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Govt not to issue licence to Geo English


Apr 2, 2008
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Govt not to issue licence to Geo English
The News
Monday, May 12, 2008
By our correspondent
ISLAMABAD: The authorities have decided not to issue a licence to the Geo English television channel and the laws and the Pemra ordinance are being amended to make it impossible for the TV channel to get the licence.

The management of the Geo Television Network had applied for a licence to launch Geo English around one year ago, and all the formalities had been fulfilled in this regard, but the licence has so far not been issued.

It is pertinent to mention here that the Geo management has hired services of prominent journalists of the country and they are being paid hefty salaries. The organisation has so far spent Rs2 billion on preparations to launch the Geo English.

The journalistic circles are concerned over the delay in launch of the Geo English, which would prove to be an effective tool to project Pakistan's image abroad and highlight its point of view on various issues before the world community.
what type of image can geo project when they are strictly anti state, bloody trators
LOL thats the problem with Pakistan, people who show you mirrors. You call them traitors, Gaddar hai ye Gaddar hai.

Dasso, If Rehman Malik and Shaukat Aziz can be patriots. Then hell any one can be a Patriot lol.
i guss, geo already have..... more than what they ...... want.. but its right time to stop GEO co. WHICH WANTED TO OWN EVERY THING ON THE NAME OF FREEDOM OF MEDIA...????
Its nothing underhanded at this point. At issue are the cross media ownershipp regulations that have apparently been in place since Pemra was created. The idea being not allowing a monopoly on media ownership.

The new government may or may not amend it. Personally I think that multiple language news outlets owned by a single entity should be allowed, since the different languages cater to different audiences.

When you start looking into smaller regional markets (the smaller local language groups) there may not be enough financial incentive for a completely new entity to start a regional language service, but an already established media group like Jang etc. would have the financial clout to provide those services.
I fail to see the issue here. Geo already has media outlets in Urdu I assume; so what is the point of denying them a license to operate a channel in English?
No political or govt pressure on Pemra: chairman

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
ISLAMABAD: Chairman Pakistan Electric Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra), Mushtaq Malik categorically rejected the speculations that Pemra has not given license to Geo English Channel because of political pressure.

Addressing a press conference here on Monday he said there is no pressure on Pemra from any quarter whether political or government. Chairman Pemra said the reason behind not issuing the license was ‘Cross Media Rules’, which are under formative phase, while the ‘Ownership Rules’ are yet to be finalised by the federal government.

He said cross media restrictions were relaxed under the PEMRA Ordinance 2002 through the Pemra (Amendment) Act 2007 and the federal government was to make rules in order to regulate the cross media ownership.

He said Pemra has no antagonism to any media outfit and they believe in free and healthy media impetus in the country. The chairman further said that a request has also been initiated to the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting to prescribe media policy.

He clarified that besides Geo TV there were few other companies who were also not issued license due to similar or other reasons. The rationale behind cross media restriction is to avoid undue concentration of media in few hands, exclude monopolies and ensure plurality and diversity in media.
No political or govt pressure on Pemra: chairman

From these comments it would appear that the denial is due to a lack of clear media policy and rules.

Given that the PPP has already taken a somewhat "unpopular" decision of not reinstating the judges the way NS wanted, they may decide not to antagonize the media any further and grant Geo the license.

Information Minister Sherry Rahman has already come out in favor of this, and the PPP is supporting Geo in the SC on the Contempt of Court issue.
LOL thats the problem with Pakistan, people who show you mirrors. You call them traitors, Gaddar hai ye Gaddar hai.

Dasso, If Rehman Malik and Shaukat Aziz can be patriots. Then hell any one can be a Patriot lol.

Gr8! Its really good obsevation, You really Dynamic dynasty for which we Pakistani looking since decades even before liberty.
Peoples expected dynamic Dynasty & Destiny what they gazed, may find just after extablishing Pakistan but they couldnt get it yet.
All powers, authorities and resources captured by civil Bearucracy...then army came in front in partnership of Civil Bearucracy..and rule on country under shield of front line paid "politiicans" and "Media".

