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Sami have you ever heard of the phrase "begani shaadi me abdulla diwana"? An Indian is getting married to another Indian, not sure why Bangladeshis should care. Shows lack of self-respect if you ask me. But then again you lot are arab and timurids. :)
well that video was discussed to death in muslim forumS, it pissed of everyone including other Arabs like Egyptians! This saudi man did it out of nationalism, as the Bangladeshi criticized his country!! Clearly that guy was not practicing Muslim! So shut this up!!

well that video was discussed to death in muslim forumS, it pissed of everyone including other Arabs like Egyptians! This saudi man did it out of nationalism, as the Bangladeshi criticized his country!! Clearly that guy was not practicing Muslim! So shut this up!! ...

well that video was discussed to death in muslim forumS, it pissed of everyone including other Arabs like Egyptians! This saudi man did it out of nationalism, as the Bangladeshi criticized his country!! Clearly that guy was not practicing Muslim! So shut this up!! ...
well that video was discussed to death in muslim forumS, it pissed of everyone including other Arabs like Egyptians! This saudi man did it out of nationalism, as the Bangladeshi criticized his country!! Clearly that guy was not practicing Muslim! So shut this up!!

My point exactly. Even when the religion itself was originated in Arab, the Arabs still prefer to be Arabs and treat you like Bangladeshi instead of Muslim. So why do you guys expect that we would treat you like anything else if we convert.
Let's say may be in future Islam will become dominant religion in India, just as once Vedic religion or Budhhism was(It does not matter to me as for me all of them are idiotic mumbo jumbo peddled by clever folks to keep the sheeple in control). But how is it going to change anything for you guys? Bangladeshis will still be considered as low class and they will still be controlled by Indian proxies. Maybe we will pull off an Arab on you people with the blessing of our new found faith. ;)

"Saudi beats up a Bangladeshi, spits on him, makes him kiss his hand feet."

We probably far beyond the reach of Indian where they can call us low cast. Cast is what Indian known for.

And regarding licking white guy's (Arab is white if you did not know) feet by Indian, I can bring zillion of videos and stories too. Do you really want that?

Your frustration was evident in your post. I don't know why as you claim yourself as non Hindus. YOu should had overcome the inferiority complex of Hidutva fanatics like Vinod by now.

My point exactly. Even when the religion itself was originated in Arab, the Arabs still prefer to be Arabs and treat you like Bangladeshi instead of Muslim. So why do you guys expect that we would treat you like anything else if we convert.

Ofcourse Arab should consider them as Arab. You expect them to consider themselves as Bangladeshi? But they will beat your a$$ if they find you screwing girls or drinking alcohol being a Muslim. Yes they will ask you whether you are Muslim. They did ask me when I was waiting for visa in Dubai airport.
We probably far beyond the reach of Indian where they can call us low cast. Cast is what Indian known for.

And regarding licking white guy's (Arab is white if you did not know) feet by Indian, I can bring zillion of videos and stories too. Do you really want that?

Your frustration was evident in your post. I don't know why as you claim yourself as non Hindus. YOu should had overcome the inferiority complex of Hidutva fanatics like Vinod by now.

Where did you find any mention of caste in my post, or was it just usual canard. Just for the record, I don't believe in caste but accept the reality of it(just as I accept the reality of racism). It's generally Bangladeshi who call other dalit(weird, I know), check few posts above.

Well I don't care if Arabs are white(although people from Saudi, Oman etc looks pretty tropical to me, at least more than myself). I wouldn't like to be an Arab. I know Arabs treat Indians who go there for monetary purpose pretty badly, thankfully I would never need to go there. Anyway it just proves my point that Arab remained Arab even after adopting a new religion.

How does it matter if I'm Hindutva or martian as long as my posts speak fact? Also I never said I'm non Hindu. I'm as Hindu as it gets. Just to give you a leg up, let me quote Amartya Sen.

