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Give 20arab more or Nandipur will not run at all

We call your experienced team teeli khan

Come on Sir

That's a cheap shot. Whether you like to admit it or not, PML-N has failed to deliver upon the promises it made. Even the most die hard PML-N supporters are disappointed from its performance even after 2.5 years.

The reasons are very simple, it does not take a genius to figure out. When was the last time PM conducted a Cabinet Meeting or fired a Minister for lack of performance. The Ministers openly don't talk to each other, and most of the MD's for important government companies are working on ad hoc basis or are not even employed. When you have incompetence of this level, how do you expect the Government to operate?
ive observed that since Kamran Khan joined Duniya TV he have been very critical of Fed & Punjab Gov's :D
Baap ka maal hai?

Why start an over- expensive project to have it bail out?

What guarantee are they giving it will start after 20 arab MORE?

And what freaking guarantee that the electricity it will produce will be cheaper than OTHER projects where 20 Arab can be used to ACTUALLY make it work?!

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