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Govt. eases citizenship rules for Pak refugees.

Taj mahal is a tourist attraction or shev sena had got rid of it long ago...
And its a shame that Hindus are steless and have no state..Not even India...

you insisted too much..

Concerned Citizens Tribunal - Gujarat 2002: An inquiry into the carnage in Gujarat

Hindus do have a state for information. Nepal is a hindu state.

The source who has provided do not have mentioned any migration of muslim from india to pakistan and seeking asylum. Nothing is there. I can post thousands of post regarding the prosecution of minorities in pakistan but we are specifically talking about asylum issues.

nothing is in there, please provide something substantial like I have provided.
Taj mahal is a tourist attraction or shev sena had got rid of it long ago...
And its a shame that Hindus are steless and have no state..Not even India...

I dont think its a shame.. Its actually commendable that Hinduism does not need backing of a state and its favoritism to survive. Even Christianity is not considered a state religion in most of the christian majority countries, barring some small ones and some Nordic countries..

Interestingly its mostly Muslim majority countries that adopt Islam as a state religion. Kind of gives an impression of it needing the crutches of govt backing to prosper..
Hindus do have a state for information. Nepal is a hindu state.

The source who has provided do not have mentioned any migration of muslim from india to pakistan and seeking asylum. Nothing is there. I can post thousands of post regarding the prosecution of minorities in pakistan but we are specifically talking about asylum issues.

nothing is in there, please provide something substantial like I have provided.

well it does say how scared the Muslims of Gujrat are...
and thats why they opted to migrate to Pakistan where they face no discrimination and have well settled businesses.
well it does say how scared the Muslims of Gujrat are...
and thats why they opted to migrate to Pakistan where they face no discrimination and have well settled businesses.

no where it is mentioned that they have migrated to Karachi, And looking at the situation of karachi, I don't have words. Please tell us that this many muslims family are pakistanis now. Look what altaf bhai is saying.
I dont think its a shame.. Its actually commendable that Hinduism does not need backing of a state and its favoritism to survive. Even Christianity is not considered a state religion in most of the christian majority countries, barring some small ones and some Nordic countries..

Interestingly its mostly Muslim majority countries that adopt Islam as a state religion. Kind of gives an impression of it needing the crutches of govt backing to prosper..

Exactly and thats called being Hypocrite and two faced....
Haven't you heard Grehard Schroder saying that germany is Christian country? and most European countries may not legally accept this but are christian countries...well whatever is left of the christianity..
Except the poor homeless Hindus .. No mama no papa..No country ;) (pun intended)

no where it is mentioned that they have migrated to Karachi, And looking at the situation of karachi, I don't have words. Please tell us that this many muslims family are pakistanis now. Look what altaf bhai is saying.

Yup..unlike india who leaves Hindus to live with Stray dogs on the streets ... Pakistan gives Indian Migrant Muslims passports straightaway and integrates them....and almost soon after arrival they are no more migrants..that's why no internet links.
Exactly and thats called being Hypocrite and two faced....
Haven't you heard Grehard Schroder saying that germany is Christian country? and most European countries may not legally accept this but are christian countries...well whatever is left of the christianity..
Except the poor homeless Hindus .. No mama no papa..No country ;) (pun intended)

Well, no mood to defend the stand of European countries on Christianity..

But hey, Hinduism survived without being a state religion so far.. It will continue to prosper in future too.. I dont consider different religions to be in a contest with each others.. Just like different roads to reach a destination are really not competing with each others to attract maximum traffic :)

To each his own..
Well, no mood to defend the stand of European countries on Christianity..

But hey, Hinduism survived without being a state religion so far.. It will continue to prosper in future too.. I dont consider different religions to be in a contest with each others.. Just like different roads to reach a destination are really not competing with each others to attract maximum traffic :)

To each his own..

Exactly..On religious matters each to their own
Yup..unlike india who leaves Hindus to live with Stray dogs on the streets ... Pakistan gives Indian Migrant Muslims passports straightaway and integrates them....and almost soon after arrival they are no more migrants..that's why no internet links.

Wasnt the term Mohajir used in Pakistan in excess after 1947 partition. And arent they even now considered 2nd class citizens in a lot of places. Isnt a demand for Mohajir province catching traction these days.. And isnt a lot of cr@p that goes down in Karachi has to do with this divide between Pakistanis and Mohajir Pakistanis?

Try again.

