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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

#PTI workers tried to burn Metro Bus full of passengers in Lahore ... Police acted timely and saved this probable tragic incident AH!
Allah SWT says in quran; (Deeds) after the manner of the people of Fir’awn and those before them": They treated as false the Signs of their Lord: so We destroyed them for their crimes, and We drowned the people of Fir’awn: for they were all oppressors and wrong-doers. (Quran, Surat al-Anfal:, 54)

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Firawn was brutal and use to kill peoples to save his kingdom just like nawaz sharif (Firawn of 21st century). And Allah SWT punished him in this world and destroyed his kingdom and preserved his body to make it example for coming generations. And Firawn will live in hell for all eternity for what he did.
Similarly Allah will one day punish these Firawn of 21st century and these filthy people who values their luxuries and kingdom more than life hereafter and they will also be punish by Allah in day of judgement and they all will regret for what they did.


Arabs/Europeanes were involved in slave trade/colonialism for over 300 years. What happened to their elite at that time? NOTHING.

Karma only haunts poor people and "ex" - elite. Karma has never haunted anyone that is brutally powerful past 300 years.

I am leaning more towards the fact that God does not exist. If people are the ones doing everything than why do we need God?
God wont help any of us.
We're all at faults.
We're too ignorant of our mistakes.

It was something we were indirectly asking for~

So why did God help Europeans to be hegemonic considering they do all sorts of things.

The reason is Europeans invented. Innovated.

God has to show He exists. Reading about Pharaoh is good but why doesn't the same logic apply "sometimes" -God has to step up and cleanse the system. The corrupt system of this world.

We want justice now.
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