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Govt gives go-ahead for ‘preemptive strikes’

Pakistan was not trying anything, in fact giving these savages one chance after other to get their act straight. Now the time has come, and we will see how far these savages go against the military might of Pakistan. Stop spreading propaganda. This non-sense of TTP (alias JI/JUI) sympathizers is noit going to demoralize us. Sooner or later, we will also start an operation against TTP (alias JI/JUI) sympathizers like you. You are free to spread the propaganda while rotting in the hell.
Yes Pakistan was not trying anything just using Air Force and Tanks and Artillery to do Aerial and Land dance performances and they were doing nothing else :omghaha:
So is it safe to estimate that cricket match didn't work? :lol:

Lol no they were bent on playing with hand grenades instead of a cricket ball. Needless to say Chaudhry Nissar ran on autopilot.
Good the noora is inching towards it, but will somebody tell me how many kilo meters he is away from making decision? And what happened with operation in Punjab, you don't need army for that - even Punjab police can do that if noora is honest and give danda to police? Just killing few dozen terrorists will not solve the problem, we need to kill the fathers of this ideology and ruthless efforts and vision like Ataturk is required to make these barbaric animals instinct.

So is it safe to estimate that cricket match didn't work? :lol:

These p!gs and their supporters like soccer more.
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No operation was launched in South and North Waziristan, the hub of terrorists and the Army knew the people ruling over them cannot be trusted. They waited for someone with stronger backing.

Thanks to obedient Gen Kiyani.
Noora's do not have courage to oppose those who are backed by their saviours. It is the new COAS, though considered obedient, has put his foot down. It was clear from the statement of Ch Nisar that THEY cannot stop Armed Force from self defence. This means AF gave them whole 9 yards. It was also clear from his press conference that the MNS speech in assembly was to declare operations against TTP, but he changed the last para at the last moment. Perhaps he was sh.t scared.
You have killed several of their leaders loosing leaders is not a problem for them and it never has been for these kind of organisations Pakistan is trying this policy for years still failing Sir we need radical change Sir
This is not Afghanistan where foreign forces were trying to tackle locals, while being 1000s of miles away from their home. This is PA's homeland and these rats will be hunted down.
Some may have formed a view from my various posts arguing against the ‘dialogue’ that I am a war monger. Perish the thought.

Even a moron will agree that all conflicts must end in dialogue/negotiations. After every war hostilities end after the surrender has been negotiated. But how much magnanimity is shown to the vanquished depends upon the victor. Thus unlike PTI & JI and some other bleeding hearts who were ready to accept dictation from Taliban as a price of peace; my view has been that a State must only negotiate from the position of strength.

It is the duty of the State to protect life and property of her citizens and security forces. When a non- state actor picks up a gun and threatens her citizens, he is no longer a civilian and the State must be deal with the menace with full force. I am therefore content that PMNL-N leadership has finally realized the futility of trying to engage an enemy who openly defies writ of the State of Pakistan. Signs are that this realization is also slowly dawning upon PTI leadership.

Needless to stress that this is not the time for wobbly knees and we should be prepared for the retaliatory actions from the TTP.
noora's lungi has loosened, he doesn't want all out operation against taliban, because of ideological similarity with talibans and because he fears the. still noora wants peace deal but the pressure has been so immense, noora has to agree to surgical strikes..

a coward noora doesn't seem to lead pakistan, this noora is hiding in his royal palace

its noora's duty to tell the truth, in front of the nation and define what is the action plan of pakistani government now and for the future

instead of speaking your noora hate mentality speak from your mind, its an all out war but not announced there is no need to announce it and you start taking out their hideouts one by one, make them panic, lets them run and hunt them

Sir they would have done this long ago Sir these ANA jokers don't stand a chance against Taliban and Pakistan would never mess with Afghan Taliban that I can tell you for sure and as far as TTP are concerned as long as Army continues operation from 12 they becamse 50 now they will become 80 groups with no end these operations will not end anything and you have used all your weapons except nuclear sir so stop living in shadow of lies

I know your pain, keep defending them Sir, soon you will know what happens to then Sir
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