In some ways people had got used to the idea that India was spiritual and religion-oriented. That gave a leg up to the religious interpretation of India, despite the fact that Sanskrit had a larger atheistic literature than what exists in any other classical language. Madhava Acharya, the remarkable 14th century philosopher, wrote this rather great book called Sarvadarshansamgraha, which discussed all the religious schools of thought within the Hindu structure. The first chapter is "Atheism" – a very strong presentation of the argument in favor of atheism and materialism.
Better than rapine and genocide.

Believing that is the will of God because one desert dweller claimed that.

Or that blowing up marketplaces of civilians gives you right to screw 72 virgins eternally!

Gosh.. you are just adding up lines in your posts. Seems like you are really angry and dont know what exactly you should write to take us to your level.

We know your kind, and we will not be angry. Love from Islam.. welcome to faith.
You know these pictures were posted by Hindutva terrorist in the blog... Dont buy those brother or you could make an example once you embrace Islam.

I am impressed.

With ambassadors like you and your ilk, Islam is no longer in perpetual danger. ;)

Hey Indian blackey hanumanji, how many times have you posted this video to show your personal hatred towards the Bangladeshis? Stop it. Your face is ugly because you are an Achyut, but why your mind is also dirty? You do not have to worry about our 3rd class race, mind your own business unless you do not want to be dominated by this 3rd class race again. Why do you keep on sending hate posts?
When Indians do not even want to spend only 3 lakh Taka to buy a car, you are telling some BD people buy BMW at 3 crore Taka? It seems BD people are genetically not a miser group of people. This is why BD will develop faster. It is the minds of middle and rich classes that takes the economy higher very fast. It is because of their propensity to spend.


Indoa vehicle penetration 18 in 1000
you 3 in 1000


How long you are gonna lie and distort reality? From where you got the 14000 figure....it is said the year before 38000 reconditioned car was imported. Then due to huge tax it fell to around 20000 but in the 1st 6 month around 12500 car was imported. This only reconditioned car. Price of 1500 cc toyota increased from 15 lakh to 22 lakh in just 2 year.

Lastly I used the nano example to show you how expensive it is to buy car in bd compared to india.

N the stuff you are talking about luxary car selling in india with such low price it would also have been sold like hot cake. I just checked price of bmw x1 in india. It is 22 to 30 lakh rupee only. In Bd you can not think of bmw with less then 1 crore taka.
1 US dollar = 81.9500 Bangladeshi takas
Hey Indian blackey hanumanji, how many times have you posted this video to show your personal hatred towards the Bangladeshis? Stop it. Your face is ugly because you are an Achyut, but why your mind is also dirty? You do not have to worry about our 3rd class race, mind your own business unless you do not want to be dominated by this 3rd class race again. Why do you keep on sending hate posts?

Calm down mate !!!

You argue well when you are cool..

I pretty much know you don;t even believe what you said so you can delete the post !!!

Labongs point is ... the concept of Ummah is only used for opportunism and he gave the example in his video..

So even if India becomes a Muslim majority according to some people's wishes here.. they will remain Indians and nationalists rather than an Ummah brethren...

I remember some people in the forum wished North East India to rebel India and join Bangladesh..

The Bodo issue perhaps oponed their eyes and I do not see any more such comments..
Inferiority complex of cave mentality saffron colored clowns knows no bounds. Seems like the condition reached epidemic proportions in the Indian populace.:lol:

However to me conversion is like changing your cloth, it won't change the real you, and a Bangladeshi, might he be a Muslim or Hindu, will still be treated by Arabs like the video I posted and looked down upon in our side of Bengal. Unless off course he is charismatic one like Dr Yunus.

Hey troll ,are u an expert on arabs? Anyway even if what u say was minutely reflected in the majority of the arab population , it still doesn't matter to Islam or muslims since arabs are not the yardstick for being model muslims but Quran and sunnah of our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is. Though I highly doubt it went through that thick skull of yours.:undecided: If its too hard for u to comprehend , then don't bother. Stick to smelling dipjol's ponts. :lol:
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