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Google's Last Hope In China Is 2012

??????Just check pervious post, and find out who said "fucked up" in his post first. Yes, be honest. What response do you expect to your "fucked up"?

fucked up 固定词组 ph. 【俚】

The result is from Baidu. It said it's just a slang, not abuse words.

The important thing is this: I'm here to prove that there are different voices and opinions exist in China. And it's the truth. Why did that guy who showed up and shoot those district attacking crap to me? Is it a good place to talk about that meaningless stuff? And is that has anything to do with the current topic?

Again, if you want to argue, welcome. But that guy is definitely not here for a reasonable arguing.

I would like to quote what he said here for your convenience:

"as it is for you.

shanghai has always been a city obsessed with foreigners, from the days of the first qing dynasty 租界[Foreign Settlement] to the shameless 洋奴[slave of a foreign master] today. at first i thought that was a silly idea but after seeing certain members behave as such, stereotypes may have basis in fact. "

BTW, I will curse anyone who call me a slave of a foreign master anytime.
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I really hope you can think more before you make such a conclusion.

So would I hope you, too.

Besides my dear fellow, do you know that not just Google, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and many other famous website are also blocked in mainland China???

Please kindly read the following:

Australians censor the internet - The Inquirer


According to the Open Net Initiative, a consortium of academics and computer scientists who track censorship trends, the number of countries that censor the internet has gone from a handful a decade ago to almost 40 today – and the censorship club's fastest growing membership segment consists of democracies.

Ironically, David Drummond – Google's chief legal officer who penned its stunning announcement this week – is facing criminal charges in Italy. ...

In France, President Sarkozy's government has created a new agency called the Higher Authority for the Distribution of Works and the Protection of Copyright on the Internet. ….

The UK's digital economy bill would involve similar measures – …

In India, a law that went into effect last October holds domestic and international internet companies –…

Will Google stand up to France and Italy, too? | Rebecca MacKinnon | Comment is free | The Guardian

10 nations tell Google of privacy concern on Buzz - 24 Hour Entertainment - fresnobee.com


Brazil's government peppered Google with the most requests during the six-month period covered. The company says that's largely because it operates a social network called Orkut. That service has attracted millions of users in Brazil and generates more taunting, derogatory language and other inflammatory material likely to trigger government requests and violate its own standards.

Google received 3,663 requests for user data and 291 requests to remove material from Brazil. Nearly 200 of the removal requests involved Orkut.

Other countries logging at least 1,000 requests for user data were the United States (3,580), United Kingdom (1,166) and India (1,061).

After Brazil, the most requests to edit material came from Germany, at 188. The country has laws that restrict the online display of content connected to the Nazi regime. India was next with 142 requests mostly tied to Orkut, followed by the United States, where the demands focused on YouTube.

Google discloses demands for censorship, user data

So stop being naive, start being mature.

SinoIndusFriendship, do you really live in China? If you do you should get a chance to talk to those mature Chinese people (I mean average elders, not those young students who have no life experience) and you may find that CCP is not really so popular here ...

The (Western!) report shows the contrary.

Please read the thread that I started. The people in the report are those in 70s and older, and they have sufficient life experiences across 1949 time line.


This is my comment:
It's popular, fundamental, and even religious, in West to curse CPC, because without showing your bad part, it can’t prove my good part.

This is the same logic the Chinese are employing: without knowing the bad part of the past caused by democratic Western countries + semi-westernized Japan, they could not have appreciated the CPC, in general.

There is certainly a reason for both sides.

BTW, don’t take me wrong that I consider CPC a holy cow. No, there are too many criminals in the party and there are too many foolish policies. But the party is still listening to the people, more or less. And as a whole, it is still better/more competent than any other political forces in China, including Taiwan/HK.
You do have the ability for thinking, don't you?

Why it's so difficult for you get the point? It's not about whether we need it or not. It's about what the government want to take away from her citizen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't you get it? MY DEAR????????????????????

BTW, you have no right to say "we" here. You are only an individual, or don't you?

Don't think only you have ability to think, not any other people.

At least I am glad that US government takes away criminals, explosives, … from us. I personally hope US government would take away guns from us, it may save 30,000 people’s live from gun shooting every year. Of course, I also hear opposite voices. But still I don’t think those in opposite line do not have capability of thinking.

If you think those oppose you are incapable of thinking, it is guaranteed that if your type of people are in power, you’ll be more ferocious dictator than CPC or Mao. You’ll be a Saddam of China.
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Don't think only you have ability to think, not any other people.

