windows is in trouble, if it didnt move quickly it may end like and apple might destroy need to understand that
Why is windows phone 8 in trouble? it has better map bing and nokia apps. What is it that puts windows phone in trouble please is hit just because it is given the position by US media rest the product when stripped down it has samsung korea and chinese components. so windows phone os is a flop? just because it has a little over 100,000 apps honestly tell me how many apps do you install on 32gb? I bet if you are app crazy not more than 100 and non is used simultaneous on any device/OS.
What do you want from a phone? to call, sms, mms, video messaging, video comm, audio comm, calendar, notifications, emails, music, youtube, other videos sites, social networking sites, games, movies, pc to device data transfer/device to pc data transfer, document creation, cloud tell me what else are you looking from a device that does it all with minimal RAM requirement unike android lag. apple needs to understand it needs to give more free and open access to common user than restricting them apple is ahead in the device/app game just because it jumped in first microsoft rejected that idea in early 2000 now with nokia purchase microsoft will ground all ASHA and other nokia devices and focus lumia line up in the entire globe that is the point where windows phone will have a vast market imagine in Pakistan you buy nokia asha for 100 dollars or 10,000 rupees what if it is replaced with MS windows phones for the same 100 dollar price apple is going to be crushed badly in next 24 months not even the cheap plastic iphone 5C can't with stand the flood of windows phone that are going to replaced cheap nokia line up like asha and xyz with lumia class for 100 dollars or so.
nokia lumia series phones are cute ... and windows os looks fresh ... main issue is apps ecosysyem.
Dude people grow up how many apps do you want on your deivce and how many days after do you uninstall them I bet 98% on PDF members don't even purchase quality apps but free apps. It is simple microsoft stresses quality apps while apple and android have 505 worst useless one timer apps.