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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

Anchor persons are not reporters or journalists hence express their opinion. That is an unfortunate fact of the electronic media. The bold part is exactly what the anchors do too. They are not present at the scene for most of the time rather forward the news coming to them from the reporter/cameraman who are present at the scene. I see no fundamental difference between you/me and an anchor for all of us extract information from various sources, analyze them as per our biases, and present.
Pakistani anchors nowadays are busy threatening the government or opposition depending upon their personal affiliations with the party. There is no more fair ground for journalists in Pakistan these days, its either with me or against me. The job of anchor is to ask questions, they must restrain from making controversial statements.

Mubashar Luqman on other hand is not a journalist, like he said himself that he was brought in by Salman Taseer if my memory is correct and he was probably a business man and belonged to Army family background... something like that... so he has always been inclined to dictators a part from PTI of whom he actively participate, do public speeches and openly threat political parties opposing PTI

The white/translucent cartridges do indeed contain the rubber buckshots but the red ones most probably not. Though it is technically possible to load rubber buckshots in any cartridge, but I am not sure that is the case here.
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When is this fake tamasha going to end? So we can actually start to focus on things that REALLY FREAKING matter, like energy, economy, infrastructure, war against talibunnies, protection of minorities, foreign policy etc.
It should be over in a day or two... Just a matter of time

The numbers has gradually decreased to only few thousand and at one stage only few hundred people were present around Imran Khan so when the loved ones will start calling their family members, people will start disappearing

That's true! Can you now spot a balanced journalist?
not a single person right now...
Pakistani anchors nowadays are busy threatening the government or opposition depending upon their personal affiliations with the party. There is no more fair ground for journalists in Pakistan these days, its either with me or against me. The job of anchor is to ask questions, they must restrain from making controversial statements.

Mubashar Luqman on other hand is not a journalist, like he said himself that he was brought in by Salman Taseer if my memory is correct and he was probably a business man and belonged to Army family background... something like that... so he has always been inclined to dictators a part from PTI of whom he actively participate, do public speeches and openly threat political parties opposing PTI
What you are talking is idealism, which does not exist anywhere in the world so no more comment on what one should do, or how he should do.

As far as Luqman is concerned, I don't like him either, and among the various anchors, I perhaps rank him the lowest. However, only because he came from an Army background so he favors dictators, or because Taseer introduced him, so he has political inclination is something I am not willing to buy. I have already said that everybody has some bias and political sympathy if not affiliation. Anchors come from the society you and I come from. They have a family, friends, and they do get influenced by what is going around them. Even the real journalism icons such as Mujeeb ur Rahman Shami, Altaf Hasan Qureshi, and late Mr. Majid Nizami used to drift time to time.
You can speak for yourself... even many PTI'ans are not supporting this anarchy march
I feel the dharnas in lahore and karachi proves you wrong.
And I feel seeing this cold blooded massacre crowds will swell up by afternoon.
Nz is fooled by his advisors once again who told him miya saab these are tired people of 17 days it will be very easy to scare them away but it's been 9 hrs of ruthless shelling but ik tuq and their supporters are still on their feet.
The junoon ik always mentioned I never really saw it but now I can see it in the eyes of those infront of pak sectariat this morning.
Congrats Pakistanio change has come.
Thousands of armed n well equipped paid servants of nooras cant force out un armed and prepared civilians.
Kudos to their junoon and look at ik hez speaking with a new passion today .
When there is little left to save, Why care to rule?
When streets descend into chaos, Why hold the chair?

Why point the finger? Why hold the mic?
When the fire lits the house, Why hold the crowd?

Whom shall you speak? Whom shall you plead?
There is none left here, but your own self greed!

Peek in your heart, rip down your clothes
You'll find a thing there, enslaving your whole!

Forgive me my utterance, forgive me my stance
I only spoke to my foul, not to your soul!


Sad day when no action by either side can be supported!
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