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Google will not return to China because it is spying on its people

You are clearly NOT a thinking person. Chinese laws are applicable inside China, to any person of any citizenship and to any corporation doing business inside China. However, that does not mean that person or corporation have to morally accept any law. The morality and legality can be separately examined.

Geez, can't you see that you are so ridiculous that I don't even have to think hard to know that, all I need to do is to simply use your own logic. You are already defeated by your own words, all you do now is arguing for the sake of arguing.
Simply put this thread is about us having a F*cking laugh at the hypocritical sh*t that google has come up with to say they bloody do not do business China because of them spying on their citizens when they caught pants down doing the same in the US. (regardless of the level they delve into)
actually Google's hypocrisy is on a whole new level, because it actively and almost voluntarily participated in the monitoring program. people can say companies like Yahoo were forced to engage in the program because they lost the legal battle against NSA, but certainly not Google.
You are not a thinking person, you keep going round and round defending what Google has done by comparing it with China. Justifying it with BS like "oh google does not politically censor dissidents and what not"
Right...So according to you, data collection is as morally offensive as censorship. In that case, quite using banks, cellular phone service, cut up any credit cards, and move out to the mountains.

Singapore censors Political dissidents, last time I checked we are on US friends list. Do you want to know what we used to do with them? Go google that up. Explain how this works please? Oh you can't because my country actually operates in your countries interest
Just because you practice and support censorship, that does not mean you and US have no common interests. This is an immature understanding of inter-state relations.

Simply put this thread is about us having a F*cking laugh at the hypocritical sh*t that google has come up with to say they bloody do not do business China because of them spying on their citizens when they caught pants down doing the same in the US. (regardless of the level they delve into)
How many Internet search providers are there in the US versus how many are there in China? If you say one in China, then the laugh is on you.
Right...So according to you, data collection is as morally offensive as censorship. In that case, quite using banks, cellular phone service, cut up any credit cards, and move out to the mountains.

So you mean to say all this hooha with Snowden the NSA and Google is all just about data collection of consumer spending habits? Is that right?

Just because you practice and support censorship, that does not mean you and US have no common interests. This is an immature understanding of inter-state relations.

Hey you criticize one country for their political dissident control I just threw my country in a comparison. Go figure.

How many Internet search providers are there in the US versus how many are there in China? If you say one in China, then the laugh is on you.

what does this have to do how many search providers there are in China? this is a Google oriented thread about something they stood by that has now slapped them in the face. I don't give a crap about how many search providers there are in China for that matter, what the world does this have to do with what Google said and what they have been doing?

Sounds like denial denial denial..

John 8:32
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
So you mean to say all this hooha with Snowden the NSA and Google is all just about data collection of consumer spending habits? Is that right?
No, that is what YOU say based upon your limited critical thinking skills.

If I defend data collection, it begs the question of what am I going to use that data for in order for me to justify to myself the effort. If I run a chain of supermarkets, I cannot simply wake up one day and say to my managers: 'Starting today, we are going to collect consumer purchases at all stores and do it just for the heck of it.' I have to find a usefulness for that effort. Whether my competitors or even my managers agrees with my perception of that usefulness or not is a different issue. So if my intention is custom tailor my stocks to each store's demographics, that is my justification and based upon that I will defend my data collection and analyses against criticisms.

The NSA is nothing like a supermarket. It does not provide a public utility like a market does and this is the difference that you refused to consider because you are desperate -- SO DESPERATE -- to bring US down to China's level of controlling access to the Internet and censorship of the information flow from the Internet. The American public is not so stupid as you would like to believe. We know that Google collects data the same way banks and supermarkets does. The American public's distaste is not about data collection, as news articles routinely simplistically portrayed the issue, but about the government's access to these information and WHAT could be done with the data. The US government does not tell Google, Ask, or Duckduckgo, on what information to pass through their servers, especially information of a politically sensitive nature, the way the Chinese government does to Internet service providers in China. And this difference is what troubles you. :lol:

Hey you criticize one country for their political dissident control I just threw my country in a comparison. Go figure.
Hey...I criticizes my friends, so why not countries to their allies? What a lame-@$$ argument. Go figure...
Are we really surprised that US government spying on its own people? If this is not the case, Ron Paul won't have the support his is gathering, even though establishment on both sides of the isle are against him and wary of him He was regarded as the nut case. But now, people realize that government is not the solution of our problem. Government is the problem.
No, that is what YOU say based upon your limited critical thinking skills.

