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Go Thunder Go...

A simple hint how to see JF17 pilot... They have their extra band under the knees for the ejection proces. Since they want to keep their legs when ejecting the ejection seat pulls automaticly their legs and feet back before throwing them out of the plane... No other PAF planes uses that principle. Better for the pilot...

Nice pics yaar...

Nice Observation DUDE.
A simple hint how to see JF17 pilot... They have their extra band under the knees for the ejection proces. Since they want to keep their legs when ejecting the ejection seat pulls automaticly their legs and feet back before throwing them out of the plane... No other PAF planes uses that principle. Better for the pilot...

You are absolutely right that the leg restrainers pull the legs off from the rudder pedals and keep them close to the seat once ejection sequence begins. However, it shall be noted that this feature is NOT aircraft specific but rather seat specific.

All Martin Baker escape and evasion systems come with the leg restrainers. Pilots in F-6, A-5, Mirage , F-7P, F-7 PG, K-8 and now in JF-17 wear these restraints over the G-suits. For example in the below picture you can clearly see that whole front row is having these restrainers on.


Or this


And this


Leg restrainers come on different colours, mostly green that merges with the G-suit and aren’t very conspicuous. However in the JF-17 pics, they are blue and perhaps therefore standing out in the green background.

As far as the flying clothing items are concerned, there is absolutely no difference between a Thunder pilot or a K-8 or an A-5 pilot.
A simple hint how to see JF17 pilot... They have their extra band under the knees for the ejection proces. Since they want to keep their legs when ejecting the ejection seat pulls automaticly their legs and feet back before throwing them out of the plane... No other PAF planes uses that principle. Better for the pilot...

Nice pics yaar...

Thats a typical Munir observation...sharp as ever! :enjoy:
hey thnx x_man for these pictures they r awesome!!!

Yar app nay tu bhartiyon to tension dy di hai............ ;-)
now it my turn to show u people something gud!!!
Thankyou everyone for your appreciation and kind words. I will post more pics whenever I have them..

If you have noticed in the pics that majority of guys are young ( in their 20s or early 30s) and still have long way to go in their fighter flying career. The experience they are getting now will be of an immense value to turn new generation of pilots on this weapon system.

I am sure that anyone who is joining PAF right now as fighter pilot will definitely have his/her hands on this machine at very begining in their careers.
In 1971 and 1972 we had 4 ejections where the pilots legs remained in side and when they landed without legs they were dead except one he is still in Maripure Hospital and PAF is taking care of him, His luck was not on his side because he ejected at negative Gs the seat picks up speed and your butt is 1/2 inch above the seat and the seat hits you and it breaks your spine. I have noticed that the straps are a little high just like F-16 , Mirage and F-6 had the straps but a little low.
Plus just for more information the Shoulder straps also play a very important role while you eject the keep your posture straight, If the posture is not straight you will lose your back it even might kill you.
Excellent photos.

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