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Govt approves construction of 7 stealth frigates, 6 nuclear-powered submarines

Ha ha ha !!! in one stroke MODIJI has turned around underwater capabilities, for the sake of our nation these Submarine must come on time then no one will dare to do any mischief in Indian Ocean.
@sancho any thought

Not really, since the SSN's are no alternative for the lack of SSKs, since both will serve different purposes. Not to mention that these SSNs will take longer to produce than the P75s and the P75I now is far delayed because of the PMs decisions.
The good news though, is that they approved the P17 orders, lets hope that this means that no more Russian frigates will be procured.
Do more,talk less。:D

I think we should also concentrate on nuke powered cruisers of more than 10000 tonnage.

Apart from that we need to indigenize each and every tech. available there and start manufacturing here.

Numbers are also important !

What happens if one of em cruisers sink
New frigates will be bigger than 6100 tons ?? WTF are they building :o:
The Shivlaiks are around 6.000 tons fully loaded, many would class them as destroyers but the IN classes them as Frigates, same with the Karmorta- 3000+ tons is a frigate to most navies, to the IN it is a corvette.
Let us be realistic here...... All most all our shipyards are running on capacity, how are they planning to complete this one on time?????

There should be plan to increase the capacity,hope they are working on it......

Is everyone forgetting that Pvt yards have a lot of Under used capacity & PSU shipyards are also modernizing at a fast rate & can now deliver on time

What the ?! :guns::guns::guns: Thats a serious boost to our maritime capabilities!

Although I doubt that we got the industrial, manufacturing and management capabilities to conclude all the work in a decent time frame.... :rolleyes:

Don't underestimate our Capabilities
Is everyone forgetting that Pvt yards have a lot of Under used capacity & PSU shipyards are also modernizing at a fast rate & can now deliver on time

Don't underestimate our Capabilities

Shipyards are overbooked with the "old" orders. Infrastructure is as pathetic as it always has been and other delays will surely come as well.
Let us be realistic here...... All most all our shipyards are running on capacity, how are they planning to complete this one on time?????

There should be plan to increase the capacity,hope they are working on it......
This is very much underway, I had started threads where both GRSE and MDL were ramping up their production capabilities in expectation of the P-17A contracts.

Once it is completed.China can forget about their game in IOR.We willhave 3CBG with high punching power on around 2035.
The IN will have 3 CBGs by the mid 2020s, construction on the IAC-2 should start in the next 12-16 months, a build time of 6-7 years and a year for user trails will see the IAC-2 in service alongside the IAC-1 and Vikramditya by the mid 2020s.

What the ?! :guns::guns::guns: Thats a serious boost to our maritime capabilities!

Although I doubt that we got the industrial, manufacturing and management capabilities to conclude all the work in a decent time frame.... :rolleyes:

The P-17As will be completed on time IMHO especially with two yards working in parallel (this is an awesome element of the project and I hope many more orders are made like this- multiple Indian shipyards working on parallel production lines).

This plans was already in pipeline even before Modi election .Now CCS under his leadership just passing that plans .Thats all.
Modi dont have to do anything about it.

Let's leave petty politics out of this bro, this about Indian national security.

The good news though, is that they approved the P17 orders, lets hope that this means that no more Russian frigates will be procured.
It's funny, I heard from a friend of mine the opposite just last week. He told me the P-17A would be cleared "imminently" but the IN was still looking at another 3 upgraded Talwar class that could be with the IN from 2017-20 but this deal would only go through is the Russians were willing to allow a lot more Indian-specified design features and systems such as improved radars (I don't know if MF-STARs are an option), the BARAK-2 and other modifications.

Given the first P-17As aren't going to be in service before 2020 these new Talwar class would certainly be a decent stop gap and boost to the IN's surface fleet until then.

Shipyards are overbooked with the "old" orders. Infrastructure is as pathetic as it always has been and other delays will surely come as well.
True of the past but not of the future, MDL and GRSE have invested HEAVILY in modernisation.

Modular construction results in better build quality and is expected to bring down the build time from 72 to just 60 months.

This method, being new, has required a foreign design partner. It has also required an extensive renovation of both MDL and GRSE, with each shipyard spending Rs 800-1,000 crore on modular workshops, with Goliath cranes, and workshops with sliding roofs from where 300-tonne blocks can be lifted out.