If I defend data collection, it begs the question of what am I going to use that data for in order for me to justify to myself the effort. If I run a chain of supermarkets, I cannot simply wake up one day and say to my managers: 'Starting today, we are going to collect consumer purchases at all stores and do it just for the heck of it.' I have to find a usefulness for that effort. Whether my competitors or even my managers agrees with my perception of that usefulness or not is a different issue. So if my intention is custom tailor my stocks to each store's demographics, that is my justification and based upon that I will defend my data collection and analyses against criticisms.

The NSA is nothing like a supermarket. It does not provide a public utility like a market does and this is the difference that you refused to consider because you are desperate -- SO DESPERATE -- to bring US down to China's level of controlling access to the Internet and censorship of the information flow from the Internet. The American public is not so stupid as you would like to believe. We know that Google collects data the same way banks and supermarkets does. The American public's distaste is not about data collection, as news articles routinely simplistically portrayed the issue, but about the government's access to these information and WHAT could be done with the data. The US government does not tell Google, Ask, or Duckduckgo, on what information to pass through their servers, especially information of a politically sensitive nature, the way the Chinese government does to Internet service providers in China. And this difference is what troubles you. :lol:

Hey...I criticizes my friends, so why not countries to their allies? What a lame-@$$ argument. Go figure...

HAHAHAHA What a bunch of BS, to be honest I didn't read any of the bollocks you written cause if someone has to try so hard to make a point its not much of a point in the first place

Simply put Google are hypocrites end of story.

Actually I don't care about US at all (or China for that matter), I am just here to make a mockery of what transpired, But more importantly laugh at lamos like you trying so hard to defend the system.

Please don't write me another essay. I laughed too hard at the last one
HAHAHAHA What a bunch of BS, to be honest I didn't read any of the bollocks you written cause if someone has to try so hard to make a point its not much of a point in the first place

Simply put Google are hypocrites end of story.

Actually I don't care about US at all (or China for that matter), I am just here to make a mockery of what transpired, But more importantly laugh at lamos like you trying so hard to defend the system.

Please don't write me another essay. I laughed too hard at the last one
So the reality is that you finally see the truth and that you do not like the answer you read. You definitely understood what I said. If you do business with bank that you have a checking, saving, and credit cards, then your bank is just as 'evil' as Google is, according to your claim, and the bank have been so 'evil' for years, long before Internet existed. So where is your outrage now? :lol:
So the reality is that you finally see the truth and that you do not like the answer you read. You definitely understood what I said. If you do business with bank that you have a checking, saving, and credit cards, then your bank is just as 'evil' as Google is, according to your claim, and the bank have been so 'evil' for years, long before Internet existed. So where is your outrage now? :lol:

Jeezus Gambit, how big is your freaking ego,

What truth? Are you delusional? lol I don't even know what your talking about Banks and Data collection compared to what the NSA is doing. There is only only fish swimming against the current and that's you so its pretty obvious no one really buys into your BS.

I think you're losing it, stick to the schematics and your warfare tech know how. That's your strong point, everything else you say is moot point really :blah:
Geez, can't you see that you are so ridiculous that I don't even have to think hard to know that, all I need to do is to simply use your own logic. You are already defeated by your own words, all you do now is arguing for the sake of arguing.

I agree with ya Huskie, I think he's got his head so far up his behind on this one he just blabbers about irrelevant whatever.

I'm outta this thread Gambit, I'll reckon you'll post some other nonsense back to give yourself and ego boost. But hey if it makes you happy go for it :)
Don’t expect Google to return to China anytime soon

Now that we know Google is helping US government continuously spy on its people, I wonder when they will pull out of the states. I am sure that Google can read this message, so don't be evil, Schmidt!

Eric Schmidt is one of those white supremacist in suits. This guy speak through both side of his mouth. Not to mentioned is a loyal member of the Bilderberg group, which is a group of white people seeking to maintain its dominance position in the world.
Jeezus Gambit, how big is your freaking ego,
Big enough.

What truth?
The one I just told ya...

Are you delusional?
No. Are you?

lol I don't even know what your talking about Banks and Data collection compared to what the NSA is doing.
What is the NSA doing?

There is only only fish swimming against the current and that's you so its pretty obvious no one really buys into your BS.
Then explain to us that 'current'. What is the NSA doing? Do you even know what the NSA's mission is?
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