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Grand Mosque Imam must leave Belgium

Sharia law. Sharia is utterly unacceptable in Europe.

You clearly don't understand what "Sharia" actually is. If you did, you wouldn't have a problem with it.

do they accept other point of views to be acceptable?


But what do you consider 'insulting', criticizing?

There is a fine line between criticizing and SLANDER. Learn the difference.

don't have to change our way of life for you.

Who is suggesting that you change your life?

It's really easy to blame it all on 'evil western countries' and 'rasict population' for the radicalization of (some) muslims, isn't it?

I never said "evil western countries" so don't quote that.

Yes, a racist population is a cause for radicalization, whether you wish to accept it or not the facts are indisputable. Islamaphobes like Geert Wilders are the reason for your increasingly radicalized population. That's a fact, deal with it.

The KKK and white supremacists wielding guns are the reason why the black panthers exist.

One extreme breeds another.

The reason why European countries are doing better is because we separated religion with state affairs

Wrong, secularism has absolutely no bearing on the success of a country.

Then again Eu countries are Christian, of course it is going to be more compatible than Islam.

So it's suddenly pretty clear you know nothing about European history. Welp, don't complain when another terrorist attack happens in Belgium. By refusing to accept and get rid of the cause of problems, don't be suprised when that problem pops up again.

And that's not happening either.

But it is.

create your own little society within our country with you own laws

Please go back to school and research human ecology and realize that every society has another society inside it.

speak our language even a little, a clear disrespect to our country.

So speaking a language that he is more familiar with is suddenly disrespecting a country? Welp, I guess every tourist on earth that goes to another country for exploration or vacation needs to be deported or executed since they are disrespecting the country.

You are making no sense.

You called him an 'utter idiot' for it, he wasn't wrong in what he said, was he?

"Wahabbism" is a completely different thing from Salafism and "Wahabbism" isn't a real thing It's mainly used as a derogatory term.
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detached from western society, which causes radicalization.

Then again Eu countries are Christian, of course it is going to be more compatible than Islam.

Western society is majorly detached with itself, majority of western (belgian in particular) new generation that i know is atheist. So your argument that EU is christian and it's compatibility with islam is not a valid argument. States of europe have no religion, young lads have all the other ideas except chritianity. So the debate of religion/sect is not the issue here. It's xenophobia, islamophobia, anthropophobia that creeps in. Majority of belgium is stuck between wallonia and flanders tussle; ik spreek geen nederlands and je ne parle pas français issue. And here you are talking about foreigners not speaking "your" language! Which one? Locals (white belgians) don't like speaking each regions language and don't like each other. And then the immigrant belgian issue comes, where shall i start congo? or other african belgians? And then comes the muslim population. This is a multifaceted societal cum cultural issue.

Of course my sources are limited and I never claimed to be an intellectual wizard, why don't you go ahead and enlighten me, smartarse?

not your sources, your knowledge is limited. And to enlighten yourself you need a good university not any hogeschool.
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Wow Europe will now penalize thought-crimes. Its quite exposing that people who keep shouting about liberty are now policing thought.

expelling those Imams who teach traditional Islam as it’s supposed to be.
Wahhabism isn't a "tradition" interpretation of Islam. It is very modernist and materialistic. You only have to look around the Kaaba to see how they have adapted to the modernist world. Secondly it denies spirituality and is very materialistic, even God is made up of material and looks like a human being with a beard in Wahhabi Islam.
the west is starting to slowly open its eyes and smell the coffee on salafism/wahabism...

Islam is not the problem. its an extremist cultists, absolutist backward ideology coming from the gulf, backed by billions of petro dollars that's becoming a plague.

its not only a menace to humanity, but has tarnished the image of all muslims.
The 'right' Islam for those European countries is the Islam that respects the laws and duties of said countries, the law of that country is above Islamic law. If you can't deal with it, leave.
Actually real islam is compatible for people living in the west.And rights and duties of said countries do not interfere with real islam.People can be good muslims and good citizens of those countries at the same time.
Everyone try to shove down his beliefs in others throat or want others to live like him should simply leave and should not be allowed to visit that country again.

the west is starting to slowly open its eyes and smell the coffee on salafism/wahabism...

Islam is not the problem. its an extremist cultists, absolutist backward ideology coming from the gulf, backed by billions of petro dollars that's becoming a plague.

its not only a menace to humanity, but has tarnished the image of all muslims.
100% agree with you.
the west is starting to slowly open its eyes and smell the coffee on salafism/wahabism...

