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Going to fight in IOK to be enmity with Pakistan, Kashmiris (Imran Khan)

Can this be a well-thought-out strategy from the state of Pakistan? We know India is going to fabricate incidents in Kashmir and will blame them on Pakistan. This statement is a "premptive-defense" which believes that no civilian from Pakistan should cross the border into India or do anything militarily on its own.
What the hell and why again this fukin shit man ,,,,,,,,,, Why so apologetic ,,,,,,, Why so fukin crying for peace ….
Now I am having a feeling this mofo sold Kashmir and that 3 years extension is a gift ,...…. But I will hold my feelings till 27th of this month …… All will be crystal clear after that ..
And you lost all credibility in my eyes by going sectarian and proved for once and all you're an idiot who is also an emotionally immature little brat that knows nothing about the stuff he is typing, hence a keyboard warrior. Continue with your nonsense ranting, that is all after all you and your ilk can do.

haha, sectarian.

I gave example of Deobandi Taliban and Shia Iran in the same paragraph. Which sect did I suddenly favour? I should have given examples of Israel, you'd have called me a jew. This is the problem with so many Pakistani's - you choose not to look at an argument critically(however stupid it might be), you won't analyse it or break it down anymore, you just want to label it, pigeon hole it and move on.

I've been posting on this forum for years and years as an ardent supporter of PTI and Imran Khan, yet EVERY time i have criticised him, some fanboy has called me a patwari.

At least in North Korea the ghulami is forced, here in Pakistan it is voluntary.

Think of the impact of his words, the impact on morale, the political impact, the future ramifications of any indigneous Kashmiri freedom struggle. Imran Khans words are not new, the donkey has borrowed RSS propaganda and repeated it. For years India has been saying that Kashmiri freedom fighters harm their own people and their own cause, that they're unrepresentative of Kashmiri views.

Today the PM of Pakistan has said the same thing about Pakistani's or Kashmiri's from Azad Kashmir who wish to participate in the same struggle. If a man from Kotli crosses the border to fight the Indian army he is hurting the Kashmiri cause apparently. So is the same not true if a man from Shopian choose to do so? This same logic has been applied by Indians and their mental slaves to the likes of Burhan Wani and Riaz Naikoo.

Unfortunately most Pakistani's don't care 2 iotas about keeping upto date on Kashmir and wouldn't know this.
Can this be a well-thought-out strategy from the state of Pakistan? We know India is going to fabricate incidents in Kashmir and will blame them on Pakistan. This statement is a "premptive-defense" which believes that no civilian from Pakistan should cross the border into India or do anything militarily on its own.
Sir since when Kashmir is enida or part of endia ……. After removing articles endia is colonial force in Kashmir ,, No legal cover left for endian army ……. So why the hell we don't take a stand accordingly ……...
they can't because they are modi's little helpers. they need to maintain the "Pakistan is sponsoring terror" narrative. if they were for real jihadis, instead of barking and inciting from overseas mofos would already be in bharat or Kashmir

Looks like there are Sanghi lovers in Pakistan too.
What the hell and why again this fukin shit man ,,,,,,,,,, Why so apologetic ,,,,,,, Why so fukin crying for peace ….
Now I am having a feeling this mofo sold Kashmir and that 3 years extension is a gift ,...…. But I will hold my feelings till 27th of this month …… All will be crystal clear after that ..
not him he has no power or authority! he is jist a pawn ganda isko karna hai end may
What you are failing to understand is that IK is a very shrewd politician.

No one in this world claims that they are supporting terrorists.

Countries always say one thing and do another.

You should not go by his words but his actions.

As a leader he has a responsbility to say the right things. Legally speaking Kashmiri's in AJK have the right to resist occupation on their homeland (that includes Indian occupied Kashmir). Who is Imran Khan to deny them that right?

Secondly, the words he's spoken have been spoken by Indian media and government as well as Indian stooges in Kashmir before about the Kashmiri armed resistance. They imply through those words and often outright say it, that the Kashmiri people as a whole don't support the freedom fighters, as the violence is naturally against the better interests of the people of IoK. Why is he echoing their narrative?

Thirdly a term pops to mind, "chor ki dari me thinka". He is opening an Afghan border crossing, why is he speaking on this issue, in this manner, at that place.

For 40 years Pakistan has said it supports all legitimate Kashmiri resistance and has maintained that any military resistance is indigneous and not supported by Pakistan. Why can't he maintain that line?
what he is saying is actually right and i stand with him on this. Anyone who try to hurt Kashmir cause or make is controversial is enemy of Pakistan.
What will happen if we do nothing?

Will the UN force India to conduct a plebiscite or will our peaceful protest make the US impose sanctions on India?
so is there any other way through which he can liberate kashmir? UN isnt going to do anything and no one gets freedom in this world without blood shed.
Why go to India ? What does he mean ??



Earlier, representatives of all tribal districts addressed a press conference, where they condemned the lockdown and atrocities in held Kashmir, which they said had “badly disturbed everyone” in their areas.

Almost all of them declared that they were ready to wage a war against India [to liberate held Kashmir], pending a signal [to this effect] from the country’s armed forces.

“We are bound by the laws of our country and we await just one order of our valiant commander,” said MNA Gul Zafar Khan, in a reference to Pakistan army chief. “Before we are left with no choice but to take up arms against India, it should quit Kashmir on its own,” he said and added: “Otherwise, we will mete out the same treatment to India that we meted out to the former Soviet Union.”
tamam maslon ka hal "baat cheet " hoti hay. we got rid of ttp through "baat cheet". pak came into existance through "baat cheet"
I bet he's trying to work a deal to agree LOC as a border, annex AJK for Pakistan and f--k the rights of the Kashmiri's.
Accepting the LOC as an international border would be the right thing to do. AJK etc is already de facto Pakistan, makes sense if Pak were to absorb it completely.
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