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Government appeases religious parties on blasphemy law

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We Muslims believe Qur'an to be true word of God, every problem has a solution and Qur'an gives solution for everything, Qur'an and Sunnah are code of life for Muslims.

So next time, be careful with your words, you're on a Pakistani forum.

Qur'an was NOT written by any Human, it's God's words delivered through His last Prophet [S.A.W].

NOW, Don't poke your nose in here if you don't believe in your OWN religious book.

After all how do you argue aganist that in a place like Pakistan ? It is a tough nut to crack certainly.
You don't argue the positions of extremists, you argue positions that further the positions of middle of the road -- first build that base and then we'll see about religious extremists, they do not have argument, they have violence, that that position also will be dealt with.
Thats because we don't start burning everything on the road if our demands are not met democratic way....

A liberal goon.....

Majority has the authority - keep on fighting, with such democrapic system and democrazic leaders you will get to nowhere and see such hypocrytic decisions every now and then let alone in dealing with the religious matters.
But arent castes non-existent in Islam ??

Atleast that is what Pakistani members say when criicising India and Hinduism for its caste problems.

These are not the castes you are thinking these castes are just for identification of one's roots... or identify from where he belongs... like I am a jutt but I am a muslim my caste doesn't stops me for being a good muslim... the person you were refering to was a rajput there are many other castes like Araaeen, Gujjar, Dogar but we do not have brehman, and dalits as these are religious castes...
But arent castes non-existent in Islam ??

Atleast that is what Pakistani members say when criicising India and Hinduism for its caste problems.
To make someone a higher caste or lower caste is not allowed..... Everybody is equal.... I don't remember the exact words but in quran its written that we've divided you into tribes so that you can identify each other..... But saying my caste is superior than yours is not allowed.....
You don't argue the positions of extremists, you argue positions that further the positions of middle of the road -- first build that base and then we'll see about religious extremists, they do not have argument, they have violence, that that position also will be dealt with.

Well looking at the first post it seems the positions of extremists are keeping the government from modifying these Islamic based laws. As long as these religious parties have support and say in the matter change will be hard to bring.
Majority has the authority - keep on fighting, with such democrapic system and democrazic leaders you will get to nowhere and see such hypocrytic decisions every now and then let alone in dealing with the religious matters.
No Majority don't have the authority here....... a few thousands threatening to burn every thing it doesn't happen there way..... Its not majority.....

Ohh how much religious matters were solved in Mullah Govt of MMA.... Yeah...They handled swat quite good.....All they did was fucken Million march.... And you know what my relatives coming to Peshawar was got shot by these mullah and the tires of their car were burst by these mullah ....They didn't allowed to pass even after they told they are going on a funeral. And that was my Dads funeral.

Yeah they are some true followers.... Fuken hypocrites.... The sunni thehreek, Shia council, MMA all of them.... + All local Khudai fojdar....
You don't argue the positions of extremists, you argue positions that further the positions of middle of the road -- first build that base and then we'll see about religious extremists, they do not have argument, they have violence, that that position also will be dealt with.

Secularists are as violent as the religious extremists... Both shall be taken out at the appropriate time... Modern wars like WW1 and WWII as well as Vietnam, Iraq etc did not happen because of religion...

Secular extremist shall be dealt with also... dont forget that...
Well looking at the first post it seems the positions of extremists are keeping the government from modifying these Islamic based laws. As long as these religious parties have support and say in the matter change will be hard to bring.

You understand absolutely nothing about Secularism itself to claim that it is not against religion... and as for above post... Keep dreaming
You understand absolutely nothing about Secularism itself to claim that it is not against religion... and as for above post... Keep dreaming

I don't understand anything about Secularism ?

One need but only understand the definition of the word in the most basic aspects to see it holds neutrality and separation in these matters.

It seems like you have not clue as to what the word even means let alone what it implies in the political system of states.

Please read up before and understand secularism is before telling someone to keep dreaming.

I will even help you

"A secular state is a concept of secularism, whereby a state or country purports to be officially neutral in matters of religion, supporting neither religion nor irreligion"

Secularism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

do read more here if "mans" logical creation doesn't go too far over your head
I don't understand anything about Secularism ?

One need but only understand the definition of the word in the most basic aspects to see it holds neutrality in these matters.

It seems like you have not clue as to what the word even means let alone what it implies in the political system of states.

Please read up before and understand secularism is before telling someone to keep dreaming.