Islam is not the problem. its an extremist cultists, absolutist backward ideology coming from the gulf, backed by billions of petro dollars that's becoming a plague.

its not only a menace to humanity, but has tarnished the image of all muslims.
Huh....but according to your Muslims brothers on here there is nothing wrong with Wahhabism, salafism form of Islam. So why are you calling it a backward violent ideology that has tarnished the name of Islam?

I'm confused in who to believe now.
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Huh....but according to your Muslims brothers on here there is nothing wrong with Wahhabism, salafism form of Islam. So why are you calling it a backward violent ideology that has tarnished the name of Islam?
With over 1 billion Muslims you can't expect there to not be a diverse set of opinions.
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You clearly don't understand what "Sharia" actually is. If you did, you wouldn't have a problem with it.
Sharia means something like 'path', you only answert to Allah and for example, for drinking alcohol, you can get 80 lashes or even death.
Thus, I do have a isseu with Sharia, even more so when people pretend it to somehow be compatible with the west.
There is a fine line between criticizing and SLANDER. Learn the difference.
I know the difference, I have a feeling quite a few of the more conservative muslims don't.
And by the way, even 'insulting' is part of freedom of speech (like Charlie Hebdo), don't like it? Leave.
Who is suggesting that you change your life?
Our rules are the highest in the hierarchy, Salafists don't respect that, making exceptions for them is a change of life, it would even be considered throwing away our own norms.
I never said "evil western countries" so don't quote that.
You did imply that when you're blaming the radicalization solely on on said countries and refusing to call the lack of the will of assimilating of some muslims also a cause.
Yes, a racist population is a cause for radicalization, whether you wish to accept it or not the facts are indisputable. Islamaphobes like Geert Wilders are the reason for your increasingly radicalized population. That's a fact, deal with it.

The KKK and white supremacists wielding guns are the reason why the black panthers exist.

One extreme breeds another.
I don't disagree with that, that is indeed a cause of radicalization. Majority is not racist, just like the majority of muslims aren't terrorists either. Another big cause of radicalization is the refusal to assimilate, salafism is responsible for that, too.
There you go, they called themselves 'salafists' they are one of the biggest reasons so many vunerable youth radicalized.
Wrong, secularism has absolutely no bearing on the success of a country.
Really, there are plenty secular western countries who are succesfull, you can count the succesfull non-secular countries on 1 hand (when you compare them to western countries).
So it's suddenly pretty clear you know nothing about European history. Welp, don't complain when another terrorist attack happens in Belgium. By refusing to accept and get rid of the cause of problems, don't be suprised when that problem pops up again.
Really, don't have most European countries have a 'Christian history', because we have said history, we are more used to it, then it would only make sense that Christianity would be more compatible than Islam (I never actually said that Chirstianity is compatible, which it isn't, you're right in that, I said it is still more so than Islam, as no western country was ever Muslim, whith Spain beign a notable exception, but then again, Islam doesn't seem to be influencing them all that much either.
You should pay closer attention to what I write. Perhaps I was too unclear, if so, I hope I have cleared things up a little now.
Please go back to school and research human ecology and realize that every society has another society inside it.
I know all too well that everyone has their own culture, but if you live in our country you answer to our laws, salafists clearly don't respect that, that's what I meant with creating your 'own society'.
So speaking a language that he is more familiar with is suddenly disrespecting a country?
He was in the country for 10 years, no one expects a tourist to speak our own language, but if you live in said country for 10 years you should speak the language even a little.
Perhaps you should read more carefully instead going into a little hissy fit, like you did earlier when you said I should "go back to school".
"Wahabbism" is a completely different thing from Salafism and "Wahabbism" isn't a real thing It's mainly used as a derogatory term.
'Salafist' and 'Wahabi' are used interchangeably here, but if it makes you feel better, I'll only use the term 'Salafist' from now on.
If I would call a Muslim person a Salafist, I would use it as an insult anyways, like the term ' uber conservative' or even 'fascist' is used.

Western society is majorly detached with itself, majority of western (belgian in particular) new generation that i know is atheist. So your argument that EU is christian and it's compatibility with islam is not a valid argument.
Never really made that argument, what I was trying to say is that Christianity is more compatible than Islam, because most countries are (were) Chirstian, not Muslim.
States of europe have no religion, young lads have all the other ideas except chritianity. So the debate of religion/sect is not the issue here. It's xenophobia, islamophobia, anthropophobia that creeps in.
No the states are secular in the first place, there's freedom of religion, but that law>any religion.
There we go, of course it is 'xenophobia' and whatnot that causes radicalization, but of course none of the Muslim have done nothing wrong thmeselves, nooooo, not at all, it's all the fault of the so called 'xenophobes', they definitely exist, like Wilders or Dewinter, but they are in the minority, no one denies that, same goes for the Muslims...

