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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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Agreed Brother!

But try this,

If in an Islamic land you use abusive language against the Prophet SAW or support such people, what actually are you doing?

It reflects that freedom of speech can give you the right to Abuse Prophet, Burn Holy Quran and say anything and not accountable for that!

Agreed that there should be Tolerance and forgiveness but that is what i said by brother that if the LAW is not held and people like him are not held accountable for saying what he said in past days, things like this will happen again and only Allah will know was it right or wrong!

There is a limit to Tolerance... Not a single one of these so called Liberals will tolerate anyone insulting their mother or even themselves... yet when it comes to the Prophet they bark about Tolerance as if insulting the Prophet were a small affair...
Zaroori hain yeh shour tamasha aur jang larna?

Why not save Pakistan from all this headache and stop fighting. If Pakistani people want blasphemy laws then why not keep blasphemy laws. Pakistan had these laws for over 30 years, why all this tamasha now?Just because a blasphemous Christian Pakistani lady made instant fame in the west and this Governor sahab made statements against blasphemy laws. Had that lady kept her mouth shut, we wouldn't be in this mess and Governor Punjab sahab would still be alive right now.

And war OF terror is not in Pakistan's interests.

You are just destroying your country by pleasing the west.

Pakistani people don't need blasphemy law. Majority are Muslims so who will say anything against our beloved prophet(P.B.U.H)? Everyone knows the consequences. At first i was only in favour of some amendments but now i say that scrap this law altogether.

Secondly There is no proof that Asia bibi did say anything against the prophet(P.B.U.H) so tell me how come you are calling her a blasphemer?
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Agreed Brother!

But try this,

If in an Islamic land you use abusive language against the Prophet SAW or support such people, what actually are you doing?

It reflects that freedom of speech can give you the right to Abuse Prophet, Burn Holy Quran and say anything and not accountable for that!

Agreed that there should be Tolerance and forgiveness but that is what i said by brother that if the LAW is not held and people like him are not held accountable for saying what he said in past days, things like this will happen again and only Allah will know was it right or wrong!
He didn't say anything against prophet. He just wanted the law to be modified. Its procedure and its sentence....
None of Islamic parties asked anyone to kill him. They condemed what he said and they are condeming what the security guard has done today. It is indeed the job of Govt to look into such issues but when the Governer himself rejects the ruling of court and tries to undermine the constitution then this is bound to happen.

It is a clear These laws are there for some reason and they are in intrest of pakistan if you remove them things will get out of everyones control as they have gone now.

I dont know will it help PPP or not but in long run it will be hard for PPP to convince common man that it is a job of "mullahs".

There was a strong resentment against what he said even in PPP. Even a person live Babar Awan had said that nothing will change in Blashmey law as long as I am the law minister
There is a limit to Tolerance... Not a single one of these so called Liberals will tolerate anyone insulting their mother or even themselves... yet when it comes to the Prophet they bark about Tolerance as if insulting the Prophet were a small affair...

Ever wondered why? We are the followers of a prophet(P.B.U.H) who was known for his kindness and tolerance. So why it is difficult to follow his footsteps? Aren't we Muslims supposed to follow him?
Ok , can the use of force be justified to enact the Prestige and Respect of Prophet(SAW)..?
Prestige and Respect is something which is earned not brought about by force and murdering people definitely ruins the cause of those who seek to deliver there message while remaining inside the bounds of Peace and Mutual respect..!

The use of Force simply highlights the helplessness .. it definitely do not contributes for the respect of our beloved Prophet(SAW)

You cant force people to practice Islam..Likewise you cant force people to be tolerant about disrespectful behavior towards their most beloved person in the world...If you hurt someone's feeling,you cant dictate them on how to react..it will be their decision on how to react..

At least our leaders should know what type of people they are "Leading"...
You cant shout "Holocaust never happened" in Israel and expect people to be indifferent...You cant shout slurs against the Pope in Vatican city and expect pilgrims to be indifferant...Why make exceptions about Pakistan?