I will even help you

Secularism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

do read more here if "mans" logical creations doesn't go too far over your head

No state in this world could remain neutral in matters of religion coz if she(the state) is not accepting the orders of a religion she is going against the teachings of religion... Simply no neutrality exist in matters of religion... this is just a false statement to make happy those people who do not want religion in their life at all....
No Majority don't have the authority here....... a few thousands threatening to burn every thing it doesn't happen there way..... Its not majority.....

Ohh how much religious matters were solved in Mullah Govt of MMA.... Yeah...They handled swat quite good.....All they did was fucken Million march.... And you know what my relatives coming to Peshawar was got shot by these mullah and the tires of their car were burst by these mullah ....They didn't allowed to pass even after they told they are going on a funeral. And that was my Dads funeral.

Yeah they are some true followers.... Fuken hypocrites.... The sunni thehreek, Shia council, MMA all of them.... + All local Khudai fojdar....

Dear MJ... I know worst about MMA etc... but the point is one should not just react without thinking deeply about the issues just because MMA or some other group is involved in a certain matter... The blasphemy laws in Pakistan are a bad joke... I have said this before, we are all blaspheming against Islam and Hazrat Muhammad saw by not doing what he has told us to do and infact doing exactly the opposite of the teachings of Islam... So the whole notion of a blasphemy law becomes rediculous... Here in Ireland they drafted a blasphemy law... the secular extremists not different from Pakistan jumped up and down screaming at the top of their lungs against the law... people asked me to support the law because it was aimed at protecting the minorities and I was like you guys are unbelievable... If you want to protect the minorities (and specially Muslims) how about putting some of the bigoted and vile anti Islam journalists who have been shown to lie about Islam/Muslims in national newspapers in jail for a few days and fine them heavily... No one would dare do such a thing again... as for a blasphemy law in a secular system, it makes no sense... the very fact that you are coming up with laws that are against the law of your majority's faith using secular democracy, it makes no sense to bring up blasphemy laws on top of it all...

These things also show that secularism is unable to protect the minorities and has to resort to laws which get abused by people left right and centre... for example it is next to impossible to use the blasphemy law in Ireland to charge someone even though they may have openly and publicly insulted Muslims/Islam
No state in this world could remain neutral in matters of religion coz if she(the state) is not accepting the orders of a religion she is going against the teachings of religion...

But see religion has to have play within the states affairs if a state does not recognize a religion then there wouldn't be anything there to go against(it would not be in play in the first place). At this point religion becomes something the individual person believes in and has no extension behind that persons personal beliefs.
No state in this world could remain neutral in matters of religion coz if she(the state) is not accepting the orders of a religion she is going against the teachings of religion... Simply no neutrality exist in matters of religion... this is just a false statement to make happy those people who do not want religion in their life at all....

Secularism is nt about neutrality... It is about drafting the will of the Parliamentarians into laws... I should add here that the west does follow secularism and the role of religion is only to advise on morals... the rest is fair game to the secularists... In Europe/America, the secularists have changed the very fabric of society and destroyed the family by laws they brought in gradually related to social system... They destroyed their economy by supporting the Capitalists above the common people, these are a few reasons why religion in some form survives in the west otherwise they have had a horrible experience with the Church that they have not forgotten and this was the main reason why Christianity was sidelined from the affairs of the state in the first place... What our secularists in Pakistan do not realize that you cannot play the same game with Islam... We have a legacy of progress and prosperity that is unmatched by any state in the world's history when Muslims were living solely by Islam... It basically comes down to complete ignorance on the issue or delibrate implant of enemy agents amongst us who wave these flags...
@ Qasim.... I don't know the ireland law... But what I want about blasphemy law in Pakistan is that procudure should be changed and thats what all "Secular Extremist" of Pakistan are saying. We don't want it removed. Death sentence on investigation of corrupt ASP. Yeah thats some justice........Every Khudai fojdar talk about the law on top of his throat but when a Mullah declare bounty on someones head no khudai fojdar come forward and say according to law this guy should go to prison for 14 years... Why no one come forward on this bounty issue... Why Mr. Somoto dont take Somoto action against this. Why no Sunni Thereek or Shia council go out and burn stuff on this matter.... And people say the liberal are hypocrites.

One more thing about Ireland law.... If the someone did a crime before the law he is unpunishable.... Its not a crime if there is no law...
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