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Give 20arab more or Nandipur will not run at all

200 mil USD

You are right .....

Why so much confusion in this thread is beyond me...

1 ARAB = 100 Crore = 1 Billion. you can say 1 arab units of electricity or 1 arab tons of rice or 1 arab rupees.
20 arab can't help here. we need 20 chinese here to turn that "dongfeng sht" on.
he was critical of PPP government last tenure . u people loved him during that time .
Sorry to bust ur bubbles, but he never was/is my fav....it's my observation I guess few people look @ observations also without taking off their political affiliation hat....
[QUOTEo="Devil Soul, post: 7775265, member: 29258"]Sorry to bust ur bubbles, but he never was/is my fav....it's my observation I guess few people look @ observations also without taking off their political affiliation hat....[/QUOTE] and who is ur fav ?
Come on Sir

That's a cheap shot. Whether you like to admit it or not, PML-N has failed to deliver upon the promises it made. Even the most die hard PML-N supporters are disappointed from its performance even after 2.5 years.

The reasons are very simple, it does not take a genius to figure out. When was the last time PM conducted a Cabinet Meeting or fired a Minister for lack of performance. The Ministers openly don't talk to each other, and most of the MD's for important government companies are working on ad hoc basis or are not even employed. When you have incompetence of this level, how do you expect the Government to operate?

I am usually a fan of your posts so I picked your to debate with, instead of all "fools rush in please" postings from IK lovers.

Before I respond, first thing (and PLEASE, confirm this with your GHQ if you don't want to take my word for it, I am ALL OK with that), today, Corps commander of Mangla called IK and gave him a personal message from Gen. Raheel. As much as I'd LOVE to add spices to it, just for the fun of it, I'd like to remain factual about it. The message in its "meaning" was: Enough is enough. Your (PTI's) funding has highly questionable sources from different foreign businesses (some owned by the RAW and Pashtun nationalists supported by Afghan Services). And that these activities come directly under treason. And that IK needs to get ready to come out clear.

Second paragraph included verbiage like, the "intensity" and violent push from IK, that's got the people worried of a civil war (including the military as they are watching IK take his followers towards body bags soon), will not be tolerated. And that IK should forget about ANY more elections as his campaign has turned out to fuel the ethnic elements inside the country. And that IK has 48 hours to announce a total change in his own direction and declare the year 2018 for the NEXT free elections. So ALL hot heads, inflated with IK's spread ethnic gas, can cool off.

They also said that the military and the civilian government have a 100% commitment to Pakistan and IK needs to tone down the hatred towards NS and his credentials as he's done a LOT for the country in little time. He can say whatever he wants to, as a political rival, but he's going to be careful than before.

I'd imagine he'd be announcing something on the same lines in the next day or two. So this ends the rigging and fraud campaign, and also ends any doubts that the current government is doing activities outside of their mandate.

Now do me a favor, PLEASE, provide a case, list out ALL issues where you think the fraud was conducted, how and with proofs and I'd love to debate with you. Writing your paragraphs / posts without any serious facts (ARY is not facts, shiit it produced in their Karachi and Lahore studios. Hell, they might show a Se*x tape of NS and Kim Kardashian next month :rofl:). So proofs please with a list of project, with numbers on where "you" think the bribe is being taken and I'd love to debate and clarify. Either you'll teach me something new, or I'll show you the truth. Either way, we can debate in a civil manner.

@Akheilos @Jazzbot @mr42O @Devil Soul @notorious_eagle @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Jzaib: guys read above. Watch your media and let me know when IK makes statements relevant to the post above, essentially cooling off the entire "election and let's get ready for revolution drama". The orders from the "third umpire" are VERY strict and he's now being investigated on his funding sources as there are many serious issues with it.

I'd appreciate a civil discussion. You give me a nasty, third class response, you know I've known to double it for you:sniper:......so be respectful and objective and I'll give you the SAME human courtesy :enjoy:

brpo very cheap of u to attack IK personal life .

And what the hell has IK been doing for over 2 years? Reading PHD in Economics lecture notes to his little Mob followers???? The level of third class and cheapest personal attacks IK's been doing, have not been seen in the current history of politics anywhere else.

