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GHQ Check-Post Attackers Killed - Hostages Rescued!

Eight to ten terrorists involved in GHQ attack: ISPR
October 10, 2009

ISLAMABAD: Director General Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said late Saturday night that eight to ten terrorists were involved in the General Headquarter attack. Talking to media, he said according to preliminary investigations “It looks that about eight to ten terrorists were involved in the GHQ attack.”

He added that security forces had killed four terrorists while four to five of them escaped from the scene and took shelter in a nearby security office.

He said all terrorists were dressed up in camouflage uniform, who were riding a Suzuki van bearing army number, attacked the checkpost No. 1.

Later, they headed towards Checkpost No. 2 where they were again intercepted by security forces.
The DG ISPR added that four to five terrorists present in the security office building near checkpost No.2 have made hostage about 10 to 15 civilian working there.

He said the security forces have surrounded the area.

Link: Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Eight to ten terrorists involved in GHQ attack: ISPR
According to Media

1- Amjid Farooqi group took responsibility
2-TTP Hakeem Ullah Mehsud took responsibility
3-TTP 9th group; Insar ul Islam (According to my channel)

Lol... One can see how they are creating confusion in mind of masses about real perpetrators here. So the decision of keeping media at bay from real action is correct one.

whosoever takes responsibility for this shameful act must be eradicated first. and we should investigation to find the real perpetrators.
ya i got you answer and thanks for that.
one thing worries me now. i agree that we should not be emotional and make a decision in hurry to go after Taliban in SWA but snow is expected may be next month there. how would it impede our operation or will it delay it till spring. i think if its snows it wont suit PA. and if it delays taliban will get enough time to do some more bloodshed.

Snow will impede both parties equally. We have specially trained troops in these kind of weather and terrain. But one must also recall what CoAS said about SWA that it is an intelligence blackhole. Now this statement speaks volumes about why army has not launched attack yet.

Real problem is not snow real problem is opened supply line from Afghanistan for TTP and a back door to switch into Afghanistan and will US allow PAF /PA to chase these scums there (beyond duraind line)... These are more complex vertex of this operation than snow and weather.
Same age group in Manawa police school and Lankan team...same pattern.
I think refusal of KLB from army, Indian embassy attack, blockage of NATO supply lines from two days and now attack on GHQ, these are all connected issues, but its too early to decide the wind direction.
Snow will impede both parties equally. We have specially trained troops in these kind of weather and terrain. But one must also recall what CoAS said about SWA that it is an intelligence blackhole. Now this statement speaks volumes about why army has not launched attack yet.

Real problem is not snow real problem is opened supply line from Afghanistan for TTP and a back door to switch into Afghanistan and will US allow PAF /PA to chase these scums there (beyond duraind line)... These are more complex vertex of this operation than snow and weather.

its good that we have trained troops for fighting in snow. oh Good Lord, i forgot Siachin. but cant we plug this open supply line. i think we can use some of our drones to monitor the area.

if US drones can come inside Pakistan, Pakistani fighters should also be allowed to hot pursuit. and if they dont allow them then i think, as may people claim, we, US and Pakistan, are not the same page.
Sorry, no details.

Now this statement speaks volumes about why army has not launched attack yet.
Real problem is not snow real problem is opened supply line from Afghanistan for TTP and a back door to switch into Afghanistan and will US allow PAF /PA to chase these scums there (beyond duraind line)... These are more complex vertex of this operation than snow and weather.

This could also be an attempt to draw the Military into Waziristan before the hard winter starts, into a trap. Military should be very cautious. We can not have a setback after a hard fought victory in swat!
ISPR release the picture of two dead terrorist.....young guys clean shaved. age around mid or late 20s
BBC report in this way that GHQ was the savest place in Pakistan and now Taliban took fight to the military where all the plaining is done.

its a new plan by US to declare Pakistan nukes unsafe and take it.
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