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Girl in coma after school punishment dies

If this girl was punished more severely (and lets face it loading bricks onto her shoulder given the fact she is female and small is probably far worse than anything you had), than her Hindu classmates, then this is a case of religious discrimination.

Ya its a genocide. It happens in each and every school in India. Muslim children are being killed by HINDU Teachers.

Happy Now.
If they're lying to cover their rears, all the staff in the school need shooting.

I wonder if the teacher (identified as Manju), punished her more severely than he or she would have a Hindu student.

It could have been a case of uncontrolled anger brought about through a hibernating racism within the teacher. We all know that this sort of racism exists in India against Muslims, and it may have been exacerbated by the recent Mumbai drama.

I understand the prejudice behind your effort to bring in a communal angle to the whole situation. However I would like to inform you that there is no communal angle to the story as of now. I would suggest we discuss this communal angle only if anyting is reported in the media, else we will be wasting time commenting/aruging on your fantasies.

Moderators kindly modify the title "This is india" it dosent go well with the standards of this forum..!!!! and more over this no way represents india.

And yes its is very unfortunate, and this teacher should be and hopefully will be punished so that it gives out the clear message to all those teachers who doesnt understand the dangers of such corporal punishments..!!!!!
Stop trying to milk a bull. :hitwall:

The incident is unfortunate, yes. There should be proper investigation, the culprit should be kicked in the *** in public. I think there are rules in place prohibiting physical punishments. But the problem is, the private schools (especially young and inexperienced teachers) go too far in the name of discipline. This is an accident caused due to lack of maturity on the part of teacher.

But, there is no need to paint it orange and green. There had been cases involving different religious combinations of teacher-student pair.

Thank God we can think sanely in India.
What if this happens in Pakistan. What would you call that.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistani boy 'killed by teacher'

Atif, seven, was hung upside down from a ceiling fan by Maulvi Ziauddin for not memorising his Koran lessons, his fellow students told the police.

Well sharvan.. kindly do not drag this into another d**k measuring thread..!!!! Lets only discuss why this is happening.. and what should be done to prevent all these things..!!!
From our part of the world, severe punishments are quite common in schools. Frankly, I've been through worse in Pakistan and I'm sure a lot of Pakistani's would understand what I'm talking about if they've attended schools in Pakistan. Almost all the people I've known in Pakistan have their share of stories about severe school punishments.

But of course, I wasn't killed during receiving my share of the punishment so obviously the teacher here as some issues that need to be resolved.

Well we are those few lucky people who survived.. ;). Well on a serious note, this problem have to be looked upon holistically, You know the teacher may be having issues, may be did this out emotional outburst or at the heat of the moment.. But whatever the case may be, it is time that our entire schooling system is revamped so that such issues doesnt happen again. There should be law banning corporal punishements to kids... teachers should be educated on this. Many think teacher punish students for their own betterment but if there is no line drawn.. they can always go to the extreme.. !!!
Well sharvan.. kindly do not drag this into another d**k measuring thread..!!!! Lets only discuss why this is happening.. and what should be done to prevent all these things..!!!

I don't like to. But some people here try to bring religion in everything. They think that it doesn't happen where they stay.

It's a rare case and happens in all the developing countries. To prevent this kind of things there should be strict laws and there should be proper check of the teacher mental behavior and qualification.

We Indians should be blamed for what has happened.
this is india ! Delhi girl ( muslim ) in coma after school punishment dies

Nice title. While you're at it, allege sexism, caste-prejudice (was she lower caste?), regionalism (was the teacher from bihar and she from MP?), blackmail (did she refuse to pay the teacher ransom?), terrorism (was the teacher planning to use her as a suicide bomber?), armed robbery (did the teacher steal her belongings?) and treason (did the student see the teacher passing intelligence to Pakistan?)
I think if it is Hindu teachers putting bricks onto her shoulders, or an order by a Hindu teacher to put bricks on her shoulders, it needs serious investigation.

I have difficulty believing this is the standard punishment.

It seems to be a case of aggravated assault with racial or religious motivation.

This guy will complain even if a muslim dies in a earthquake in India, pointing at Hindus saying they occupied all places leaving only the earthquake spot to muslims.

Stop trying to milk a bull.
Exactly what the title is doing
I agree, its a tragic accident unrelated to religion. Child abuse at school is a comon thin in SA, our governments really need to pay more attention to this abuse. :coffee:
It's only a religious issue if proven in court (let's wait and see if this case ever sees one). Knowing the Indian legal system, even if there was a bit of intolerance as an instigating factor, it will never be known. Schools in Pakistan must also go through reform and cut out this corporal punishment nonsense, it does nothing to educate the child, parenting belongs at home period.
Doesn't change the fact that the victim died. If the doctor's said it, then it must be true. No one's blaming 'India' for this incident. The teacher's the one at fault. Why are you getting so emotional?

Precisely what is pissing me off. The doctor never said anything of this sort. People are busy milking the issue and indulging in religious explanations and allegations that are completely incoherent to what has happened.

I have not yet been cited the reference to the claim she was made to ccarry bricks on her shoulders. She was punished, not tortured.

Originally posted by Shravan:

What if this happens in Pakistan. What would you call that.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistani boy 'killed by teacher'

Atif, seven, was hung upside down from a ceiling fan by Maulvi Ziauddin for not memorising his Koran lessons, his fellow students told the police.

I understand your sentiments, but this doesnot mean that citing similar cases becomes a yard stick fo measuring "which country has less children being killed by their teachers". All this is completely unacceptable.

I urge the moderators to close this thread. It serves little purpose to the several more important issues that deserve to be discussed unlike this that dont need even a miniscule of our time and bandwith.
I urge the moderators to close this thread. It serves little purpose to the several more important issues that deserve to be discussed.

A little girl was punished to death in a school in India by her teachers. Why shouldn't this be discussed further ? There are a myriad of topics that can be ventured upon in a professional manner stemming from this tragedy. I did my part in condemning corporal punishment in all schools, let's hear your input since you profess to know everything about this incident!
Roadrunner . you lost your credibility in to my eyes as think tank who is:coffee: logical and unbiased .
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