It's a viscious circle really, (Some) Muslim (falsely) percieve us to be all 'racists' and then start detaching and radicalizing, which Salafism has a major contribution to, on the other side, because this happens, (some) local poeple have the (false) sentiment that all Muslims are terrorists and whatnot.
Majority of belgium is stuck between wallonia and flanders tussle; ik spreek geen nederlands and je ne parle pas français issue. And here you are talking about foreigners not speaking "your" language! Which one? Locals (white belgians) don't like speaking each regions language and don't like each other.
In the Walloons, there are people who speak French, in Flanders there live people who speak Dutch. The language barrier is definitely a issue, but Flemish learn French at school. The issue between Flanders and Walloons is al lot more complex; it's a lot more than the 'Ik spreek geen Nederlands' bs.
I expected you would know that, professor, clearly you are ignorant on Belgium, like you accuse me to be ignorant on this issue, please stop acting like a hypocrite.
At least I admit I don't know everything, you don't. Perhaps you should do something on your superioity complex, like I should go to a university and not a 'hogechool'.
And then the immigrant belgian issue comes, where shall i start congo? or other african belgians?
No one is pretending that there aren't trouble with any minority group, but there sure are a lot less trouble with the Congelese.
This is a multifaceted societal cum cultural issue.
True, I never siad it wasn't. This particular article is about a Salafist Imam and the 'Muslim' problem in extention, not about the Congolese or any minority like the Hasidic Jews for that matter.
We shouldn't deviate.

Actually real islam is compatible for people living in the west.And rights and duties of said countries do not interfere with real islam.People can be good muslims and good citizens of those countries at the same time.
Never really denied that, what you say is true, People can perfectly be muslim or Christian and be a good citizen, the trouble only start to arise when you do not respect the laws of the country.
Everyone try to shove down his beliefs in others throat or want others to live like him should simply leave and should not be allowed to visit that country again.
Completely agree.
Huh....but according to your Muslims brothers on here there is nothing wrong with Wahhabism, salafism form of Islam. So why are you calling it a backward violent ideology that has tarnished the name of Islam?

I'm confused in who to believe now.

a lot of muslims are confused about this as well... They see western media/politicians attacking muslims. and they think to themselves im a muslim... im not a terrorist. all the people I know who are muslims aren't terrorists... this is some BS propaganda. and they get rightfully defensive about it.

Most people in the west don't differentiate between sects, nationality or anything.... some Somali salafi with a low IQ launches some lone wolf attack... and its "islam"!!!! omg islam!! and instantly 1.2 billion muslims of various nationalities/sects are associated with him..

you never see this with any other nationality or sect. if some white Christian guy massacres people in the US. its never EVER "white people" "Christian people"... its always that individual..

its a cycle that's repeating endlessly. and has absolutely tarnished islams image.

Muslims need to stand up. Reject the wahabist ideology coming from the gulf. and differentiate between some sub-human wahabi terrorist and the 99.99999% of regular muslims who are just trying to go about their lives like the rest of humanity.

you could argue that the western media is also part of this problem (though that's a completely different debate)

its really not rocket science. look at just about every single "muslim" terror attack against the west. Almost without exception they are wahabi;s salafi's... if you dig down even deeper you see they are either heavily brainwashed from youth growing up with the ideology. or some loser recent convert with a low IQ, social outcast who had nothing going for his/her life who has embraces this sort of ideology...

these sub-human scum have absolutely nothing to do with islam, or muslims. muslims shouldn't get defensive about them, but disown them in my opinion.
I'm confused in who to believe now.

Whoever said there was a consensus? Some ignorant people think Salafism is bad when it's clearly not. Salafis are people like you and me. Why do they deserve to be ostracized from society because of a lack of understanding of their faith?

Sharia means something like 'path', you only answert to Allah and for example, for drinking alcohol, you can get 80 lashes or even death.
Thus, I do have a isseu with Sharia, even more so when people pretend it to somehow be compatible with the west.

"Sharia is a body of Quran-based guidance that points Muslims toward living an Islamic life.

"It doesn’t come from a state, and it doesn’t even come in one book or a single collection of rules. Sharia is divine and philosophical. The human interpretation of sharia is called “fiqh,” or Islamic rules of right action, created by individual scholars based on the Quran and hadiths. Fiqh literally means “understanding” — and its many different schools of thought illustrate that scholars knew they didn’t speak for God."