But he's been told by the military today, to get ready to face an investigation into these funds coming in from anti-Pakistan channels. And that he needs to give a SHUT UP call to his Mob, ASAP, to cool of the hatred he sparked and let everyone know that the elections will happen in 2018. The system will NOT be allowed to be derailed as NS is making CRITICAL progress for Pakistan and the Army stands with him and behind him. He's also told to watch his mouth and don't go too far!!!!

This right here tells me that Pakistan has made strides in going forward, that the Civilian and the Military have finally understood what should come first and above all, its the country. I am very pleased to see this coordination. IK can now get to his baby crib and drink his little bottle of milk and cool off. All babies cry, but this one, cries a lot more than normal babies and puts the blame of his bad moods on his parents :rofl: :haha:
I am usually a fan of your posts so I picked your to debate with, instead of all "fools rush in please" postings from IK lovers.

Before I respond, first thing (and PLEASE, confirm this with your GHQ if you don't want to take my word for it, I am ALL OK with that), today, Corps commander of Mangla called IK and gave him a personal message from Gen. Raheel. As much as I'd LOVE to add spices to it, just for the fun of it, I'd like to remain factual about it. The message in its "meaning" was: Enough is enough. Your (PTI's) funding has highly questionable sources from different foreign businesses (some owned by the RAW and Pashtun nationalists supported by Afghan Services). And that these activities come directly under treason. And that IK needs to get ready to come out clear.

Second paragraph included verbiage like, the "intensity" and violent push from IK, that's got the people worried of a civil war (including the military as they are watching IK take his followers towards body bags soon), will not be tolerated. And that IK should forget about ANY more elections as his campaign has turned out to fuel the ethnic elements inside the country. And that IK has 48 hours to announce a total change in his own direction and declare the year 2018 for the NEXT free elections. So ALL hot heads, inflated with IK's spread ethnic gas, can cool off.

They also said that the military and the civilian government have a 100% commitment to Pakistan and IK needs to tone down the hatred towards NS and his credentials as he's done a LOT for the country in little time. He can say whatever he wants to, as a political rival, but he's going to be careful than before.

I'd imagine he'd be announcing something on the same lines in the next day or two. So this ends the rigging and fraud campaign, and also ends any doubts that the current government is doing activities outside of their mandate.

Now do me a favor, PLEASE, provide a case, list out ALL issues where you think the fraud was conducted, how and with proofs and I'd love to debate with you. Writing your paragraphs / posts without any serious facts (ARY is not facts, shiit it produced in their Karachi and Lahore studios. Hell, they might show a Se*x tape of NS and Kim Kardashian next month :rofl:). So proofs please with a list of project, with numbers on where "you" think the bribe is being taken and I'd love to debate and clarify. Either you'll teach me something new, or I'll show you the truth. Either way, we can debate in a civil manner.

@Akheilos @Jazzbot @mr42O @Devil Soul @notorious_eagle @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Jzaib: guys read above. Watch your media and let me know when IK makes statements relevant to the post above, essentially cooling off the entire "election and let's get ready for revolution drama". The orders from the "third umpire" are VERY strict and he's now being investigated on his funding sources as there are many serious issues with it.

I'd appreciate a civil discussion. You give me a nasty, third class response, you know I've known to double it for you:sniper:......so be respectful and objective and I'll give you the SAME human courtesy :enjoy:

You want to have a debate, but i have just highlighted some of the things that you wrote. How in the world can we possibly have a debate when you have written garbage such as this. I mean, i have no idea where are you getting these weird conspiracy theories from? Starting an ethnic civil war, Seriously. Oh and an FYI, watch IK's interview from today. Since according to your spectacular sources he has been told to tone it down, he literally ripped apart the PML-N lead Government, so i guess your sources are wrong.

I have highlighted for you and others to see the merit of your argument. With all due respect, its not worth replying to.
Take this as a gift, this F..ing failed government is running on loan and assistance.. Fresh news for you..

ADB to provide Pakistan $1.2 billion annually for infrastructure development - The Express Tribune

Did you read what this means? Pakistan's power shortage has TWO major issues that your beloved rulers of 70 years, didn't pay attention to:

1) Not producing enough electricity for the demand
2) Power distribution network being sub-capacity and old, meaning higher line losses

So no matter what's your mental attitude about anyone, the fact is, NS is going to eliminate the electric production issue by 85% before he leaves the office (it may be close to 100% but I'll give out what's easily achievable looking at the progress). So this is number 1 from the above solved.

