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Gitmo files call ISI a terrorist affiliated organization

US authorities listed the main Pakistani intelligence service, the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI), as a terrorist organisation alongside groups such as al-Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iranian intelligence.Interrogators were told to regard links to any of these as an indication of terrorist or insurgent activity.

Excellent post Kursed - I think this makes the point that US intelligence agencies were under, and actually are, under, strong cultural and political pressure to regard any independent ability and will, within the larger community of Muslim majority countries with great hostility -- and of course this policy has resulted in the US being regarded as hostile entity and her policy made to fail.

I also found the bit below to be telling and confirming once again the deep cultural misconceptions for which many characterize the US intelligence services as "fanatics" :

US authorities relied heavily on information obtained from a small number of detainees under torture. They continued to maintain this testimony was reliable even after admitting that the prisoners who provided it had been mistreated.
still they worked so closely with each other.....
Do you know about the depth of CIA network in Pakistan ? Does US really need ISI for intel? The answers atleast in my mind are not very clear.

dont forget ISI is "All seeing ISI" it is best in the region. CIA CANNOT bypass ISI and survive, for instance RD.
Do you know about the depth of CIA network in Pakistan ? Does US really need ISI for intel? The answers atleast in my mind are not very clear.

doesn't matter it's depth...but i still think the information that ISI can provide about talibas to cia is LOT.
Do you know about the depth of CIA network in Pakistan ? Does US really need ISI for intel? The answers atleast in my mind are not very clear.

Imagine a Caucasian, speaking fluent English in an American accent sitting in a Taliban "Shura" somewhere in Torra Borra. My intuition says his cover won't fool many. CIA's network in Pakistan is severely over-rated. If we stop sharing intel with them, I'd be surprised if they find their way back to their cars......
Imagine a Caucasian, speaking fluent English in an American accent sitting in a Taliban "Shura" somewhere in Torra Borra. My intuition says his cover won't fool many. CIA's network in Pakistan is severely over-rated. If we stop sharing intel with them, I'd be surprised if they find their way back to their cars......

Without getting killed,that is.!
Is GOP/ ISI going to keep "no comments" stand on these revelations?
Damn, most Pakistanis here are treating Afghanistan as their colony. Shouldn't it be left to the AFGHANS to decide who they do or do not want to be friends with?

we don't care about your friendship with Afghanistan. The fact is that you have no business in Afghanistan other than harming Pakistan's interest; against which PA has to take action. . .
we don't care about your friendship with Afghanistan.

Yes you do. If you didn't care, why would you be so worried by Indian presence in Afghanistan?

The fact is that you have no business in Afghanistan other than harming Pakistan's interest; against which PA has to take action. . .

Actually, India is in Afghanistan to extend Indian and Afghan mutual interests. If those are in direct conflict in Pakistani interests, then you guys are actually harming Afghanistan by denying them the opportunity to have friendly relations with another nation.
Imagine a Caucasian, speaking fluent English in an American accent sitting in a Taliban "Shura" somewhere in Torra Borra. My intuition says his cover won't fool many. CIA's network in Pakistan is severely over-rated. If we stop sharing intel with them, I'd be surprised if they find their way back to their cars......

So if that is the case, is it then ISI that is providing the intel which is resulting in increasing numbers of Pakistani civilian deaths.. Hmm... Looks like Mr Imran Khan is barking up the wrong tree.. The folks he should go after are much nearer than he thinks..;)
US listed ISI as terrrorist organization in Guantanamo cables

WASHINGTON: One of the world's worst kept secrets is now out in the open. American authorities listed Pakistan's notorious spy outfit, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Directorate, as a terrorist organization alongside 36 groups including al-Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iranian intelligence, according to a new set of WikiLeaks cables pertaining to detainees in Guantanamo.

The disclosure, coming on the heels of the in-your-face charges by the highest ranking American military official Mike Mullen in Islamabad last week, where he openly accused ISI of ties with terrorist outfits like the Haqqani group, confirms what has long been the scuttlebutt in world capitals: Pakistan's spy agency has earned a terrorist tag in all but formal designation.

