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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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Where else will u have a blasphemy law against propher Muhammad - where the majority is non-muslim in a country?? Ofcourse this law will be implemented where majority of people are muslims as they wouldnt want anyone disrespecting our prophet...why would the non-muslim countries care....as we have seen in recent past with all the cartoons etc!!!

You are the one whose twisting words. I never once said anything about attacking anyone...my whole purpose of that message was to show the double standards when it comes to 'freedom of speech' - Basically its freedom of speech when someone wants to insult others but not when same is returned...

Sorry i'm a bit emotional about this issue pakistan has really gone to the dogs nowdays :frown:
just because they have double standards does not mean we have to does not justify this blaspemy law the prophet never made such a law so why should we ? it's dangerous to the non-muslim minority .
As a so called muslim state we're supposed to protect them -this law does just the opposite and many minority religion people and even many innocent muslims in most cases the poor ones have suffered because of it for the good of pakistan it should be scrapped.
SANTRO have you read the link!
If yes then being a muslim you should understand!

half of those cases I am familiar with...
I was reading throughout my posts..
and have yet to find anything that suggest on the wrongful accusation of Touheen-e-risalat..
care to highlight the page where it says that??
Its not in the section about the blasphemy law in pakistan..
It would take me more time than I have to go through every section of it.
It's not possible, because if they do then all the mullahs and bigots in Pakistan will go around causing riots and mayhem

Did not you Remember this

In the 1920's a young man was hanged in India for killing the publisher of an inflammatory book defaming Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Ghazi Ilm-ud-din Shaheed (Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh):(December 4, 1908- October 31, 1929) was an illiterate ordinary carpenter and a religious fanatic who murdered a book publisher. His death has became an important feature in Islamic history and symbolized the rigidity that was creeping into Islam

As soon as Alam Deen saw Raj Pal entering his shop, he attacked him and murdered him in cold blood. He stabbed the dagger into Rajpal's chest. The murderer then went out of the shop and fell in Sajdah, and thanked the Lord of the worlds who granted him success. The employees of Raj Pal were shouting, "He killed him, go get him”. "I avenged my Prophet Salalaho Alayhi Wasalam!!! I avenged my Prophet Salalaho Alayhi Wasalam!!!" he shouted back with courage. During all this time the police had also arrived at the scene. They arrested Alam Deen, and sent him to Mianwali Jail situated in Punjab Province of Pakistan on October 4, 1929. He went to trial and was declared guilty. He was given death penalty. The Muslims lodged an appeal against the court decision but the appeal was rejected. When Ghazi Ilmuddin was told about this he fell in sajdah with happiness and said: "What can be better than this? I am going to be martyred and I am going to meet my Lord!"
half of those cases I am familiar with...
I was reading throughout my posts..
and have yet to find anything that suggest on the wrongful accusation of Touheen-e-risalat..
care to highlight the page where it says that??
Its not in the section about the blasphemy law in pakistan..
It would take me more time than I have to go through every section of it.

Aamir Cheema( Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh) laid his life not for personal vendetta but rather fell martyr while avenging the blasphemy, committed against the Holy Prophet Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam. His actions were sufficient enough to teach the entire World a lesson about the prevalent courage and reverence of the Muslims for the Holy Prophet( Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam)

Aamir (Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh) truly is a successor of Ghazi Ilmud-Din( Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh), who was sentenced to death by the English court for murdering a blasphemous Hindu, Rajpal during a British Raj. Aamir Cheema( Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh) proved to this world that not just a bearded (normally confused with fanatics) but educated Muslims like him can do anything for the love and passion of the Prophet, Muhammad (Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam).

Aamir( Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh) is a son of this nation, who made all of us swollen with pride, no matter government has not realized the importance of this sacrifice. Aaamir Cheema is undoubtedly, a martyred (shaheed) who sacrificed his life for a cause without fearing against the wrath of super-powers.
Well this Qadri guy was performing the duty of safeguarding the life of Governor. By all Islamic rules he suppose to protect the person, that he was duty and getting paid for. What you will say, if he betrayed and kill the person he suppose to protect?.
(Thanks to Zia the creator of this law and give illiterate people license to kill,in the name of personal justice).
half of those cases I am familiar with...
I was reading throughout my posts..
and have yet to find anything that suggest on the wrongful accusation of Touheen-e-risalat..
care to highlight the page where it says that??
Its not in the section about the blasphemy law in pakistan..
It would take me more time than I have to go through every section of it.

