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Global times editor accepts multiple deaths of Chinese soldiers

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Feb 29, 2020
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"Hu Xijin
2 hours ago from HUAWEI P30 Pro
Indian Defense Secretary Singh declared on Tuesday that the conflict between the Chinese and Indian forces in the Kalwan Valley on June 15 caused heavy casualties to the Chinese side. His words like this are an inspiration to the Indian nationalist forces, and Lao Hu wants to expose him today. As far as I know from people familiar with the Chinese side, in that serious physical conflict, China killed far fewer soldiers than India killed. In that conflict, 20 soldiers died in the Indian army, many of whom were injured. It won't be cured. Of course, even if one Chinese soldier died, it would be a heavy loss.

According to Lao Hu's understanding, the frontline officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army are brave and united. Most of them are born in the 90s or even 00s. In the face of sudden conflicts, none of them feared the battle, and all officers and soldiers performed well.

The Indian army is not faithful. A few officers and soldiers of our army went to negotiate with the Indian army across the border. The Indian army suddenly attacked them, leading to the outbreak of conflict between the two sides. When outnumbered at first, some of our soldiers fought to the last breath, and none of them were captured by the Indian army. After our army officers and soldiers began to counterattack, the Indian troops broke down and scattered, some fell down the mountain, some fell into the river, neglecting each other, and many others surrendered to the PLA and were captured.

In the conflict on the northern shore of Pangong Lake, the Indian army "preemptively" (that is, crossing the border), occupied high ground, and condescendingly threw stones at the PLA. But I learned that the brave soldiers of the People's Liberation Army did not ignore the threats of the Indian army and rushed to the high ground and drove away the Indian army. At present, our military has formed a confrontational advantage at multiple points.

People familiar with the matter told Lao Hu that the morale of the frontline officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army in the Sino-Indian border area is very high, and the Indian army is not their opponent at all. The several conflicts since the beginning of this year have severely dampened the arrogance of the Indian army to encroach on our country's territory, and made the Indian side a new understanding of China's determination and will to resolutely defend its territorial sovereignty.

The Chinese and Indian foreign ministers reached a five-point consensus in Moscow last week. We sincerely hope that those consensuses can be fully implemented, and the situation in the China-India border area will usher in a turning point. But this requires the Indian government and the whole society to calm down and form their collective rationality for China-India relations. If the Indian side wants to make a rude on the border issue, it will only suffer losses and cannot take any advantage they want. The morale of the Indian army cannot be compared with that of the People's Liberation Army. The equipment of the Indian army and India's entire national strength cannot match China. It is understood that the People's Liberation Army has formed a strong deployment in the Sino-Indian border area, and its logistical capabilities are very advanced. The officers and soldiers on the spot can eat a variety of hot meals and vegetables, and it is not a problem to spend the winter locally. This army can give the Indian army a heavy counterattack at any time, and the Chinese believe that the People's Liberation Army will never be more polite to the provocative Indian army in the future. This means that the Indian army cannot become a bargaining chip for the Indian side to fulfill its unreasonable border requirements. Resolving disputes through negotiation is not only a good choice for both parties, but first of all, it is the only viable option for the Indian side.

Finally, I would like to say that I pay tribute to the brave officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army and the heroic souls of the martyrs. At the same time, it also pays tribute to the diplomats who struggle on complex fronts.




He refers to multiple deaths of chinese soldiers. First such open declaration.

The Chinese social media has erupted and many questions why the dead soldiers are being kept anonymous ?
The timing is interesting. Either to stir the Chinese for a larger conflict . Building public opinion against India.

"Hu Xijin
2 hours ago from HUAWEI P30 Pro
Indian Defense Secretary Singh declared on Tuesday that the conflict between the Chinese and Indian forces in the Kalwan Valley on June 15 caused heavy casualties to the Chinese side. His words like this are an inspiration to the Indian nationalist forces, and Lao Hu wants to expose him today. As far as I know from people familiar with the Chinese side, in that serious physical conflict, China killed far fewer soldiers than India killed. In that conflict, 20 soldiers died in the Indian army, many of whom were injured. It won't be cured. Of course, even if one Chinese soldier died, it would be a heavy loss.

According to Lao Hu's understanding, the frontline officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army are brave and united. Most of them are born in the 90s or even 00s. In the face of sudden conflicts, none of them feared the battle, and all officers and soldiers performed well.

The Indian army is not faithful. A few officers and soldiers of our army went to negotiate with the Indian army across the border. The Indian army suddenly attacked them, leading to the outbreak of conflict between the two sides. When outnumbered at first, some of our soldiers fought to the last breath, and none of them were captured by the Indian army. After our army officers and soldiers began to counterattack, the Indian troops broke down and scattered, some fell down the mountain, some fell into the river, neglecting each other, and many others surrendered to the PLA and were captured.