At least I am glad that US government takes away criminals, explosives, … from us. I personally hope US government would take away guns from us, it may save 30,000 people’s live from gun shooting every year. Of course, I also hear opposite voices. But still I don’t think those in opposite line do not have capability of thinking.

If you think those oppose you are incapable of thinking, it is guaranteed that if your type of people are in power, you’ll be more ferocious dictator than CPC or Mao. You’ll be a Saddam of China.

agreed, this is why i hate the "democrats" of china.

they think that everyone else is an idiot and incapable of independent thinking, while in reality they're just the mouthpiece of the CIA. they think they are so special, when in reality they're nothing extraordinary.

if they ever go into power, they'll silence anyone that opposes them and turn China into Zimbabwe or North Korea. Forget Saddam at least he got oil, China has no oil so they'll just be like Robert Mugabe or Kim Jong Il.

There is far too much freedom of speech in China, otherwise HOW CAN THESE GARBAGE get their voice out onto the internet? How can they even have the right to say they have no freedom? Makes no sense.

they'll probably ban baidu and legalize google. ban QQ and force everyone to use MSN.
fucked up 固定词组 ph. 【俚】

The result is from Baidu. It said it's just a slang, not abuse words.

The important thing is this: I'm here to prove that there are different voices and opinions exist in China. And it's the truth. Why did that guy who showed up and shoot those district attacking crap to me? Is it a good place to talk about that meaningless stuff? And is that has anything to do with the current topic?

Again, if you want to argue, welcome. But that guy is definitely not here for a reasonable arguing.

I would like to quote what he said here for your convenience:

"as it is for you.

shanghai has always been a city obsessed with foreigners, from the days of the first qing dynasty 租界[Foreign Settlement] to the shameless 洋奴[slave of a foreign master] today. at first i thought that was a silly idea but after seeing certain members behave as such, stereotypes may have basis in fact. "

BTW, I will curse anyone who call me a slave of a foreign master anytime.

so how are you proving that you have a different opinion? by restating the opinion of the united states?

the internal conflict is like a family dispute. do you think it's right that in a dispute between you and your parents, a street thug walks into your house and starts insulting your parents, and you cheer for it? no! any reasonable person would set aside their dispute with the parents and kick the street thug out, but you on the other hand is actively welcoming the thug and telling him, keep going!

So would I hope you, too.

Please kindly read the following:

Australians censor the internet - The Inquirer

10 nations tell Google of privacy concern on Buzz - 24 Hour Entertainment - fresnobee.com

So stop being naive, start being mature.

If you have a look at what other countries have been doing when compared to China... when it comes to restriction to the internet ... you will notice that what CCP has been doing is very different.

I presume you will pretend not to be aware of how different the CCP prctise is? :-)

I really hope you can think more before you make such a conclusion.

A very simple question for you first: What can Google get from quitting mainland China??? To give pressure to the impudent Chinese government???

The Chinese government are lying on this. Who said Google's quitting is only for cyber attack??? Who said Google's quitting is for censorship??? Censorship is very legal in the United States. But the Chinese Government's way of censorship is not legal! No people will give the right to any government to legally block some part of the history of her own from her citizen. (For when you want to search on the internet for what had happened on June 4th, 1989. You cannot even get a link. Do you want to ask why?)

Besides my dear fellow, do you know that not just Google, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and many other famous website are also blocked in mainland China???

I never prasied China Government for these stupid behaviours.But you must aware that the google is not a sacred angel for these issues. They claimed that they are not willing to do evils, meantime, they cheat the users in ideology. So do not blame china government when google is a propaganda tool itself.

For most common netizens, they are not interested in politics at all, nor they can be affected seriously by GFW, because that many guys can skip the GFW and log in youtube anyway. 8*8 incident is a tragedy, but it has happened.now we must pay more attention the the living status of people at present and let the tragedy no happen again. yet I don't know if the government have better solutions when we witness the Soviet union and eastern european countries collapse just in the following years.
agreed, this is why i hate the "democrats" of china.

they think that everyone else is an idiot and incapable of independent thinking, while in reality they're just the mouthpiece of the CIA. they think they are so special, when in reality they're nothing extraordinary.

if they ever go into power, they'll silence anyone that opposes them and turn China into Zimbabwe or North Korea. Forget Saddam at least he got oil, China has no oil so they'll just be like Robert Mugabe or Kim Jong Il.

