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Global Firepower - 2013 World Military Strength Ranking

The truth is North korea Outnumbered South Korea in terms of weapons but fact is South Korean's weapon technology is more advanced than North Korea

In their primitive military race, number does count. So I'd put NK ahead of SK in the ranking.
it already has and it sunk one of its warships. and it has tested more nukes.

its still here.

now run off with your gung-ho nonsensical posts.

I am talking about their BS threats of large scale attacks for the sanctions imposed on NK. Then what do you think will happen when they attack with their handful of nukes and their completely outdated air force and a bunch of suicide commandos?

SK will survive such an attack. The SK AF will wipe out their Korean war era AF within hours. And ever thought about the tens of thousands of US troops stationed in SK? NK will kill Americans in an attack. That cant be averted. I dont have to tell you how America is gonna retaliate in a nuclear attack. No one will the have the right to deny the US an nuclear retaliation. Not even China.
In their primitive military race, number does count. So I'd put NK ahead of SK in the ranking.

so you are counting number over technology ? i think you need to watch some videos 'Greatest tank battle:desert storm' , ' Dog fight: desert storm' , go check them out :D
In their primitive military race, number does count. So I'd put NK ahead of SK in the ranking.

.... you cant be serious..... do you even know what kind of technology NK uses? Do you even know where the NK economy stands right now to support any military op???
I wonder what happened to the strength of that bull when pakistan ducked under pressure of the west when they threatened that they will bomb pakistan back to the stone age if pakistanis didn't support war on terror. Having the bomb is one thing, using it another. One needs brain to develop a bomb but needs balls to use it.

Utter disgusting to observe an Indian acting like and American....The one who can develop a bomb sure have some balls...and if you wanna find out...why don't you never tried since you had the Golden chance after 26/11 or 2002's military stand off???????:cheesy:
so you are counting number over technology ? i think you need to watch some videos 'Greatest tank battle:desert storm' , ' Dog fight: desert storm' , go check them out :D

I agree, but seriously, this Greatest Tank Battle series and Dogfights is 50 % pure US propaganda and nonsense.
I agree, but seriously, this Greatest Tank Battle series and Dogfights is 50 % pure US propaganda and nonsense.
yes i agree but they give you some idea the power of new technology over old technology.
Chart Comparison Between India and Pakistan [/B

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Do you know how many countries Germany-Austria were fighting simultaneously ??
WW2 is not a Russian victory, but an Allied one where the main driving force was the US.

You can say US a factor, but THE MAIN DRIVING FORCE. Please explain that.
Typical fan boy mentality.

Of course rankings wont count in real conflict but they are far more rational than this fanboy BS.

Don't try to act smart ok, cuz I have been following defence since you were inside an egg.

You are proving yourself wrong if you look at what you wrote.

I said my opinion is based on common sense and you paraphrased it saying that rankings wont count in real conflict.

Such rankings are like counting the number of banknotes instead of the money. Got it? or should I explain it again for dummies?
Don't try to act smart ok, cuz I have been following defence since you were inside an egg.

You are proving yourself wrong if you look at what you wrote.

I said my opinion is based on common sense and you paraphrased it saying that rankings wont count in real conflict.

Such rankings are like counting the number of banknotes instead of the money. Got it? or should I explain it again for dummies?

I am saying that these rankings are more rational than your nonsensical comments that "common sense" tells us that this ranking is BS. But till now, I am waiting for your factors/reasons why this ranking is nonsense according to you.

And no, I am not contradicting myself. GFP ranking was made with 40 factors (You have the link, you can read them up), while those BS youtube rankings are usually made by the opinion of a bunch of keyboardwarriors, thus the GFP ranking is far more useful in comparing military power.

BTW: You are making a "Dummie" out yourself by making claims without giving proper arguments. And no, mentioning "common sense" is not an argument.
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