Now the link you posted, addresses number 2. In a growing economy, $ 1.2 billion isn't a LOT of money over 5 years. That means, you return $ 300 million per year and these loans are usually given out at a discounted rate of 2-4%. So saving 30% or more line losses, enabling businesses to have more electricity, meaning businesses producing billions of products, taxes and jobs, and ALSO, saving billions in furnace oil and electric surcharge every year.

This $ 1.2 billion will return the entire $ 1.2 billion expense of the loan and many billions of profit in the first year and every year thereafter through a range of things as defined above. And you have an issue with this??? Grow up!!

You want to have a debate, but i have just highlighted some of the things that you wrote. How in the world can we possibly have a debate when you have written garbage such as this. I mean, i have no idea where are you getting these weird conspiracy theories from? Starting an ethnic civil war, Seriously. Oh and an FYI, watch IK's interview from today. Since according to your spectacular sources he has been told to tone it down, he literally ripped apart the PML-N lead Government, so i guess your sources are wrong.

I have highlighted for you and others to see the merit of your argument. With all due respect, its not worth replying to.

He's not guilty of anything yet.....when he's found guilty, I'll see his wording change and your response. But to my post, I can bet my money on it, that IK will announce that no more elections, and that they'll pursue the "legal option", something he should've done from the 1st day and listened and paid attention to every legal body. Instead he kept verbally attacking everyone.

So yea, keep watching your media, like I said, I am willing to put my reputation on here. IK will announce the course change and will resort to the system to end on its scheduled time when NS's term is over. Which was the right way for Pakistan had he chosen it before. Now he's been forced to!!!

You don't hear it in the next 48 hours, come post it here. I won't write about IK as taking responsibility of misrepresentation (and you can bet your money that I don't lie. I don't bend my rules for no one)!!
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ow the link you posted, addresses number 2. In a growing economy, $ 1.2 billion isn't a LOT of money over 5 years. That means, you return $ 300 million per year and these loans are usually given out at a discounted rate of 2-4%. So saving 30% or more line losses, enabling businesses to have more electricity, meaning businesses producing billions of products, taxes and jobs, and ALSO, saving billions in furnace oil and electric surcharge every years.

This $ 1.2 billion will return the entire $ 1.2 billion expense of the loan and many billions of profit in the first year and every year thereafter through a range of things as defined above. And you have an issue with this??? Grow up!!

My friend why r u ignoring the fact that our Sep exports are down 20% YoY
Tht alone destroys ur pmln economic revival program
Nandi Pur was a PPP perpuated scam..every a lay man in electrical industry know that fixed power plants can be easily fired by gas which is cheaper but mobile/rental power plants use liquid fuel due to ease of transport..

PPP ordered gas fired rental power plants which got paid for 5 years without producing a watt of electricity..and built a HFO fired Nandipur power plant when it could have been easily powered via pipe line gas.

Zardari should be hanged for PPP crimes...

My friend why r u ignoring the fact that our Sep exports are down 20% YoY
Tht alone destroys ur pmln economic revival program

YoY is just a measure for statistical purpose..exports all over the world are down..also the report considers the monetary value as unit of measure..it is possible that the amount of export in terms of quantity of goods was constant but the monetary value went down due to reduction in oil prices...hence making exports actually competitive in the market...
My friend why r u ignoring the fact that our Sep exports are down 20% YoY
Tht alone destroys ur pmln economic revival program

Your post tells me how limited your knowledge is on the subject. An economy doesn't just run on one thing. When its established correctly, there are many factors and avenues it runs on. When you get closer to the end of 2017, my post from today will start to make sense to you. Since you don't have proper education or knowledge on this subject, it would be silly of me to teach you all this and write books on here.

But your post is wrong and its misleading, others who don't have enough understanding.

Its time we quit propaganda and actually spoke with facts. Like IK's being forced to accept the system by the Military :enjoy:
20 Arabs is not a big amount..you can find that many Arab fugitives in Afghanistan..lets capture and hand them over to nandipur! :yahoo:

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