"This official website of Muslim Marwari Silawata Jamaat (Regd) has been created to provide up to date information about the Marwari community and its people living in Karachi since the 18th century. A comprehensive website which provides handful information and material on many subjects of the interest to the community"
For the first part, well the Pakistani non-Muslims really cant go around calling Pakistan their own country proudly when Pakistan claims itself to be an Islamic Republic. It was a similar situation with my ancestors who were Sikhs, they moved to India from Lahore because they would any day want to live in a Secular republic over an Islamic one. There are many Sikhs as well who have been moving to India from Pakistan because of religious hatred in Pakistan (proof is provided below). Now you will say these are financial immigrants choosing to play the Sikh card. Similarly there are other sources I can post of Christians coming to India from Pakistan. You will then go ahead and say these people are playing the Christian card.

Sikhs in Pakistan - YouTube

Ignorance has no limits my friend..
A theist nation does not necessarily bans other religions or atheism..It officially recognizes one religion while allowing others too.
Thats the status of Pakistan..Officially a Muslim country but allows any religion..
If non muslims cant call it their own country thats their own lack of Patriotism.
Try again.

"This official website of Muslim Marwari Silawata Jamaat (Regd) has been created to provide up to date information about the Marwari community and its people living in Karachi since the 18th century. A comprehensive website which provides handful information and material on many subjects of the interest to the community"

Yup and most have since been calling Relatives from India and still doing.

Does it not feel bad to lie so openly? Yeah you have integrated your migrants very well, thats why no one is called a "Mohajir" in Pakistan and people like me who have ancestral roots in Lahore are called "Mohajir" in India. I am sure thats also the reason why these internet links dont exist :P

Mohajir is a Symbolic word..Nothing more than that.......

BTW the poor hindus who went to India didnt even get to call themselves Mohajir..they are on streets with stray dogs...
Proud moment for india.

Wasnt the term Mohajir used in Pakistan in excess after 1947 partition. And arent they even now considered 2nd class citizens in a lot of places. Isnt a demand for Mohajir province catching traction these days.. And isnt a lot of cr@p that goes down in Karachi has to do with this divide between Pakistanis and Mohajir Pakistanis?

That has more to do with petty politics and all started after 1980s for well known reasons..Before that..nothing like this was ever there...

But regardless of whatever name they are given..all of them have Pakistani passports and officially Pakistanis..
Unlike the poor Hindu Migrants who have nothing and will probably die hungry and nameless on the streets.
BTW the poor hindus who went to India didnt even get to call themselves Mohajir..they are on streets with stray dogs...
Proud moment for india.

They are on indian streets with stray dogs.. & still they want to apply for asylum in India? must have had even worse life where they come from!!
You are wrong mate.

There are many cases where people are not allowed to prosper because of society around them or discrimination. And this is pretty common. For example in India, there is a huge problem of caste discrimination in the villages! I know of a personal case where migration to city has removed this problem for the person concerned. Caste discrimination is not possible in cities(except for individual cases) due to a variety of reasons from better education to a cosmopolitan environment that prevents it. It is a big hurdle however in some villages and in particular some states. So in those areas, upward mobility is prevented by those enjoying dominant positions! Although im pretty happy that this is reducing with every generation because the next generation invariably gets better education than the last one!

I appreciate you have been honest here, Now tell me why don't you see incidents in Pakistan with same lenses? Why you ignore that some unfortunate incidents you provide to disgrace my country has also happened in ruler and backwards areas, We are not a developed country - we also have fair share of uneducated people like India. People in those area are free to move anywhere in Pakistan, Many moved to cities and enjoying their life like other Pakistanis but some people think that they will be better in India as Indian economy currently doing better than Pakistan, so they go for asylum in India and as Kakgeta already pointed that for asylum you have to get sympathy and make stories maybe there will be few with true stories but not all but still you have to keep in mind justice is ironic in sub-continent if you go for these exception injustices than you will find a lot more Muslims are victims of delayed justice. But, I am still saying who can't do well here i doubt they will be do better there. Anyway i wish good luck for them, May they be able to achieve their ambitions in India?
They are on indian streets with stray dogs.. & still they want to apply for asylum in India? must have had even worse life where they come from!!
No they saw green grass which proved to be wrong.

Yeah but it recognises other religions as 2nd class. I dont want to live in a country where I am clearly treated as 2nd class citizen (like not being able to become Pres/Prime Minister just because of my religion). Its funny how you guys made a separate nation from constitutionally Secular India because you guys felt oppressed, only to create a constitutionally Islamic country where you opress non-Muslims freely.

There are no classes assigned to any religion in the Pakistani law..where did you get that from?
No they saw green grass which proved to be wrong.

so they have option of going back.. right? all they have to do is prove where they ome from. But i don't hear them begging to go back though!!
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