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Government took leaders of banned outfits in custody to avoid being hit by India: Bilawal Zardari

  • Nawaz thought bashing own country will earn him love in the hearts of enemies, and it might had but his country bashing could not prevent the country from acting against his corruption.
  • Blawal is thinking his country bashing will earn him love in the hearts of enemies, and it might had but his country bashing is not going to prevent the country from acting against his corruption.
*bastard* Any respect I had for him is gone.

You had respects for him bro? He was born a billionaire because his granddaddy, mother and father have all taken money from Pakistan's treasury into their own bank accounts in Switzerland. This family along with the Sahreef family have milked Pakistan dry. I couldn't care less if bilo rani tripped on a banana skin and broke his neck.
he has just went in Nawaz Sharif mode
can't blame him, since the entire Nawaz episode is being repeated with his appearance at NAB HQ
One teeny weeny problem ppp is nowhere politically in Punjab
Its a joke hell even TLP dullahs have more supporters
And the snake rises its head
His mother and father were traitors and his grandfather lost east pakistan
Now this mofo is talking ????
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