Fight is not on the wrongful accusation of Toheen e risaalat Brother!

It is about supporting someone accused for it!

Will you support a person commiting toheen e risaalat before proven innocent! No we should not because it is the most delicate matter! Once it is proven that the accusation is wrong then agreed that all should support for her release! But when a person is accused supporting such person is wrong and makes you a part of it!
Fight is not on the wrongful accusation of Toheen e risaalat Brother!

It is about supporting someone accused for it!

Will you support a person commiting toheen e risaalat before proven innocent! No we should not because it is the most delicate matter! Once it is proven that the accusation is wrong then agreed that all should support for her release! But when a person is accused supporting such person is wrong and makes you a part of it!

Namos-e-Muhammad arbi(pbuh) per hum jan nishawar ker dein gay
Agr waqat ne hum se khon manga hum waqat ka daman bhar dein gay
Mr Aashiq happens to be a proud atheist (not following organized religion) , what else can you expect.

well i expect mod to take action, if a hindu is not allowed to interfere in our religious matters athiest should definitely be restricted.

Being an athiest does not give him the license to spew venom.
Did not you Remember this

In the 1920's a young man was hanged in India for killing the publisher of an inflammatory book defaming Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Ghazi Ilm-ud-din Shaheed (Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh):(December 4, 1908- October 31, 1929) was an illiterate ordinary carpenter and a religious fanatic who murdered a book publisher. His death has became an important feature in Islamic history and symbolized the rigidity that was creeping into Islam

As soon as Alam Deen saw Raj Pal entering his shop, he attacked him and murdered him in cold blood. He stabbed the dagger into Rajpal's chest. The murderer then went out of the shop and fell in Sajdah, and thanked the Lord of the worlds who granted him success. The employees of Raj Pal were shouting, "He killed him, go get him”. "I avenged my Prophet Salalaho Alayhi Wasalam!!! I avenged my Prophet Salalaho Alayhi Wasalam!!!" he shouted back with courage. During all this time the police had also arrived at the scene. They arrested Alam Deen, and sent him to Mianwali Jail situated in Punjab Province of Pakistan on October 4, 1929. He went to trial and was declared guilty. He was given death penalty. The Muslims lodged an appeal against the court decision but the appeal was rejected. When Ghazi Ilmuddin was told about this he fell in sajdah with happiness and said: "What can be better than this? I am going to be martyred and I am going to meet my Lord!"

What are you trying to say? That we should go around murdering people who dont agree with your opinion?
Another Sad news for the nation. Extremist molvies rule the country.
Fight is not on the wrongful accusation of Toheen e risaalat Brother!

It is about supporting someone accused for it!

Will you support a person commiting toheen e risaalat before proven innocent! No we should not because it is the most delicate matter! Once it is proven that the accusation is wrong then agreed that all should support for her release! But when a person is accused supporting such person is wrong and makes you a part of it!

Well, even take as innocent being a illiterate woman, who has no knowledge of religion and no witness of her wrong doing. Just someone point the finger at her on personal rivalry or Even if she is not guilty, but for the rest of her life she has stay in protective custody. If she walked out innocent then again fanatic like Qadari do personal justice. It seems even judges are scared to do justice and scared of fanatic mullahs.
Well this Qadri guy was performing the duty of safeguarding the life of Governor. By all Islamic rules he suppose to protect the person, that he was duty and getting paid for. What you will say, if he betrayed and kill the person he suppose to protect?.
(Thanks to Zia the creator of this law and give illiterate people license to kill,in the name of personal justice).

Quite true.
I love how the same people who were opposing and ranting about facebook, a couple of months ago, saying how facebook is insulting the Prophet are now all back and now creating a fan page about a murderer unbelievable!!!

These sick people are the biggest hypocrites funny thing is i'm sure many of them are living in western countries .People should report this page and i hope they ban the creators these people are really giving a bad name to pakistanis.
Some thing i want to ask,

Is Salman Taseer son of the guy who made the charpae for Ghazi ilm deen shaheed when his body was brought back to lahore.

Is he related to Allama Iqbal?
Is he related to Faiz Ahmad Faiz?

Some one told me these things were discussed on tele today.
Any enlighten one comment plz?
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