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GOVERNMENT form a commission to Investigate foreign conspiracy.

Yea.. I became active here after a long time.. good to see you

Yes, please be my guest in planet hoplessness.. because there seems to be no light at the end of tunnel
I see things clearly now planet hopelessness atleast brings peace to you
There is nothing you can do but take care of your own self
The system is rigged by design and foreign powers will exploit that to the max
This was released by US in 2006 as a reimagining

Pakistan Public is with Army. Please don't spread hate. You are no one to dictate Pakistan Military

Remember the drone bombing days?... Lost the support of the public... Hope those days do not come back... Looks like the same corrupt are back and are the drones ..
I see things clearly now planet hopelessness atleast brings peace to you
There is nothing you can do but take care of your own self
The system is rigged by design and foreign powers will exploit that to the max
This was released by US in 2006 as a reimagining

I was reading this forum during Panama Case and how you were celebrating SC judgement and now people talking about Naya Pakistan are talking about Divided Pakistan? Naya Pakistan was actually this?
This is what we get after 3.5 years of PTI government? IK is above Pakistan, Pak Military, Pak SC and everyone else?

Before you just make an argument PDM is that and this. Well, two wrongs don't make it right (the fact that someone has done something unjust or dishonest is no justification for acting in a similar way)
Technically the speaker is the custodian of the house, SC has overstepped the boundary which specifically prohibits SC interfering into proceedings of the House, thus is not legally binding, since the NCV has been disposed, the speaker still holds ace of cards.
LOL Seems like IK advisors/lawyers are getting legal advice from this forum.
I was reading this forum during Panama Case and how you were celebrating SC judgement and now people talking about Naya Pakistan are talking about Divided Pakistan? Naya Pakistan was actually this?
I was celebrating because we got rid of this

We were the people who stood against designs of outsiders in our country and countered BLA and TTP propaganda but I guess business interests of Lahoris are more important
This is what we get after 3.5 years of PTI government? IK is above Pakistan, Pak Military, Pak SC and everyone else?
When Hamid Mir is back, Hussain Haqqani has been normalized and Altaf Hussain is about to make a comeback there really is no reason to be hopeful now that the biggest stockpile of weapons is right next door with guns more advanced that what our SSG uses
kuch nahe nikalna kuch nahe nikla aaj tak commissions say Bajwa and co will try their best to hide every single evidence from Tariq Khan and commission in order to protect these 2 criminals (PMLN/PPP/JUF) mark my words
Lets wait and see, it will be a very interesting weekend. I wonder what would happen if he told the SC to go F itself, in politer words of course.
IK is playing nicely. His Oxford education can over trump the Harvard educated US policymakers who are losing to the Russia-China Axis...
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