"Fiqh distinguishes between the spiritual value of an action (how God sees it) and the worldly value of that action (how it affects others). Fiqh rules might obligate a devout Muslim to pray, but it’s not the job of a Muslim ruler to enforce that obligation. Fiqh is not designed to help governments police morality in the way, say, Saudi Arabia does today. According to classical fiqh scholarship, a Muslim ruler’s task was to put forth another type of law, called siyasa, based on what best serves the public good. The most vivid example of this was the recognition of incestuous (mother-son, brother-sister) marriages practiced by some non-Muslim minorities living under Muslim rule, dating back at least to the 14th century, despite the abhorrence, generally, of such marriages to Islam. In other words, sharia doesn’t hold that everything objectionable to Islam should be outlawed."

" The Quran repeatedly commands Muslims to keep promises and uphold covenants. That includes treaties among nations and extends to individuals living under non-Muslim rule. Muslims have lived as minorities in non-Muslim societies since the beginning of Islam — from Christian Abyssinia to imperial China. And fiqh scholars have always insisted that Muslims in non-Muslim lands must obey the laws of those lands and do no harm within host countries. If local law conflicts with Muslims’ sharia obligations? Some scholars say they should emigrate; others allow them to stay. But none advocate violence or a takeover of those governments."


You did imply


I don't disagree with that, that is indeed a cause of radicalization.

The cause.

Really, there are plenty secular western countries who are succesfull, you can count the succesfull non-secular countries on 1 hand (when you compare them to western countries).

UAE Non-Secular
Saudi Arabia Non-Secular
Algeria Non-Secular
Morocco Non-Secular
Tunisia Non-Secular
Kuwait Non-Secular
Jordan Non-Secular
Bahrain Non-Secular
Qatar Non-Secular
The Vatican Non-Secular
Brunei Non-Secular
Denmark Non-Secular
Israel Non-secular
Oman Non-secular

You must have very un-natural hands my friend.

Do you want me to list the poor secular countries too?

He was in the country for 10 years,

So what? He is more familiar with the other one. Does that deserve deportation? NOPE.

Completely agree.

Ironic considering you want to force other people to swallow your beliefs.
"Sharia is a body of Quran-based guidance that points Muslims toward living an Islamic life.

"It doesn’t come from a state, and it doesn’t even come in one book or a single collection of rules. Sharia is divine and philosophical. The human interpretation of sharia is called “fiqh,” or Islamic rules of right action, created by individual scholars based on the Quran and hadiths. Fiqh literally means “understanding” — and its many different schools of thought illustrate that scholars knew they didn’t speak for God."

"Fiqh distinguishes between the spiritual value of an action (how God sees it) and the worldly value of that action (how it affects others). Fiqh rules might obligate a devout Muslim to pray, but it’s not the job of a Muslim ruler to enforce that obligation. Fiqh is not designed to help governments police morality in the way, say, Saudi Arabia does today. According to classical fiqh scholarship, a Muslim ruler’s task was to put forth another type of law, called siyasa, based on what best serves the public good. The most vivid example of this was the recognition of incestuous (mother-son, brother-sister) marriages practiced by some non-Muslim minorities living under Muslim rule, dating back at least to the 14th century, despite the abhorrence, generally, of such marriages to Islam. In other words, sharia doesn’t hold that everything objectionable to Islam should be outlawed."

" The Quran repeatedly commands Muslims to keep promises and uphold covenants. That includes treaties among nations and extends to individuals living under non-Muslim rule. Muslims have lived as minorities in non-Muslim societies since the beginning of Islam — from Christian Abyssinia to imperial China. And fiqh scholars have always insisted that Muslims in non-Muslim lands must obey the laws of those lands and do no harm within host countries. If local law conflicts with Muslims’ sharia obligations? Some scholars say they should emigrate; others allow them to stay. But none advocate violence or a takeover of those governments."

The point is, Salafist don't want to obey 'laws' of those countries, their laws or nothing. Sharia might have some 'nice'points, but it still prescribe punishments like whiplashes and even execution, you seem to be trying cherry-picking, by giving those good points you say 'look how good Sharia is'. You even said that in case Muslims live in other countries, they have to follow those rules, basically admitting that Sharia is not compatible.
The very fact that Sharia is 'the law of Allah' already makes it not compatible, let's not speak how it describes barbaric punishments for breaking laws.
Major edit:
This man explains what Sharia in reality is:

