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Girl Born With Heart Outside Her Chest fights the odds


Feb 21, 2012
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Girl Born With Heart Outside Her Chest fights the odds

Virsaviya ‘Bathsheba’ Borun-Goncharova is quite the little warrior and she’s been beating the odds her entire life.

When she was pregnant, her mother Dari was told her child would never survive but, more than half a decade on, the youngster continues to fight on.

Virsaviya, originally from Russia and now living in South Florida with her mum, suffers from something called Pentalogy of Cantrell, a rare congenital condition which occurs in around 5.5 per one million live births.

The condition causes babies to be born with vital organs on the outside of their bodies. The severity of the disorder differs from case to case – in Virsaviya’s case, her heart and intestines are located outside of her chest and abdomen.

And her heart can actually be seen beating outside of her abdomen, covered by just a thin layer of skin. Given that the heart isn’t protected by the ribcage, the condition can be fatal as a slight bump or fall could cause significant damage or worse.

Fortunately, earlier this year, Virsaviya mother Dari Borun found a doctor at Boston’s Children’s Hospital willing to treat her daughter’s rare ailment. But, although she desperately needs surgery to correct the issue, Virsaviya cannot be operated on for at least another two years due to her high blood pressure.

Even so, her outlook is incredibly positive. According to a crowdfunding page set up to help fund her treatment, she loves ponies and dolphins, drawing, singing, dancing, and especially dancing to Beyoncé. Who doesn’t?

Speaking to NBC News, she added:

I know why I have heart outside, because Jesus want to show that he can make special things like me.

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Sometimes God can be cruel at times. It wasnt her fate
there is no GOD.. we are an abandoned project left to survive on its own.

God is so merciful she is still alive, God may want to tell us his powers and mercy unlimited and submit to Allah only, stop idol worshiping. The idols made by yourself how can be your creator.
wow so much for mercy !
God is so merciful she is still alive, God may want to tell us his powers and mercy unlimited and submit to Allah only, stop idol worshiping. The idols made by yourself how can be your creator.
Ya. I saw how powerful God is, when people bearing "ur"God name rapes, kills in one part of desert world.

Now do not provoke me into telling something about Islam. I wont stoop to ur level. Instead of preaching to me, let the girls out without forcing burqas n let them study.
Ya. I saw how powerful God is, when people bearing "ur"God name rapes, kills in one part of desert world.

Now do not provoke me into telling something about Islam. I wont stoop to ur level. Instead of preaching to me, let the girls out without forcing burqas n let them study.
Ok and stop your youth and army not to molest and rape.
God is so merciful she is still alive, God may want to tell us his powers and mercy unlimited and submit to Allah only, stop idol worshiping. The idols made by yourself how can be your creator.

It is ok to troll once, but you continue you will be rated negative...... Look for banned topics in PDF......
Its my views not trolling comment was made specific to the topic without mentioning any member posted.

Idol worship is not the topic being discussed, and i do not know how hard you will be crying if some one comes up with some thing on islam.......( btw my repsonse would be the same to him )..... So respect every religion, if you cannot then do not bother to discuss it.... last not the least, discuss topic....
Ya. I saw how powerful God is, when people bearing "ur"God name rapes, kills in one part of desert world.

Now do not provoke me into telling something about Islam. I wont stoop to ur level. Instead of preaching to me, let the girls out without forcing burqas n let them study.
Oh more bs from an Indian who knows jack shit about Pakistan before criticizing us look into your own backyard
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