@nair @Koovie
Shipyards are overbooked with the "old" orders. Infrastructure is as pathetic as it always has been and other delays will surely come as well.

Sure there have been delays in the past but now situation has improved a lot & our govt shipyards have modernized a lot & use advance tech such as Modular Construction for ships

It has also required an extensive renovation of both MDL and GRSE, with each shipyard spending Rs 800-1,000 crore on modular workshops, with Goliath cranes, and workshops with sliding roofs from where 300-tonne blocks can be lifted out.

from the article
Do more,talk less。:D

Isn't it rich coming from the Chinese, of late?

Haven't you guys taken to counting your Forex reserves, the length of your HSR and growth numbers even when the threads have nothing to do with any of them? So you guys do either this or lecture others about "Do more, talk less"?
I have a question that if we may select AEGIS then will it not be intelligent to club BARAK with SM series missiles to strengthen the anti air umbrella defense?
Okay, time for some interesting rumors: Apparently, the planning & design phase for INS Vishal or IAC-II was nearly completed by end 2013-early 2014. Infact, there were solid speculations that the final design would be submitted to the GOI roughly around the last week of January 2014.

Then suddenly, every bit of news (read rumors) goes silent, almost like a black project. That is until October, when a gentle hint of nuclear power is given.

Speculations anyone?

EMALS or successfull developement of bigger naval reactors ??

The one we have right now is 84 MWe, but it can be scaled up, by increasing number of fuel assemblies. This uprated version might also power ACs for which some reports appeared a while back (regarding IAC 2 being N powered).

Arihant reactor produces ~84MWt power not MWe .

There were reports that we are producing two more naval reactors with 150MWt and 200MWt capacity .

But the problem is reactor, did we have 150 MW reactor? 90 MW is alright for SSGN and SSBN, but not for SSN. It make too much under powered.

A 150MWt reactor is not necessary for developing a SSN ..... it depends on the displacement of the sub .

French Rubis class SSN displaced 2500T when submerged and was powered by a 48MW reactor .

During my internship at DRDO, we had reports about indigenous submarine design of 1500-1600 tonnes displacement.

What happened to that ?? Any idea .

Also when was your internship ??
Arihant reactor produces ~84MWt power not MWe .
My bad, that indeed is thermal output, not electrical. Thanks for correction.
There were reports that we are producing two more naval reactors with 150MWt and 200MWt capacity .
Those surely must be for 50,000 tons or thereabouts ACs. Nimitz class carriers (100,000 Tons) have reactors having output of ~500 MWt and therefore by interpolation, 150-200 MWt will suffice current design (IAC 1/2) requirements.
My bad, that indeed is thermal output, not electrical. Thanks for correction.

Those surely must be for 50,000 tons or thereabouts ACs. Nimitz class carriers (100,000 Tons) have reactors having output of ~500 MWt and therefore by interpolation, 150-200 MWt will suffice current design (IAC 1/2) requirements.

Or it can be used for next GEN SSBNs or Akula sized SSNs .
Wow... Awesome news... I always thought under P-17A only 4 frigates will be built
EMALS or successfull developement of bigger naval reactors ??

I won't be able to tell that. But this news/rumor predates any offical offer of EMALS to India by almost a year. But as far as the next gen nuclear reactors are concerned, some figures suggest one test reactor at 150-180 MWt to be ready by 2018-19.

Also, as far as the INS Vishal is concerned, it was expected to begin construction by 2016. If there is a change in plans, which seems very likely now, there is a real possibility that the test reactor could be ready before the IAC-II begins construction.

But coming back to the change(s) in design plans, I'd be hoping for an enlarged displacement, especially if the ship is to go nuclear. It would be underwhelming to have a nuclear powered carrier @ $8-10 billion, if it can only carry a complement of 36-48 fighters. Those incidentally, are the numbers for the proposed PA2 and the QE class carriers, with displacements of 75,000 & 65,000 tons respectively.

The french numbers appear to be the golden tonnage now, cost-to-benefit wise IMO. Especially given that we should be able to place upwards of 60-75 fighters with that tonnage.
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