According to the Guantonamo cables, US interrogators were told to regard detainees' links to any of these 36 organizations, including the ISI, as an indication of terrorist or insurgent activity. The WikiLeaks revelation also comes on the heels of admissions by David Headley and Tahawwur Rana, Pakistani expats who helped scout targets before the 26/11 Mumbai terrorist carnage, that they undertook the mission at the behest of the ISI.

The American mainstream media largely ignored the US red-flagging of ISI, but it was highlighted by the British newspaper Guardian. "The inclusion of association with the ISI as a 'threat indicator' in this document is likely to pour fuel on the flames of Washington's already strained relationship with its key regional ally," the paper observed, adding that "a number of the detainee files also contain references, apparently based on intelligence reporting, to the ISI supporting, co-ordinating and protecting insurgents fighting coalition forces in Afghanistan, or even assisting al-Qaida."

The US annotation on ISI was quickly noted by analysts, some of whom have long felt Washington has given a free pass to the Pakistani military, which oversees ISI, because of tactical and logistical American dependence on the outfit. "As with so many documents released by WikiLeaks, this is hardly a surprise in one sense. Still, it's one thing to 'know' something and quite another to see it officially documented in a classified file," Kevin Drum, a political blogger on Mother Jones, noted.

The directive puts a new public twist on the storied association between the CIA and ISI going back to the Cold War: they are now adversaries, a fact that became evident during the Raymond Davis episode. Although the suspicion and confrontation has been brewing for some years now, both US and Pakistani officials tried to gloss over it by suggesting that perhaps there may be few rogue ISI officials who are in cahoots with terrorists.

Even Mullen qualified his charges against ISI's association with terrorism in one interview in Islamabad last week, saying "That doesn't mean everyone in the ISI, but it's there." But the Guantanamo cables make no such distinction.

One file pertaining to Harun Shirzad al-Afghani, a veteran militant who was brought to Guantanamo in June 2007, refers to him telling his interrogators that an unidentified Pakistani ISI officer paid Rs 1 million to a militant in 2006 to transport ammunition to a depot within Afghanistan jointly run by al-Qaeda, the Taliban and Hekmatyar's faction.

Al-Afghani is said to have attended a meeting in August 2006 at which Pakistani military and intelligence officials joined senior figures in the Taliban, al-Qaeda, the Lashkar-e-Taiba group responsible for the 2008 attack in Mumbai and the Hezb-e-Islami group led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. "Detainee has provided information on ISI(D) assistance to extremist groups operation in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and may have additional information on their associations and activities," the file, reviewed by ToI, notes.

A separate document about a 42-year-old Afghan detainee cited by Guardian quotes intelligence reports claiming that in early 2007 Pakistani officials were present at a meeting chaired by Mullah Mohammed Omar, the supreme chief of the Taliban, of an array of senior insurgents in Quetta, the Pakistani city where it has long been believed the Taliban leadership are based. "The meeting included high-level Taliban leaders... (and) representatives from the Pakistani government and the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate," the document said.

At the meeting "Mullah Omar told the attendees that they should not co-operate with the new infidel government (in Afghanistan) and should keep attacking coalition forces."

US listed ISI as terrrorist organization in Guantanamo cables - The Times of India
So the largest terrorist organization of the world is calling ISI a terrorist org. Pot calling the kettle black!

Seems like Americans are really getting desperate and looking for face saving. :lol: Bloody jokers!
Yes you do. If you didn't care, why would you be so worried by Indian presence in Afghanistan?

Actually, India is in Afghanistan to extend Indian and Afghan mutual interests. If those are in direct conflict in Pakistani interests, then you guys are actually harming Afghanistan by denying them the opportunity to have friendly relations with another nation.

Indian presence/influence in Afghanistan is a direct threat to PAKistan, India has a dirty history with respect to PAKistan, shouldnt we worry about it ?

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