as ANP, you imitate afghanis by being drug smugglers, weapon smugglers etc

you tried to be anti pakistani just like afghans

sooner or later you will realise that afghans are your worst enemy and pakistanis are not

try to read the entire history of qazba colony and katti pahari massacre and then ask me if you still have ay confusion

karachi is open for any pathan who doesnt want to imitate afghani, if you want to be pakistani then we all have space in our hearts for you

in karachi we dont categorise afghanis and pathans as same, we still classify them as different class because pakistan is still your country, an afghani is an illegal refugee who hates pakistan and spreads various crimes, but its you who still want to become an afghani thats not our problem

i close my case here

We dont imitate afghans, we are one ethnic group due to same blood, culture and langauge....but we are pakistanis and as long as we are patriotic and loyal to the country, no pakistani should have problem with us....
Mohajirs and pashtuns have to end the hatred and enmity that exists between two, because i know that its not just MQM vs ANP phenomena......wali khan said to pashtuns of karachi in 80s that "tum loag karachi may mazdoori key liye aye ho, jung key liye nahi".....
We dont imitate afghans, we are one ethnic group due to same blood, culture and langauge....but

Human and apes have many similarities but that cannot be taken as an excuse to imitate Apes...
This is true.

With all the shortcomings, Karachi and Lahore and every other area in Pakistan has been open to people from FATA.

However FATA has not reciprocated in kind even for the tourists and short time travelers from the rest of the Pakistan.

May be the tribals do not want to be civilized as long as Pak-one types are ready to support even the bad habits, the stone age traditions of tribals.


Not just FATA, all pashtun villages of KPK and Balochistan are not open to uninvited unknown strangers....even i can not roam in another village of my own district, i will be questioned that who am i and what i am doing in their village....

Human and apes have many similarities but that cannot be taken as an excuse to imitate Apes...
why you are so angry?
We dont imitate afghans, we are one ethnic group due to same blood, culture and langauge....but we are pakistanis and as long as we are patriotic and loyal to the country, no pakistani should have problem with us....
Mohajirs and pashtuns have to end the hatred and enmity that exists between two, because i know that its not just MQM vs ANP phenomena......wali khan said to pashtuns of karachi in 80s that "tum loag karachi may mazdoori key liye aye ho, jung key liye nahi".....

There are people of maxican origin in USA,

They can decide to emulate maxican drug cartels


they can emulate maxican blackberry mobile phone makers/assemblers.

W.11 was talking about choices that people make, and not so much of their ancestry.

you cannot change ancestry,


you can certainly change the choices you make.

On face value the never being 'culturally conquered' may seem correct for many cultures. That includes, the rural Finish and Swedish populations. For Pashtuns and Persians it may seem correct.

However if we pay attention to the detail,we see that it isn't the case. Culture always undergos a process of evolution,where it does get affected by the inter cultural influences.

No culture survives without evolution,if a culture cannot evolve it risks being alienated,isolated and in extreme cases becoming irrelavent or diminished.

They too were never culturally conquered...These are aborigines of Australia
Not just FATA, all pashtun villages of KPK and Balochistan are not open to uninvited unknown strangers....even i can not roam in another village of my own district, i will be questioned that who am i and what i am doing in their village....

Questioning/ or keeping an eye on a stranger is not a problem.

Perhaps we all should do more,

So that Talib@stards cannot come and kill the tribal elders
bomb the Pakistani\-Shia mosques.

I don't think tribals watch so much, otherwise TTP would nto so easily kill tribal elders and get away with this.

This is is certainly a selective attitude that allows TTP to run free,

Weapon smugglers, and kidnappers run free


law abiding tourists and travelers are discouraged.

This is the difference between civilized men, vs. uncouth primitive tribals.

We dont imitate afghans, we are one ethnic group due to same blood, culture and langauge....but we are pakistanis and as long as we are patriotic and loyal to the country, no pakistani should have problem with us....
Mohajirs and pashtuns have to end the hatred and enmity that exists between two, because i know that its not just MQM vs ANP phenomena......wali khan said to pashtuns of karachi in 80s that "tum loag karachi may mazdoori key liye aye ho, jung key liye nahi".....

MQM in 2008 said to ANP that stop talibans from entering karachi, but ANP didnt pay attention to and thought MQM wanted mohajir vs pashtun thing, and ANP started to kill MQM and mohajirs

but when the same talibans started killing ANP, then ANP started crying

afghan is the common enemy, but i dont when when will pashtun of KPK and FATA get this?

afghan refugees killed mohajirs in qazba colony and yet ANP and other pashtun thugs justified it

mohajir is very open minded but pashtun still thinks more along the lines of afghans

you need to get out of this afghan tribal mentality, start to respect the law and throw away guns and stop killing people

mohajir doesnt carry guns its a pashtun and afghan tradition, mohajir thinks more about getting educated and professional life then taking panga with others
On face value the never being 'culturally conquered' may seem correct for many cultures. That includes, the rural Finish and Swedish populations. For Pashtuns and Persians it may seem correct.

However if we pay attention to the detail,we see that it isn't the case. Culture always undergos a process of evolution,where it does get affected by the inter cultural influences.

No culture survives without evolution,if a culture cannot evolve it risks being alienated,isolated and in extreme cases becoming irrelavent or diminished.

Many empires were simply interested in resource wealth of their subdued nations, and never put in the effort to change the locals. This applies to the British in India as well - Indians are still mostly Hindu.
You may want to show some knowledge; Iran and Afghanistan (as in one empire) were once ruling the world, long before anyone had heard of Pakistanis.

even mongols ruled the world, much more bigger then persians and afghans
@Pak-one, brother you have "extra" free-time on hand today. Don't you? :D
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