This Murder was personal act by the perpetrator..If not we would have seen the "Jacket man" not one man shooting only one other...
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He didn't say anything against prophet. He just wanted the law to be modified. Its procedure and its sentence....

That is what i said my brother! Did the LAW was upheld when he support that woman! Would any Muslim support a person who says something against Prophet SAW. He supported the release of that woman! Should this be allowed by the LAW in an Islamic Country!
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Pakistani people don't need blasphemy law. Majority are Muslims so who will anyone will say anything against our beloved prophet(P.B.U.H)? Everyone knows the consequences. At first i was only in favour of some amendments but now i say that scrap this law altogether.

Exactly. With over 97% Muslim population do we need such laws? It's just insane and thanks to sectarian Maulvis we are very much messed up with non issues like this one. :angry:
If he acted on his own, then it is a very disturbing. Hope such Religious Fanaticis are not incharge of Pakistan's nukes.
Are you Muslims? What has happened to the thought of Muslims? Are you going to support people who have said bad words against the Prophet SAW. Should tolerance be used here!
I think you are on to something. Yes, it is a value choice. Those who support freedom are going to have to confront this and proclaim:

"It is better to support the blasphemers than to support your idea of who is a Muslim!"
You cant force people to practice Islam..Likewise you cant force people to be tolerant about disrespectful behavior towards their most beloved person in the world...If you hurt someone's feeling,you cant dictate them on how to react..it will be their decision on how to react..
At least our leaders should know what type of people they are "Leading"...

Noe, if some ones feelings are hurt by simply due to somebody's uttering words against his or her beloved person , It doesn't provides the justification for the use of force against that person.
It no way states that he/she should be murdered...!
Would you have supported that women?

No muslim will, donot see me as an extremist my brother! But will you let people say anything against Prophet SAW and Burn Quran!

I support that woman because there is no proof of her conviction.

If i found any person who intends to do blasphemy, i will reason with him and will try to convince him but surely i will not kill him.
Pakistani people don't need blasphemy law. Majority are Muslims so who will anyone will say anything against our beloved prophet(P.B.U.H)? Everyone knows the consequences. At first i was only in favour of some amendments but now i say that scrap this law altogether.

There are still millions of Christians and millions of Hindus in Pakistan.

I know Pakistan is Muslim majority but why not save Pakistan from these fightings between "Liberals" and "Extremists" and keep the law. There was no fights over this law for over 30 years, why start now when Pakistan has millions of other problems. Why create a new headache?

Secondly There is no proof that Asia bibi did say anything against the prophet(P.B.U.H) so tell me how come you are calling her a blasphemer?

She is not sitting in jail for nothing. You can't say she is not a blasphemer. Only courts will prove it.
There is a limit to Tolerance... Not a single one of these so called Liberals will tolerate anyone insulting their mother or even themselves... yet when it comes to the Prophet they bark about Tolerance as if insulting the Prophet were a small affair...
See two things, I've told you this separately, now I'll tell you this here again...

1) For grown ups - and good people, our mothers don't get insulted - ever.
2) If they ever did, violence is way far from an acceptable option that I would recommend. Primarily I will cut off all relations.
3) If I feel really pissed off - and I can hardly see myself stooping so low, I will insult their mothers in return :P

These are just words. If you feel the need to kill people because someone insults the Prophet or God or any other tenet of faith, then I think you (as in whoever) need to be treated by a psychiatrist since you can take my word for it - this is not normal, this is lunacy, this is definitely psychiatric ward material.

I personally feel, Salman Taseer ke sau gunah maaf hogaye, since he died defending a justice, humanity, and freedom.
That is what i said my brother! Did the LAW was upheld when he support that woman! Would any Muslim support a person who says something against Prophet SAW. He supported the release of that woman! Should this be allowed by the LAW in an Islamic Country!
A corrupt ASP investigation and a fake witness can led to death sentence... If someone want that to be modified whats wrong in that. We our self don't have tolerance thats why we try to justify our intolerance by wrong interpretation of Islam.

Give me the reason on which Islam allowed killing of another human being to be justified.
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