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Global famine if India, Pakistan unleash nukes: study

"repeatedly" ?? there was one war of 62 in which India suffered defeat. Size of the manpower available to both armies was somewhat equal, sure. And thats how we came to thought of acquiring a nuke, it wasn't meant for Pakistan.

47: Pakistan invades Kashmir, raja asks India for help. India stands up to the request, ceasefire.
65: Pakistan initiates, gains nothing, risks losing lahore, ceasefire, India retreats.
71: India initiates, break up of Pakistan. India invades west pakistan, ceasefire, India retreats.
99: Pakistani backed militants and armed forces invade kargil, India defends, pakistani militia killled.

So, thats that.. you can deduce as freely as you want.

also read through: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...first-nuclear-detonation-pne.html#post1257029

I agree, hence refer to my original post. I found the comment of the OP in bad taste and offensive.

:rofl: :lol:

awww my bhartis are sooooo shweeetttt!!! I love 'em !!!

1947- Raja gives India the whole Kashmir. Pakistan invades and TAKES 1.3/3 Kashmir , hence taking away the huge strategic advantage from India (Access to central Asia from Wakhan strip.)

1965- Pakistan 'poke' India in the Kashmir. India gets frustrated and invade mainland Pakistan. PAF , having already judged the nature of coming conflict, whoooooop IAF's a$$. India retreats from Lahore sector. Pakistan takes the town of Khem Kharan. Cease fire. Both forces retreat from enemy's territory. A 10 times larger nation signs a stalemate with a 10 times smaller nation.

1971- India invades EAST Pakistan , where a civil war was being fought between Pakistanis and Pakistanis. Having no supply-lines , weapons , air-support and backing of the local population...Pakistani Army (that wasn't even there to fight the conventional war) surrenders. India couldn't do jack on the Western Pakistan front (like always).

1999- Pakistan crosses the LOC and takes over Indian posts. Indian Army tries to take them back. Gets slaughtered. Called in Air Force. Re-takes the posts. After a decade of war , Indian media reports that Pakistan still over-looks NH D-1 via point 5353. Pakistan occupies one , and the highest , Indian post at the region and makes its own post.

Now deduce what you want...Also keep in mind when another nation of same size invaded your country...you LOST CLEARLY. Hands down. While we , the West Pakistan , fought TEN TIMES bigger nation than us again and again ...still that nation achieved no clear strategic victory. ;)
:rofl: :lol:

awww my bhartis are sooooo shweeetttt!!! I love 'em !!!

1947- Raja gives India the whole Kashmir. Pakistan invades and TAKES 1.3/3 Kashmir , hence taking away the huge strategic advantage from India (Access to central Asia from Wakhan strip.)

1965- Pakistan 'poke' India in the Kashmir. India gets frustrated and invade mainland Pakistan. PAF , having already judged the nature of coming conflict, whoooooop IAF's a$$. India retreats from Lahore sector. Pakistan takes the town of Khem Kharan. Cease fire. Both forces retreat from enemy's territory. A 10 times larger nation signs a stalemate with a 10 times smaller nation.

1971- India invades EAST Pakistan , where a civil war was being fought between Pakistanis and Pakistanis. Having no supply-lines , weapons , air-support and backing of the local population...Pakistani Army (that wasn't even there to fight the conventional war) surrenders. India couldn't do jack on the Western Pakistan front (like always).

1999- Pakistan crosses the LOC and takes over Indian posts. Indian Army tries to take them back. Gets slaughtered. Called in Air Force. Re-takes the posts. After a decade of war , Indian media reports that Pakistan still over-looks NH D-1 via point 5353. Pakistan occupies one , and the highest , Indian post at the region and makes its own post.

Now deduce what you want...Also keep in mind when another nation of same size invaded your country...you LOST CLEARLY. Hands down. Your ***** got raped. While we , the West Pakistan , fought TEN TIMES bigger nation than us again and again ...still that nation achieved no clear strategic victory. ;)

Can I add a few lines to 1999 Kargil Conflict? Could India have even dreamt of taking back the posts had Pakistan offered the same level of escalation? Had we deployed PAF and SAM assets, military force to match Indian military on atleast 1:3 basis and order to stand ground instead of orders to retreat due to international political pressure.....could India have taken anything back? Think seriously.

But a Nuclear weapon was necessary for India's survival, they are aware that they cannot even defeat Pakistan militarily which is atleast 6-7 times smaller in population, a lot smaller in size and resources so how could they defend themselves against a much better equipped and bigger military in China? But acquisition of Nuclear weapons tilted the odds heavily in favour of India against Pakistan, thus we had no other option but to acquire the weapon ourselves, as well, for balance.

Actually the famine would be a secondary factor---the primary factor of destruction would be chaos and anarchy afterwards----. The nuclear cloud and nuclear fallout----the fear of impeding death be a bigger factor.