In the conflict on the northern shore of Pangong Lake, the Indian army "preemptively" (that is, crossing the border), occupied high ground, and condescendingly threw stones at the PLA. But I learned that the brave soldiers of the People's Liberation Army did not ignore the threats of the Indian army and rushed to the high ground and drove away the Indian army. At present, our military has formed a confrontational advantage at multiple points.

People familiar with the matter told Lao Hu that the morale of the frontline officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army in the Sino-Indian border area is very high, and the Indian army is not their opponent at all. The several conflicts since the beginning of this year have severely dampened the arrogance of the Indian army to encroach on our country's territory, and made the Indian side a new understanding of China's determination and will to resolutely defend its territorial sovereignty.

The Chinese and Indian foreign ministers reached a five-point consensus in Moscow last week. We sincerely hope that those consensuses can be fully implemented, and the situation in the China-India border area will usher in a turning point. But this requires the Indian government and the whole society to calm down and form their collective rationality for China-India relations. If the Indian side wants to make a rude on the border issue, it will only suffer losses and cannot take any advantage they want. The morale of the Indian army cannot be compared with that of the People's Liberation Army. The equipment of the Indian army and India's entire national strength cannot match China. It is understood that the People's Liberation Army has formed a strong deployment in the Sino-Indian border area, and its logistical capabilities are very advanced. The officers and soldiers on the spot can eat a variety of hot meals and vegetables, and it is not a problem to spend the winter locally. This army can give the Indian army a heavy counterattack at any time, and the Chinese believe that the People's Liberation Army will never be more polite to the provocative Indian army in the future. This means that the Indian army cannot become a bargaining chip for the Indian side to fulfill its unreasonable border requirements. Resolving disputes through negotiation is not only a good choice for both parties, but first of all, it is the only viable option for the Indian side.

Finally, I would like to say that I pay tribute to the brave officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army and the heroic souls of the martyrs. At the same time, it also pays tribute to the diplomats who struggle on complex fronts.




He refers to multiple deaths of chinese soldiers. First such open declaration.

The Chinese social media has erupted and many questions why the dead soldiers are being kept anonymous ?
Chinese PLA dead is far below that of the Indians dead.

Even if one Chinese soldier died, it would be a heavy loss.

It doesn't really say much. And also, he basically said the same thing a couple months ago immediately after the clash.
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One thing is confusing that whosoever opposes or fights Indian Army, is mostly blamed for hiding losses yet on other hand, India never lost such a number but accidents or heavy suicide rates.

On topic further, isn't ironical that India now needs editor(s) to accept claims made by Indian DM or so? I mean, at-least this is how the impression was given at first place and the Editor is posting something on weibo. And, there's no greater number mention about the losses of PLA.
I highly doubt that PLA suffered any significant casualties, had it been the case, they wouldn't have released the captured Indian soldiers that even India was unaware of their whereabouts.
I highly doubt that PLA suffered any significant casualties, had it been the case, they wouldn't have released the captured Indian soldiers that even India was unaware of their whereabouts.
He explicitly said Chinese casualties were far less than those of the Indians.
Chinese PLA dead is far below that of the Indians dead.

Even if one Chinese soldier died, it would be a heavy loss.

It doesn't really say much.
Why have the Chinese tied themselves into a knot over the casualties ?
Should have just announced as India had announced . More effort in trying to hide . Whether 1 or 38 , whats done is done.
These are just trial baloons by releasing through the global times editor, they want to keep it semi official and backtrack again if the ordinary Chinese gets too upset.

Every soldier in uniform needs a public acknowledgement for his sacrifice. Only spies should be quietly buried.

@Eagle the comments are 11500 in 2 hrs of release of statement.
Chinese PLA dead is far below that of the Indians dead.

Even if one Chinese soldier died, it would be a heavy loss.

It doesn't really say much. And also, he basically said the same thing a couple months ago immediately after the clash.

The original source says


roughly translates to more Indians were killed while OP claims in his translation more Chinese were killed.

I compared the initial violence to the movie Gangs of New York, this is not the conduct you'd expect from a professional army.
The original source says


roughly translates to more Indians were killed while OP claims in his translation more Chinese were killed.

I compared the initial violence to the movie Gangs of New York, this is not the conduct you'd expect from a professional army.
Google Translation error ... he wrote far less Chinese soldiers were killed than Indians. Regarding the NY street violence, yeah that sounds about right lol. Just add spikes to those baseball bats :enjoy:
The original source says


roughly translates to more Indians were killed while OP claims in his translation more Chinese were killed.

I compared the initial violence to the movie Gangs of New York, this is not the conduct you'd expect from a professional army.
Where have i talked about numbers , more or less ?
Are you in shock ?
India took a hit. That's normal in life. The important point is to learn the lesson and prevent such things from happening instead of barking day and night in media and spread lies.
Chinese are in the first stage of grief since june.


They should ask xi what his plan was for the massive incursion on a peaceful border ? Not blame the Indians for their losses.
... The Chinese social media has erupted and many questions why the dead soldiers are being kept anonymous ?

Where's that eruption taking place?

Has China humiliated India that much that it has left your nation totally scarred?
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