There is far too much freedom of speech in China, otherwise HOW CAN THESE GARBAGE get their voice out onto the internet? How can they even have the right to say they have no freedom? Makes no sense.

they'll probably ban baidu and legalize google. ban QQ and force everyone to use MSN.

actually china has a lot of resources including oil, china is like the 5th largest producer of oil
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actually china has a lot of resources including oil, china is like the 5th largest producer of oil

We can never export it since we have far too much domestic consumption, under a sane government of course. The Robert Mugabe wannabees would love to change that, outside their luxury palaces to be built once in power of course.



----Those kind of man said that they love their motherland, what they hate is CCP only. I guess this man is a member of anti-CCP organization which is feeded by CIA and other anti-China organizations.
----Anti-China members said that:
----1 The Gov of China killed hundreds of students in 1989.
----But my uncle was a teacher who experienced that event, he and his students still live today.
----2 The Gov of China killed hundreds of Muslim and Buddhist in Xin Jiang and Tibet riot.
----But the truth was a part of Muslim and Buddhist who was supported by CIA and other anti-China organizations killed hundreds of Han nation common people.
----3 They say that the Gov of China censor internet information was because Gov wasn't hope the people know the truth "CCP Gov is a evil".
----Who is the true evil? Anti-China members incite nations conflict, make falsehood, invert the truth and fallacy........What they hope or want to get? They want to get USD at first, and then they want to rule the country, at last, China became a weak country, no one would challenge US's rule status in the wold. Why US want to limit the progressing of China? Because Americans want to be the emperor for ever. Americans want to heist the resources in the world for ever.
----Anti-China organizatons and a part of Americans are the true evil.

:china::sniper: 洋奴
Again, you are not honest. What a shame...

you think those who don't understand Chinese cannot use google translator to distinguish those abuse words?

Some thing like lick the foreigners @ss and crazy dog is not abusing enough for you?


I don't care if you hate the communist party.

What concerns me is that whether you support india, which is a potential enemy of China, and its illegal occupation of South Tibet or support China, which you claim to be your motherland.

I want to know whether you support US illegal occupation of China's Taiwan province or support your motherland's standpoint.

You are free to hate the communist party, but if you support india and US, you are an enemy of China. This is a very clear cut message. No further logic is required.

----Those kind of man said that they love their motherland, what they hate is CCP only. I guess this man is a member of anti-CCP organization which is feeded by CIA and other anti-China organizations.
----Anti-China members said that:
----1 The Gov of China killed hundreds of students in 1989.
----But my uncle was a teacher who experienced that event, he and his students still live today.
----2 The Gov of China killed hundreds of Muslim and Buddhist in Xin Jiang and Tibet riot.
----But the truth was a part of Muslim and Buddhist who was supported by CIA and other anti-China organizations killed hundreds of Han nation common people.
----3 They say that the Gov of China censor internet information was because Gov wasn't hope the people know the truth "CCP Gov is a evil".
----Who is the true evil? Anti-China members incite nations conflict, make falsehood, invert the truth and fallacy........What they hope or want to get? They want to get USD at first, and then they want to rule the country, at last, China became a weak country, no one would challenge US's rule status in the wold. Why US want to limit the progressing of China? Because Americans want to be the emperor for ever. Americans want to heist the resources in the world for ever.
----Anti-China organizatons and a part of Americans are the true evil.

:china::sniper: 洋奴

嗯 赞同!什么叫“爱狗哦不爱D”?这是可能的吗?米国说要遏制中国的发展时,他们说的可是”中国“,注意这里是”国“,而不是”党“。为什么他们要遏制中国的发展呢?你已经说了。没有中国,他们可以有恃无恐地掠夺全球的资源 - 包括我们的资源。他们可以肆无忌惮地奴役世界的人民 - 包括我们的中华民族!不过,只要有我们在,我们这些普通的中国人敢对他们以及他们的走狗说不,他们的诡计不可能得逞。



:china: :sniper: :usflag:
<Or will Google realize that it is not above the law?>
Google is not above the law and f&ck Google (should leave China for not complying).

Google's got problem with Germany, Canada, Australia, etc.

US double standard:
The U.S. government, hell-bent at trampling over citizen's rights in order to protect those self-same rights, required Google to install back doors in its security system so that it could, at will, snoop on the online goings-on of suspect Gmail users.
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