They Designed an stage to portry "democracy" for cover or for certain reasons. they have chosen debris of Corrupt-Retd service-men, Lazy Feudals, Greedy Businessmen, and Loquacious Informers Media, and made them Elites (politicians) to make fool to public. Dont we judge that, our so-called imposed politician and media fulfilling their agenda whole heartedly, why we crying upon them to confront the issues which is beyond their actual agenda? Infact they dont have capabilties nor they have "Will" and "Where, there is no 'will' there's is no way"--- simply despite of richness in natural resources and refind Human Resources: like you, too.

Civil & Army Bearucracy have sound grip on country & its resources to use it as & when they like, since early decades till today, they made a system to rule,
This real ruling partnership never share the powers with their slaves the dominated-politicians, but allowed these forged (so called politicians) for plundering the nation's money and resources.

Its obviously understood that, a slave who became politician on back of Civil & Army then how can he is able or even think to confront the actual problems.

I did my Masters In Journalism preplanned with an idealogy, but when I found the facts about Media, where money is no problem, but as the price of ethics. I got great disappoitment, and now for survival i do my job in some multinational other then media.

In actual, Journalism is a discipline of collecting, verifying, analyzing and presenting information gathered regarding current events, including trends, issues and people. Calling journalism the "first rough draft of history" (the phrase is widely credited to Philip Graham) has become a cliché; but the press literally created the cliché.

As far as our Media concern, dont we knows that Geo is Owned by Jand group which always benefitted by every government and ruling since decades, enrich of Government's advertisment as special favor. In fact now they became blackmailers, they are not only bypass all "code of ethics" composed by their own association "International Press association".
(Mr. Mazhar Abbas The Secretary General of the "Pakistan Federal Unioun Of Journalists" admitted during discussion on Geo TV talk show "Capital Talk" today May 13, 2008 that, some of our journalists "evade" the code of conduct, and bias.

Today In fact, they threatens our lives with lies & fictions. No doubt that, journalism has edge to become popular obviously, but it is popular mainly as fiction. Life is one world, and life seen in the newspapers another.
Personal columnists are jackals and no jackal has been known to live on grass once he had learned about meat (money)-- no matter who & how killed the meat for him.

In my view, The Pakistan is our country, the Country of about 170 million: including approx 100 million consists on the youngs (17 to - 25 years old) peoples as majority, not only of the minority of few elites men-eaters....... so I mind it if some one or even Media portray our country image worst, before the world.

"The press is just a bunch of rubbish anyway. So — you know — they never get a story right anyways, and it's always rumors and gossip and, um, over-sensationalized ****."

My brother, it's pre-designed to chant on specific targeted elites among the same class just to divert public attention from serious issues, would you tell me that, which real issue did Media raised particularly related to mis-leading, bad governess, inflation, unemployment, or corruption..ever? No! Do you think, are they follow....the compaign ....till get justice in real ......no never. My bro they are just pursue the cash and in the way to enhance their share additionally.

Did they chant to declare the status of scheme "Qurz Utaro - Mulk Sawaro" does they have ever asked a single question to Nawaz Sharif that, you are sitting with the Zardari(Mr.10%) whom he has declared and spent about 12 billion for investigation liu..... what is the final result if he is not defaulter then why Nawaz waste huge sum of nation's money? Did Media specially Geo asked him or to public that, why he had broken the institutions, including stroming on Superium Court on Nov 28 1997, the worstiest incident in the world, which he was not supposed to do that being an democratic politician, why he is always play politics of clashes with institutions, why he do not prefer peoples grieves at 1st ???

No never they will asked, as they sold their spirit and became paid slave of slaves, being hugely financed, otherwise this is the Hamid Mir, who alleged Nawaz Sharif when he was Editor "Daily Pakistan, and due to that, day after he had left that Job and (later he joined Ausaf).

Now a days media specially Geo, shows their arrogance against Musharraf, did "Media" ever has asked or follow-up to investigation, or guide peoples about the issues related to fiddled of Billions of rupees in Land & Property , and the billion of ruppees from national money riped-off by his partners all over the Pakistan, during Musharraf's ruling tenure?

No my dear they never raise any real scamy issue, as i told above they just chanting on pre-engineered issues, but do not frame or invetigate the real issues as for real forgaries they already shared money.

