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Girl gang-raped in moving bus in Delhi

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India has to rebuilt its notorious security conditions in cities, which otherwise won't be able to attract any investment from abroad when it is broadcasted around the globe.

LOL,A Pakistani talking about how bad the security conditions of Indian cities.Have you look at yours??
Most of the times - it is the men from surrounding states loaded with money but lack the sophistication to have a girl friend and added to it - the show of macho behavior which would contribute to various crimes including rape but in this case, looks like these are local Delhiites.

Is this supposed to be an excuse ? They are Indians, women in Delhi are not safe from these fellow Indians.
One one word: Death for Rape.

Its not only Delhi, yes Delhi may be the worst affected, but the whole of India, particularly the North and North West, is witnessing the increasing number of rapes and other sex related crimes. Delhi is perhaps the most high lighted as its the capital and news agencies sincerely make coverage, however, in every part of India, rapes are common crimes. Jaya Bachchan was right in saying right standing in the Rajya Sabha that girls are often raped by fathers, brothers, cousins, uncles and those girls silently tolerate the rapists within the domestic space where media or the outside word don't have access to. Hats off to Jaya Bachchan!

The only way to limit these heinous crimes is to give death sentence straight away. Just eliminate them and make the society get rid of this poison. Some may argue that death sentence will make the rapists kill their preys with the assumption that they might get away from the crime by killing and dumping the prime evidence, the victims themselves. Well. in most cases, actually the rapists try to kill the victim no matter what. They always try to ensure that they will not be nabbed by police even if the punishment is not capital. So, not giving death sentence for the sake of victims' survival is a lame excuse.

Anti rape people must demand that if the Govt does not alter the penal codes and bring rape under the purview of homicide, then they must not complain if people take their own initiatives, take laws in their own hands and brutally murder the rapists. Either the Govt executes these ****** creatures or let us do that job by our own effort. There should not be any way in between. Let the rapists or such mindset people get the taste of murder, only then they will understand.
Good news! Any source for this btw?

Bus Driver, his brother and couple of his friends have been apprehended and two more on the run. Lets hope all are apprehended and hanged. This is a serious crime and needs maximum punishment. Her boyfriend sustained head injuries and she received blows to her stomach and has serious internal injuries. Lets hope the girl recovers and leads a normal live. I heard the boy is out of danger and has been discharged.
This rape has shaken the country from parliament to the news media. This is an eye opner atleast for me. We need to fight for womens rights. Moreover I think women need to be taught how to protect themselves. There should be special training in schools.
Good news! Any source for this btw?

All over the news.

I am guilty, I should be hanged: man accused of Delhi gang-rape | NDTV.com

New Delhi: In a Delhi court today, three of the six men accused of raping a young woman in a bus on Sunday night accepted they are guilty. The victim is in hospital fighting for her life.

"I admit to my crime. Hang me," said Vinay Sharma, who worked at a gym.

He was brought to court today along with two other men arrested for the rape - Vinay Sharma and Mukesh, the man who was driving the bus used in the attack that has shamed and incensed India. "We hit the boy but not the girl," said Vinay.

"I am ashamed. I have committed a committed a big crime," Pawan Gupta, a fruit-seller, said.

In addition to the three men who confessed today, the police has arrested Ram Singh. He was hired by a private operator to drive a bus used by a school. On Sunday night, he was off-duty and allowed his brother, Mukesh, to take the wheel. Along with four friends, they hit the road, offering the bus to commuters for Rs. 10 fares.
Indian men simply insecure of bold working middle class women.In India over the past several decades, women’s rights have proliferated and they are claiming their subjectivity, asserting their identity as women as opposed to being someone’s wife, daughter or sister. And with the opening up of the market, women are more visible in the workplace. That they are entering male bastions of power has challenged the sense of superiority and entitlement of the traditional Indian male.

Only thing that can change this scenario is education. The grooming of young men to have a feeling of entitlement by Indian parents breeds a sense of masculinity and male privilege. Son preference simultaneously erodes the possibility of respect for women, as girls are seen as unwanted or burdensome. Such inequalities produce the very hatred against women in the public arena that we are witnessing throughout the country.When women do not cover or display their vulnerability — thereby inviting the protection of the virile Indian male — what follows is a sense of emasculation and aggrievement on the part of these men.

Only way we can solve this problem is by demanding greater responsibility on the part of parents as well as society not to raise sons in a way in which they are indoctrinated with a sense of superiority and privilege. There is also a need on the part of young men to be actively involved in their schools and communities in advocating women’s equality rights

Its not just Indian men. Everywhere in this part of the world including my country men are INSECURE of bold working women.

Education has NOT changed things much.

Just EMPOWER women ECONOMICALLY this has given strength to even uneducated women against so-called educated men.
This rape has shaken the country from parliament to the news media. This is an eye opner atleast for me. We need to fight for womens rights. Moreover I think women need to be taught how to protect themselves. There should be special training in schools.

About "Moreover I think women need to be taught how to protect themselves"

What I think a law should be made who ever rapes a women, his p__is should be cut off,

Just cut off two or three and see the effect, no one in one billion will dare....
About "Moreover I think women need to be taught how to protect themselves"

What I think a law should be made who ever rapes a women, his p__is should be cut off,

Just cut off two or three and see the effect, no one in one billion will dare....

Forget that. Just kill them. Any man or woman that rapes another man or woman should face death. Full stop.
LOL,A Pakistani talking about how bad the security conditions of Indian cities.Have you look at yours??

Dont look it from who the comment comes. But what he says is true to some extent. This is an shamefull incident, and our police were unable to provide security in a top rung city like delhi.
Forget that. Just kill them. Any man or woman that rapes another man or woman should face death. Full stop.

I agree

Rape is as good as killing a person and her family. Killing her mentally, killing her faith in humanity, society, law enforcement and permanent defacement of her soul.

There cannot be a crime a man willfully does worse than this.

In case of murder the victim at least does not live to be traumatized all her life. A rape victim dies everyday for the rest of her life.

All this for no fault of hers.
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