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Grandmaster Putin’s Trap

This senile and racist American is not only but-hurt, he and his flag waving colleagues cannot even answer a simple question such as why the BuBa is not allowed to inspect our gold that is stored in the US, instead he tries to divert the question with racist remarks. That's very telling of the mentality of these people.

Still does not answer my question. Wy aren't we allowed to check our gold. Or are you implying that our officials from BuBa are unreliable?

On top of that, we wanted and still want to get them back, why didn't you allow us to do so? What's the reason not to allow the owner to take back its belongings?

Americans don't give, they take.

I always think sanctions on Russia is not for Crimea, its something else its something to do with Dollars, just like it was with Qadaffi.

It has absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine, it's about eroding American power.
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