As far as Patriots concern if you mean it with Faisal Hyat, Sher Afgan, or Raza Hiraaj..........etc then whole parliment is patriot like them. :smokin:

So we are looking for Destiny of Dynamic Dynasty, Thanks God we found!:pakistan:
Its difficult to feel sorry for Geo to be frank. THey aren't exactly the angels of "objective and unbiased" news anyways. The majority of the "free" media seems to be in the pocket of the N league. Some of their programs make Bill Oreilly decent.
Its difficult to feel sorry for Geo to be frank. THey aren't exactly the angels of "objective and unbiased" news anyways. The majority of the "free" media seems to be in the pocket of the N league. Some of their programs make Bill Oreilly decent.
LOL, as soon as PML-N will come to the govt it will go to PPPP's pocket. Great logic. Genious! I could not think of it.
Gr8! Its really good obsevation, You really Dynamic dynasty for which we Pakistani looking since decades even before liberty.
Peoples expected dynamic Dynasty & Destiny what they gazed, may find just after extablishing Pakistan but they couldnt get it yet.
All powers, authorities and resources captured by civil Bearucracy...then army came in front in partnership of Civil Bearucracy..and rule on country under shield of fornt line paid "politiicans" and "Media".

They Designed an stage to portry "democracy" for cover or for certain reasons. they have chosen debris of Corrupt-Retd service-men, Lazy Feudals, Greedy Businessmen, and Loquacious Informers Media, and made them Elites (politicians) to make fool to public. Dont we judge that, our so called imposed politician and media fulfilling their agenda whole heartedly. why we crying upon them to confront the issues which is beyond their actual agenda, infact they dont have capabilties nor they have "will" and "Where, there is no 'will' there's is no way" simply despite of richness in natural resources and refind Human Resources: like you, too.

Civil & Army Bearucracy have sound grip on country & its resources and use as & when they like, since early till today, they made a system to rule,
This real ruling partnership never share the powers with their slave the dominated-politicians, but allowed these forged (so called politicians) for plundering the nation's money and resources.

Its obviously understood that, a slave who became politician on back of Civil & army then can he able or even think to confront the actual problems.

I did my Masters In Journalism preplanned with an idealogy, but when I found the facts about Media, where is money is no problem, but as the price of ethics. I got great disappoitment, and now for survival i do my job in some multinational other then media.

In actual, Journalism is a discipline of collecting, verifying, analyzing and presenting information gathered regarding current events, including trends, issues and people. Calling journalism the "first rough draft of history" (the phrase is widely credited to Philip Graham) has become a cliché; but the press literally created the cliché.

As far as our Media concern, dont we knws that Geo is Owned by Jand group which always benefitted by every government and ruling since decades enrich of Government's advertisment as special favor. now they became blackmailers, they are not only bypass all "code of ethics" composed by their own association "International Press association".
(Mr. Mazhar Abbas The Secretary General of the "Pakistan Federal Unioun Of Journalists" admitted during discussion on Geo TV talk show "Capital Talk" today May 13, 2008 that, some of our journalists "evade" the code of conduct, and bias.

Today In fact, they threatens our lives with lies & fictions. No doubt that, journalism has edge to become popular obviously, but it is popular mainly as fiction. Life is one world, and life seen in the newspapers another.
Personal columnists are jackals and no jackal has been known to live on grass once he had learned about meat -- no matter who killed the meat for him.

In my view, The Pakistan is our country, the Country of about 170 million: including approx 100 million consists on the youngs (17 to - 25 years old) peoples as majority, not only of the minority of few elites men-eaters....... so I mind it if some one or even Media portray our country image worst, before the world.

"The press is just a bunch of rubbish anyway. So — you know — they never get a story right anyways, and it's always rumors and gossip and, um, over-sensationalized ****."

My brother, its is pre-designed to chant on specific targeted elits among the same class just to divert public attention from serious issues, would you tell me that, what issue Media raised particularly related to misleading, bad governess, or corruption..ever they follow........till get justice.......no never. my bro they just enchash additional to their share. Did they chat about now a scheme "Qurz Utaro - Mulk Sawaro" does they have ever asked a single question to Nawaz Sharif that, you are sitting with the Zardar(Mr.10%) whom he has declared and spent about 12 billion for investigation liu..... what is the final result if he is not defaulter then why Nawaz waste huge sum of nation's money?
Now a days media specially Geo, shows their arrogance against Musharraf, did "Media" ask or follow-up to investigation, or guide peoples about the issues related to fiddled of Billions of rupees in Land & Property , and the billion of ruppees from national money riped-off by his partners all over the Pakistan, during Musharraf's ruling tenure?

