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But why should we have a neutral mod when the Turkish section has a Turk mod. Or both Arab and Middle East sections have a Arab mod!
Its not like these people where neutral anyway. The Arab mod Mosamania said he wants to burn all Shias and the Turkish mod Deno compared Persians to her own feces.
Did you reported them ? Any action taken ?
And what about the ideology of Pan-Aryanism among Persians? This ideology was even promoted at a state level during Pahlavi regime, the Shah even called himself as "Aryamehr". This was the same ideology which developed slangs like "Torke Khar" for a quarter of the country's population at a state level.
And what about the ideology of Pan-Aryanism among Persians? This ideology was even promoted at a state level during Pahlavi regime, the Shah even called himself as "Aryamehr". This was the same ideology which developed slangs like "Torke Khar".

I don't care. We haven't murdered anyone in Iran because of his ethnicity, unlike you Turks:

Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Greek genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Assyrian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We even tried to save Armenians and Assyrians from Turkish hands!

Most of the Assyrian villages were unarmed. The only protection they had was when the Russian army finally took control of the area, years after the presence of the Ottoman army had been removed. On February 25, 1915, Ottoman troops stormed their way into the villages of Gulpashan and Salamas. Almost the entire village of Golpashan, of a population of 2,500, were massacred. In Salamas about 750 Armenian and Assyrian refugees were protected by Iranian civilians in the village. The commander of the Ottoman division stormed the houses despite the fact that Iranians lived in them, and roped all the men together in large groups and forced them to march in the fields between Khusrawa and Haftevan. The men were shot or killed in other ways. The protection of Christians by local Persian/Iranian civilians is also confirmed in the 1915 British report: "Many muslims tried to save their Christian neighbours and offered them shelter in their houses, but the Turkish authorities were implacable." During the winter of 1915, 4,000 Assyrians died from disease, hunger, and exposure, and about 1000 were killed in the villages of Urmia.
What about the "21 Azer" massacre? Pahlavi troops killed thousands in Southern Azerbaijan after Soviet Troops left.

21 Azar 1945

Please, don't come up with those phony sources. At least quote a UN-rapport, or Human Rights Watch, to back up your idiotic claims. And why do you post a vid that has nothing to do with the rest of your post?
BTW, if you want a modern example of massacre and genocide by Iran, look no further away than Syria. An on-going massacre and genocide by direct support of Iranian government, even with the participation of Iranian soldiers.
BTW, if you want a modern example of massacre and genocide by Iran, look no further away than Syria. An on-going massacre and genocide by direct support of Iranian government, even with the participation of Iranian soldiers.

There are no rapports of Iranians killing Syrians; not even by the UN.

This is my last post against you. I hope Era will come online soon, so he can deal with trolls like you.
@Surenas People are being murdered in Iran because of their thoughts, let alone their ethnicity. You are still talking about civilization? Iran is a failed state, Iranian people are not citizens but subjects whose brains are being washed by heavy propaganda. And those subjects are not welcoming you in Iran, that's why you had to change your flag. That is why you desperately need to belong somewhere, that is why you have inferiority complex.

And it is amazing how people like Shahin who should have been banned permanently long ago, playing the victim here. Demanding a mod and sht...
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@Surenas People are being murdered in Iran because of their thoughts, let alone their ethnicity. You are still talking about civilization? Iran is a failed state, Iranian people are not citizens but subjects whose brains are being washed by heavy propaganda. And those subjects are not welcoming you in Iran, that's why you had to change your flag. That is why you desperately need to belong somewhere, that is why you have inferiority complex.

Thats why I try to say; the regime doesn't discriminate. Anyone, whether Persian, Azeri or Kurdish, is being oppressed. I do not have a inferiority complex, nor do I feel that I have to belong somewhere. I'm living in the Netherlands, where I have many friends, and I have been influenced by Dutch mentality, just like I've been influenced by my Iranian heritage.
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Thats why I try to say; the regime doesn't discriminate. Anyone, whether Persian, Azeri or Kurdish, is being oppressed. I do not have a inferiority complex, nor do I feel that I have to belong somewhere. I'm living in the Netherlands, where I have many friends, and I have been influenced by Dutch mentality, just like I've been influenced by my Iranian heritage.

But you are just bütthurt, because your people have a history of genocide. Killing Armenians for being Armenians, greeks because of their Greek ancestry, and Assyrians because of their Assyrian ancestry. Killing Alevis, by burning their gathering place, etc. Don't tell me anything about Turks.

Bütthurt? :D That thing is the reason for those who hate Turks, not the other way around.

No we haven't got a history of genocides and your wikipedia links won't change that. Even if we did you are still an outcast who can not return to his third world home where people are being executed in streets because of their thoughts. First embrace the truths, then you will feel relieved.

Even an untrained eye can detect the inferiorty complex within you. You have an unstable personality, and identitiy crisis. One day you are being nice, the other day you are being a retard. A word of advice: focus on that Dutch mentality, because you have no other place to go.
Bütthurt? :D That thing is the reason for those who hate Turks, not the other way around.

No we haven't got a history of genocides and your wikipedia links won't change that. Even if we did you are still an outcast who can not return to his third world home where people are being executed in streets because of their thoughts. First embrace the truths, then you will feel relieved.

Even an untrained eye can detect the inferiorty complex within you. You have an unstable personality, and identitiy crisis. One day you are being nice, the other day you are being a retard. A word of advice: focus on that Dutch mentality, because you have no other place to go.

Dr. Freud. :D

I know you Turks are good at lying; there is no doubt that Turks have been involved in genocides and mass murders last century.

Dr. Freud. :D

Like i said, even if we did. You are, what you are.
And it is amazing how people like Shahin who should have been banned permanently long ago, playing the victim here. Demanding a mod and sht...

Hey, long time no see. I missed you too.

third world home where people are being executed in streets because of their thoughts.

I see nothing has changed. You are still trolling. Well if Iran is third world then what does that say that we have bigger automobile industry (as well as many others) then your puppet nation. When you have had everything handed to you by papa America on a golden spoon, while we have had to fight hard for all our accomplishments.

This is exactly the reason we need an Iranian mod. Obsessed trolls like Ottoman-Turk, atatwolf, ASQ, TurAr, who always come into Iranian discussions.
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