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Good Bye General Bajwa!

-asked Imran khan for Ravi projection construction to be given to his samadhi, i am refused
-released Nawaz, took bribe
-took money and estate from the west and removed imran khan
-gave NRO2 to nawaz and took bribe again
-assembled PDM alliance

As you can see, he messed up Pakistan bug time for ages to come
Scuttled Bandal Island project in Sindh since it negated DHA Karachi's importance. Actually, the credit to that ignominy goes to the whole Army instead of this particular colonial sepoy.
Riots have errupted in Belgium after Fifa soccer upset by mobs,
watch out Bajwa Skin heads will slaughter you & they don't care of your $ billions

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Taaja hawaldar didn't do Jack.

It was the airchief and his team of aviators so the credit goes to the vayosayna and their boss i.k.
Bhai, genuine question.

You used to be pretty anti-IK. What led you to change your mind?

It is a shame he has such loyal followers.
Yeah, what a shame. If only the army had such loyal followers.

Wait, this just in.

I am being told they did.

And they fcked it up ROYALLY.
is Bajwa the b$£%£$%£ now unemployed ??? Or he is still employed by the Army?
is Bajwa the b$£%£$%£ now unemployed ??? Or he is still employed by the Army?
Employed as a consultant on Pak strategic weapons programmes.. a bit like Kidwai who retired to the US after being head of Pak strategic forces.. what a bloody joke of an institution, just a bloody money making machine for the select elite.. green card in exchange for state secrets.. permanently stay there so that they can avoid being tried for treason…
Can you guys explain the DHA business model?

The generals usurp land or buy it at throwaway prices, get alloted a plot and then resell. Is that how it works?
Bhai, genuine question.

You used to be pretty anti-IK. What led you to change your mind?

Ask any of the posters who joined this forum post 2015 ----- or go through my post history , shehzaday me and my comrades would run circles around the old guard.

Not anti anyone but pro pak. I was mad at i.k for getting tricked by bajwa into letting navaz exit the country and for the back tracking from the simplest of the initiatives which we were also suggesting back in the days.

But then took a rapid u turn when bajwa executed operation regime ------ how dare a sarakri mulazim desecrate the vote of we the people ?
Yeah, what a shame. If only the army had such loyal followers.

Wait, this just in.

I am being told they did.

And they fcked it up ROYALLY.
This political circus is peanuts... Army has endured through being called kaafir , murtad and to the point that people refused to offer janaza of Shaheeds. Don't for a second think that blind zinger burger disciples of some reformed Playboy, are going to make some posters, and make the Army nervous...
Both bajwa n faiz should be investigated for corruption.

Ask any of the posters who joined this forum post 2015 ----- or go through my post history , shehzaday me and my comrades would run circles around the old guard.

Not anti anyone but pro pak. I was mad at i.k for getting tricked by bajwa into letting navaz exit the country and for the back tracking from the simplest of the initiatives which we were also suggesting back in the days.

But then took a rapid u turn when bajwa executed operation regime ------ how dare a sarakri mulazim desecrate the vote of we the people ?
Lets be honest IK is just anothet chutiya, only thing is that he is stubborn.

I only hope the loud mouth goes after bajwa n gang. They shouldnt be let go so easily.
This political circus is peanuts... Army has endured through being called kaafir , murtad and to the point that people refused to offer janaza of Shaheeds. Don't for a second think that blind zinger burger disciples of some reformed Playboy, are going to make some posters, and make the Army nervous...
well congratulations to the very stoic and non-nervous army. they have successfully managed to alienate those very same people who stood by them during all their trials and tribulations you related above, the middle class.

Job well done. shot oneself in the foot, a feat many can boast of having pulled, but only Pakistani generals can boast having mastered.
Can you guys explain the DHA business model?

The generals usurp land or buy it at throwaway prices, get alloted a plot and then resell. Is that how it works?
ok. fr tho. i really want to read more about this. this deserves a thread of its own.
@Olympus81 , since you asked the question, can you please make a thread and tag me as well.

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