No my dear they never raise any real scamy issue, as i told above they just chanting on pre-engineered issues, but do not frame or invetigate the real issues as for real forgaries they already shared money.

as far as Patriots concern if you mean it with Faisal Hyat, Sher Afgan, or Raza Hiraaj..........etc then whole parliment is patriot like them. :smokin:

So we are looking for Destiny of Dynamic Dynasty, Thanks God we found!:pakistan:

First let me clarify some facts from the past, JANG Group was Pro PPPP now i dont know if it is rite now. They did came up with the other issues if you were infront of the tv 24 hours like me you would have known lol. But the thing is it went unnotice why because people change their channels when they see someone is talking about some KASHKARI and FARMERS issues or many other. And about corruption lol they came up with it but what happened rite here on this forum "O G chaddo G, Her govt aa ker yahi kerti hai". LOL

But here is the thing if Not restoring the judges will solve all the other issues then to hell with the judges. But me and you and many other knows that its just BS, nothing will happen.

And about the issues theres one shair " Ham na hote to kisee or ke cherchey hote -- Khalqat-e-Sheher to kehne ko Fasaney mangte hain" lol

And sorry for the late reply i answered when i read the whole thing i use to just run away from this post when i see this huge post and think about reading it.

Dynamic Dynasty
First let me clarify some facts from the past, JANG Group was Pro PPPP now i dont know if it is rite now. They did came up with the other issues if you were infront of the tv 24 hours like me you would have known lol. But the thing is it went unnotice why because people change their channels when they see someone is talking about some KASHKARI and FARMERS issues or many other. And about corruption lol they came up with it but what happened rite here on this forum "O G chaddo G, Her govt aa ker yahi kerti hai". LOL

But here is the thing if Not restoring the judges will solve all the other issues then to hell with the judges. But me and you and many other knows that its just BS, nothing will happen.

And about the issues theres one shair " Ham na hote to kisee or ke cherchey hote -- Khalqat-e-Sheher to kehne ko Fasaney mangte hain" lol

And sorry for the late reply i answered when i read the whole thing i use to just run away from this post when i see this huge post and think about reading it.

Dynamic Dynasty

Its cool and I got you now and really appreciate your approach cleared to me by having ur current post.
Frankly, I assumed your favor to NS, as you may assumed my favor to some one else........but definitly we are just to favor to our loving Pakistan and share our views unbaised.
appology if you or any one hurt by any of my post.
and sorry for long post too:cool:
what type of image can geo project when they are strictly anti state, bloody trators

Lol, They are not anti state, only anti-establishment and enemies of Pakistan traitor like you & whom you follow.
Their voise is the voice of every Pakistani and Pakistan & Islam loving muslims around the world.:pakistan::pakistan:
Its cool and I got you now and really appreciate your approach cleared to me by having ur current post.
Frankly, I assumed your favor to NS, as you may assumed my favor to some one else........but definitly we are just to favor to our loving Pakistan and share our views unbaised.
appology if you or any one hurt by any of my post.
and sorry for long post too:cool:

Yes i support people based on their stances, their work and ground realities. People who are not elected by votes will have no fear whtsoever. Because they dont need votes from anyone, and politicians they still have something atleast in their areas cus they still have to go back to the public.

But anyways, Jiye Musharraf :rofl:
Yes i support people based on their stances, their work and ground realities. People who are not elected by votes will have no fear whtsoever. Because they dont need votes from anyone, and politicians they still have something atleast in their areas cus they still have to go back to the public.

But anyways, Jiye Musharraf :rofl:

I like the spirit.........but remember i m not ProMusharraf........ we do not have to encourage any person who have been engaged in malpratices and misusing of authorities......... I repect and regards to all real painstaking contributors who can assure the right implimentation of effective system under total appraoch philosophy, with good governance as whole, for the developments of Pakistan and its peoples, indeed:pakistan:

Zaroor Jiye Musharraf .....but ...Zara hut key:smokin:
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