If the fallout spreads till say Tibet, then large part of Asia population will be in trouble. Considering the majority of Asian rivers originate from Tibet
If the fallout spreads till say Tibet, then large part of Asia population will be in trouble. Considering the majority of Asian rivers originate from Tibet

If the nuclear cloud falls and spreads to Tibet then it's total destruction for India and Pakistan. Rivers would be polluted and on top of that no safe rain to drink because the rain clouds would have uranium in them... Overall it would take 2,000 years for Indian subcontinent to be considered safe again and UN would probably close off all effected areas
OMG this weopons are destructive hope God give some sense to indians & they got a secular leadership so tht we all can go non-nuclear & live in peace....
If the nuclear cloud falls and spreads to Tibet then it's total destruction for India and Pakistan. Rivers would be polluted and on top of that no safe rain to drink because the rain clouds would have uranium in them... Overall it would take 2,000 years for Indian subcontinent to be considered safe again and UN would probably close off all effected areas

India and Pakistan will cease to exist in a nuclear exchange
If the fallout spreads till say Tibet, then large part of Asia population will be in trouble. Considering the majority of Asian rivers originate from Tibet


My goodman, the fallout would be worldwide----life would cease to exist as we know of, in due time----. People don't seem to understand----they are so thick headed---it is unbelievable.

After the strike is over and people have died and in the initial burst and government offices and building and fire departments and police departments and hospitals have been destroyed---electricity disrupted---emergency service non existant---no water supply---massive traffic jams on the big city roads due to fried electrical and electronic parts on automobiles----the major populaton centers would enter a chaotic mode never witnessed in the history of mankind ever before starting with india-----.

Pakistan would be toast and roast----a charred remain----india would enter the first stage of chaos and anarchy on the first night of the strike----.

When the first signs of hunger start growing---the men will get restless---it will start will loot and plunder---murder and mayhem---fights will break out over water and food supplies as as medical supplies---electronics equipment and whatever---the cities will be overwhelmed---gangs will take charge of their streets and bloodshed would start in immediate localities and would spread all over----.

As some sanity prevails---and the news becomes available---people will start to thinks again---but then the news of the nuclear cloud would start a much bigger panic---that is when the real terror starts to grow---that is when the real panic starts to begin---that is where the people would start to run away from their residences and would want to be away from the oncoming nuclear cloud----.

In the meantime all the stock markets of the world would have crashed within the first hours of the news flash----people the world over would be in a shock---a shock never witnessed before---businesses would come to a full stop and there will be run on food and water and survival items.

Basically as the news would travel----it will leave chaos, panic and a public on the verge of going out of control witha flickof a switch---. Super markets the world over would start to be raided for water, dry and canned goods and non perishable items----. A feeling of despondency will be thick in the air.

Countries like sri lanks, bangladesh, burma, and all countries in south east asia will feel the panic right away---the gas supply to the world would stop----the shipping will come to a full stop.

Within a 48 to 72 hours of the strikes---this would be suddenly a terrible world to live in.

To my indian colleagues----you always reply to me---oh but pakistan would be gone----well guys---some of you would wish that india was gone too after you see the acts of terror and anarchy of the surviving against each other and the fear of impeding death from the nuclear cloud---a death thru continuous DIARRHEA.

Nevil Shute, in his book On The Beach, writes that only the rabbits will survive the diarrhea caused by radiation from the fallout---.

I finished reading that book just before the afternoon-----i think in 1975---I was in interior sindh---went to sleep and in my dreams I felt the world coming to an end---I woke up in a panic and was extremely hungry----can you beleive it---hungry for some JALEBI---I forced my mother to give the servant some money to go downtown sukkur and bring bring me that desert---. I felt better after I had some.

It changed my outlook on nuclear war right in my teen years.

What I have described is the first day or days after the strike---shortage of medicine and food and water will grow and thus increase the misery and sufferings of the living----.

As the toilets and restrooms in your houses bangalows high rises start to backup and ***** and stench starts filling the bathrooms with overflowing toilets, due to no electricity and no water to drink or wash---it will be the begining of 'coliform' disease season---diarrhea dysentry will prevail-----uncontrolled, they will turn into mini epidemics within days and major epidemics within weeks if not checked.

Nuclear war is a terrible terrible war----two people and two nations cannot and must not hate each other so much to start nuclear war.

This is not your 500 lbs bomb or the 30000 lbs bomb----this is pure and real hell and there is no coming back for anyone once the fires are lit.
if pakistan nukes India we will nuke tibet and make sure there are no drinking water for 2.6 bn of the world's population..
:rofl: :lol:

awww my bhartis are sooooo shweeetttt!!! I love 'em !!!

1947- Raja gives India the whole Kashmir. Pakistan invades and TAKES 1.3/3 Kashmir , hence taking away the huge strategic advantage from India (Access to central Asia from Wakhan strip.)

1965- Pakistan 'poke' India in the Kashmir. India gets frustrated and invade mainland Pakistan. PAF , having already judged the nature of coming conflict, whoooooop IAF's a$$. India retreats from Lahore sector. Pakistan takes the town of Khem Kharan. Cease fire. Both forces retreat from enemy's territory. A 10 times larger nation signs a stalemate with a 10 times smaller nation.