You're contradicting yourself, you say in the very same post 'the cause, basically blaming it all on the western countries and it's citizens.
The cause.
A cause, I'd say the lack of will to assimilate by some Muslims is just as big a cause, if not bigger. The fact that people like you like to blame it all on the western countries you live in, is very telling. The single biggest reason that our youth radicalizes, is because they are detached (mostly because of poor upbringing by even more poorly assimilated parents) get in contact with Salafist organisations, like Sharia4Belgium, who actively recruits them for their vile cause.
UAE Non-Secular
Saudi Arabia Non-Secular
Algeria Non-Secular
Morocco Non-Secular
Tunisia Non-Secular
Kuwait Non-Secular
Jordan Non-Secular
Bahrain Non-Secular
Qatar Non-Secular
The Vatican Non-Secular
Brunei Non-Secular
Denmark Non-Secular
Israel Non-secular
Oman Non-secular
Other than Denmark and maybe Israel, those countries aren't very close in succes to western countries. Then again in Denmark (and Israel) there's freedom of speech and also freedom of movement, which allows people to be creative, making those countries succesfull.
What else do countries like Saudi Arabia have than oil?
You must have very un-natural hands my friend.
You must have a limited criteria of succes, my friend.
So what? He is more familiar with the other one. Does that deserve deportation? NOPE.
So what? 10 years and not even a word of the language, clear disrespect, disrespect and disregard he supported. You think that's the only reason he got deported? It is because Francken (the minister who decided to deport him) did ask a torough investigation, which apparently proved that he only was poorly assimilated, but also proved he was a radical Salafist, the main reason he got deported. So does he deserve to be deported, knowing he was a potential threat for the national security? A big fat yes.
Ironic considering you want to force other people to swallow your beliefs.
No, I don't want to force anyone any beliefs, I said many times that the laws of those countries are above Islamic (Salafist) laws, I also said that you are free to worship your religion, as long it doesn't interfere with our laws. If this is what you mean with 'forcing other people your beliefs', then sure, guilty as charged, if you refuse this, then you really aren't at the right place.
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. Sharia might have some 'nice'points,

You clearly didn't bother to comprehend what I posted.

You're contradicting yourself

Not really.

those countries aren't very close in success to western countries.

They are actually

plural noun: successes

the attainment of popularity or profit.

All these countries are rich, making them successful.

No, I don't want to force anyone any beliefs,

Wrong, read your comments again.
You clearly didn't bother to comprehend what I posted.
Your argument was that Sharia was compatible with western countries, which it isn't. Sharia does not have a single interpretation, the only real consistency is that Allahs voice is central, you answer only to him, making Sharia not compatible by default. Your article from Washington post proves nothing.
Sharia has multiple interpretations, again this very interesting video, from someone who has actually studied it properly:
Not really.
Yes you did: "The cause." You did blame the problem solely on westerners.
They are actually

plural noun: successes

the attainment of popularity or profit.

All these countries are rich, making them successful.
Ah so your only real criteria is 'profit', again sticking to one definion, are we?

1. the favourable outcome of something attempted
2. the attainment of wealth, fame, etc (the only one you used)
3. an action, performance, etc, that is characterized by success
4. a person or thing that is successful
5. obsolete any outcome

A few more:
1obsolete :outcome, result
2a :degree or measure of succeeding
b :favorable or desired outcome; also :the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence
3:one that succeeds
Side note: 'wealth' doesn't always have to be materialistic, like money.
Those countries you mentioned might be reasonably wealthy, the most of them don't have human rights like western countries, women rights in Saudi Arabia is an example, something I (and many) consider a treasure, or freedom of speech, do countries like UAE, Bahrain or Qatar have that? That's considered succes too.

Wrong, read your comments again.
You meant comments like: "if you can't handle it, leave?" well that was in relation to Salafist trying to stop critizism they consider to be 'hate speech' and you know what? Hate speech like chcarlie Hebdo is still freedom of speech, you have no right to silence it, I still completely stand by it.
I said often that you're free to worship and practice your religion, as long you respect the hierarchy; the law of the country you live in > Sharia. If you refuse, you're in rebellion to said country's laws adn constitution, laws are there for a reason; to prevent anarchy.

You might have trouble in comprehension as well.

Look at who hes quoting as an authority on Sharia LOL....Robert Spencer/Jihad Watch!!

@Cell_DbZ Do you know who Robert Spencer is? He has been disgraced on several occasions as a hate monger..

Man you really need some catching up to do..but we're here to help <3

edit:confused daniel pipes with Robert Spencer
What does that have anything to do with this? He has practiced Salafism for a long time. So what? There is nothing wrong with that. Doesn't Belgium have religious freedom? Salafis are just as peaceful as Sufis, Ibadis, and Shias.

Full religious freedom would allow sacrificing heathens (Muslims) to Odin.
I am not sure You would enjoy that.
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