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Government took leaders of banned outfits in custody to avoid being hit by India: Bilawal Zardari

I doubt, if he would make a fake attack on him and blame it on these outfits to proof they are active just to please their masters..
Billo Rani , You were 1 year old (as you said) and you were billionaire !!!!!!!11 No first explain how the hell that happened , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wont go further , because that might be to sexy for some readers !!!!!!!!!!! But let me give some light on it . I am sure you came to this world naked and empty hand …
many pakistanis are thinking how the india will take revenge of 27 feb surprise day. i think indians have already started taking revenge. their puppets in the parliament have been activated. just heard the news the mullah diesel will also make a "failed" attempt in next few days.
Pakistan is keeping these banned leaders in protective custody.

Its a fact acknowledged by Pakistan officially.

NOW from whom these guys are being protected from ?
Well that's it, this idiot has dug his own grave, his chances on becoming premiere is zilch, anyone who is talking shit against Pakistan can rot in hell, people like Billo Rani who is son of Zardari are snakes. Snakes can never be pacified.
This family is full of traitors throughout its history. Bilawal's great grand father Shah Nawaz Bhutto was a traitor to Nawab of Junagarh.
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