1971- India invades EAST Pakistan , where a civil war was being fought between Pakistanis and Pakistanis. Having no supply-lines , weapons , air-support and backing of the local population...Pakistani Army (that wasn't even there to fight the conventional war) surrenders. India couldn't do jack on the Western Pakistan front (like always).

1999- Pakistan crosses the LOC and takes over Indian posts. Indian Army tries to take them back. Gets slaughtered. Called in Air Force. Re-takes the posts. After a decade of war , Indian media reports that Pakistan still over-looks NH D-1 via point 5353. Pakistan occupies one , and the highest , Indian post at the region and makes its own post.

Now deduce what you want...Also keep in mind when another nation of same size invaded your country...you LOST CLEARLY. Hands down. While we , the West Pakistan , fought TEN TIMES bigger nation than us again and again ...still that nation achieved no clear strategic victory. ;)

1999 : u take back the indian post like coward when there is no army so basically u took an empty land

and u guys are proud of it what a bravery

then indian army attacked and captured all the post ur army took

and for the point 5353 u can go through the below thread


to get ur answer in the 1st page itself by desiman

rest of the war i dont want to talk as its very old and even if i give proof u are not going to accept
Ḥashshāshīn;2864400 said:
Are you sure? After India tested their first Nuclear bomb, I remember Indians saying "ab gya Pakistan!" And some political or army general said that India will now come and take Lahore.

do read history , it might remove your doubts . plus i really doubt you heard any thing , cuz we exploded our first device in 74.

My goodman, the fallout would be worldwide----life would cease to exist as we know of, in due time----. People don't seem to understand----they are so thick headed---it is unbelievable.

After the strike is over and people have died and in the initial burst and government offices and building and fire departments and police departments and hospitals have been destroyed---electricity disrupted---emergency service non existant---no water supply---massive traffic jams on the big city roads due to fried electrical and electronic parts on automobiles----the major populaton centers would enter a chaotic mode never witnessed in the history of mankind ever before starting with india-----.

Pakistan would be toast and roast----a charred remain----india would enter the first stage of chaos and anarchy on the first night of the strike----.

When the first signs of hunger start growing---the men will get restless---it will start will loot and plunder---murder and mayhem---fights will break out over water and food supplies as as medical supplies---electronics equipment and whatever---the cities will be overwhelmed---gangs will take charge of their streets and bloodshed would start in immediate localities and would spread all over----.

As some sanity prevails---and the news becomes available---people will start to thinks again---but then the news of the nuclear cloud would start a much bigger panic---that is when the real terror starts to grow---that is when the real panic starts to begin---that is where the people would start to run away from their residences and would want to be away from the oncoming nuclear cloud----.

In the meantime all the stock markets of the world would have crashed within the first hours of the news flash----people the world over would be in a shock---a shock never witnessed before---businesses would come to a full stop and there will be run on food and water and survival items.

Basically as the news would travel----it will leave chaos, panic and a public on the verge of going out of control witha flickof a switch---. Super markets the world over would start to be raided for water, dry and canned goods and non perishable items----. A feeling of despondency will be thick in the air.

Countries like sri lanks, bangladesh, burma, and all countries in south east asia will feel the panic right away---the gas supply to the world would stop----the shipping will come to a full stop.

Within a 48 to 72 hours of the strikes---this would be suddenly a terrible world to live in.

To my indian colleagues----you always reply to me---oh but pakistan would be gone----well guys---some of you would wish that india was gone too after you see the acts of terror and anarchy of the surviving against each other and the fear of impeding death from the nuclear cloud---a death thru continuous DIARRHEA.

Nevil Shute, in his book On The Beach, writes that only the rabbits will survive the diarrhea caused by radiation from the fallout---.

I finished reading that book just before the afternoon-----i think in 1975---I was in interior sindh---went to sleep and in my dreams I felt the world coming to an end---I woke up in a panic and was extremely hungry----can you beleive it---hungry for some JALEBI---I forced my mother to give the servant some money to go downtown sukkur and bring bring me that desert---. I felt better after I had some.

It changed my outlook on nuclear war right in my teen years.

What I have described is the first day or days after the strike---shortage of medicine and food and water will grow and thus increase the misery and sufferings of the living----.

As the toilets and restrooms in your houses bangalows high rises start to backup and ***** and stench starts filling the bathrooms with overflowing toilets, due to no electricity and no water to drink or wash---it will be the begining of 'coliform' disease season---diarrhea dysentry will prevail-----uncontrolled, they will turn into mini epidemics within days and major epidemics within weeks if not checked.

Nuclear war is a terrible terrible war----two people and two nations cannot and must not hate each other so much to start nuclear war.

This is not your 500 lbs bomb or the 30000 lbs bomb----this is pure and real hell and there is no coming back for anyone once the fires are lit.
I just imangined, what you have written. I am fried:(... God makes this world peaceful
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