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Ghar Wapsi unconstitutional, Conversion constitutional right:Christians

Hinduphobia ?
famous kafiro jannat nahi milegi and another one from christians side this filthy supersitious know what about jesus christ ! !

Bomb all madrasas at friday .end of terror
yeah ! kill children there ! like the taliban who student of this place ! rightly said evil destroy itself right ?

Conversion should not be banned under any pretext. Even I support Ghar Wapsi, if you can bribe some muslim back to Hinduism, I dont have any problem with it. But dont ask them to wear Tupi or Burka before converting only for publicity stunt.
if people will be slave to religion , sect and there ethnicity then it is fact that we will be slave to our know mindset !
I know you are upset. Since BJP talked about anti-conversion bill. You are going to lose your livelihood. I get it. Your white masters despite claiming that they love you and treat you as equal won't let you stay in their countries. Na ghar ke na ghaat ke!

Sad days ahead for western slaves @seiko @danger007 @gslv mk3 @Soulspeek

you rather speak for your self... I'm going abroad because of my personal issues... i hope you come out from that muslim invasion stuff. ..

I know you are upset. Since BJP talked about anti-conversion bill. You are going to lose your livelihood. I get it. Your white masters despite claiming that they love you and treat you as equal won't let you stay in their countries. Na ghar ke na ghaat ke!

Sad days ahead for western slaves @seiko @danger007 @gslv mk3 @Soulspeek

you rather speak for your self... I'm going abroad because of my personal issues... i hope you come out from that muslim invasion stuff. ..

Muslims have only protested conversion of Muslims by offering ration cards. Christians have protested re-conversion of Hindus who converted to Christianity by legit means. There is a difference.

Only reason why Christians are protesting is because 99.99% of converts to Christianity are bribed through cash and some other incentives. If you spend loads of money on an asset and then a sudden risk crops up which might threaten your investment. How would you feel? That's how Christians feel.

If they ban allurement based conversions 99.99% of converts to Christianity will disappear. That's the reason why self-confessed foreign funded missionaries like @seiko @danger007 aren't in favor of money based conversions and support it.

don't you have any other work... why you want to smell others @$$... sad i pity about godra and babri masjid..
The thread title itself is so hypocritical. They don't understand that one can clap only with two hands...either face it or get the hell out of India.

This is not Vatican city. Missionaries have done enough damage to enough countries, destroying beautiful cultures in South America, Southeast Asia and northern Europe.

They don't deserve any sympathy.
Lol :lol:
I can understand the feelings when you faces running out of arguments.

You don't even know what a conversion law means, you don't even know what 'right to propogae is', what arguments can anyone possibly give you?
No takers for VHP’s ‘ghar wapsi’ in Hyderabad - The Times of India

HYDERABAD: Hyderabad has given a clear thumbs down to 'ghar wapsi', forcing the VHP to drop the reconversion programme it had planned during a big Hindu Shakthi Sangamam in the city on December 28. The event was to be part of the organization's four-day golden jubilee celebrations beginning on Friday.

Still, the VHP claimed the programme had been a success across Telangana and Andhra Pradesh in the past few months.

While Prime Minister Narendra Modi's displeasure over conversion events might have prompted the VHP to shun its 'ghar wapsi' plans in Hyderabad, the right-wing Hindu nationalist organization's functionaries said the programme was not included in the mega event since their plans found no takers among the city's minority communities.

Result: the Hindu Shakthi Sangamam is now limited to a Hanuman yagna and a large public meeting at NTR Stadium here where VHP functionaries including Ashok Singhal, Praveen Togadia and Raghav Reddy, and Suresh Joshi (Bhayyaji) from the RSS are expected to address about two lakh people.

"The idea is to welcome those who want to come back to Hindu religion voluntarily," said Venkateswar Raju, official spokesperson of the VHP (Telangana and Rayalaseema). "We never forced anyone and as nobody came forward this time in Hyderabad, 'ghar wapsi' is not included in the Hindu Shakthi Sangamam."

VHP functionaries said reconversions were being carried out with success across Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. VHP central joint secretary G Satyam said more than 5,000 people across the two states, mostly from the Christian community, were reconverted in the past two months.

"'Reconversion' is a continuous process, and the VHP has been doing it for several decades," said Satyam. "There's nothing new, except it's now being highlighted by the media. Of late, there [has been] a tremendous response to 'ghar wapsi' in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh." Satyam, who provided photographs of reconversion events held recently in Nalgonda, Medak, Mahbubnagar, and Nizamabad in Telangana and Srikakulam, Nellore, Kurnool, East and West Godavari districts, said the process would continue irrespective of the political upheavals over the issue.

"The stand of the BJP and any other political party has got nothing to do with VHP's activities and the conversions will continue," said Bharat Vamshi, another VHP functionary. According to him, the VHP had reconverted more than seven lakh people in India since it was launched in 1964.

Conversions gathered momentum in the two Telugu-speaking states after the BJP came to power at the Centre in May. In the past six months, over 10,000 people had been welcomed back into Hindu religion fold in the two states, Vamshi claimed. While most of those who converted are Dalit Christians, the response from Muslims has not been positive in Telangana and Rayalaseema.

"There is no reason for the Muslims in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh to change their religion since there is no threat to their social security, nor there would be any material benefits that would change their lives after conversion or re-conversion," said Mir Ayub Ali Khan, a senior journalist said.

The VHP Trust Board meeting, the annual general body meeting of the organization that will be held in Hyderabad during the four-day event, is expected to adopt a resolution in favour of the Anti-Conversion Bill, the legislation proposed by the Sangh Parivar to prevent forced conversions in the country.

Christian missionary groups in India are reportedly helping with the remarkable rise in Christianity in the second most populous country in the world, especially among young people as well as middle and high caste Indians.

"With more than 71 million claiming Christianity, India is now the eighth largest Christian nation in the world," said Dick McClain, president and CEO of The Mission Society, publisher of Unfinished. "Yet with 456 languages and more than 2,611 distinct people groups, India still has more people groups unreached with the gospel than any other nation – 88 percent of its population."

The rise of Christianity is detailed in the latest issue of Unfinished magazine, where The Mission Society, which recruits, trains and sends Christian missionaries around the world, details how the Gospel is creating a "new India." The missionary efforts are reportedly reaching new groups beyond the lower caste and marginalized communities, who traditionally have been the more likely to be open to Christianity.

Indian anthropologist Prabhu Singh identifies five dominant themes that define the missional challenges in India, but also points out that the rise of Christianity, which is still a minority religion there, is also being met by an increase in religious animosity, resulting in persecution and violence against Christians.

The last official nationwide survey in India in 2001 on religious beliefs identified that only 2.3 percent, or 24 million people, identify as Christians. The Mission Society claims that that number has risen dramatically in the past decade, however.

Singh added in a separate blog that the Indian church also sends out thousands of its own missionaries to share with people the message of Christ, but many do not receive money from abroad for their purposes.

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"For example, one south-India-based mission agency with nearly 2000 workers has an annual budget of almost nine million U.S. dollars, and all of its money is raised from Indians, both living in India and abroad," The Mission Society wrote in a blog post.

"Despite India's contribution to global missions and the rise of Global South Christianity, global missions continues under the grip of Western influence. How do we help, by God's grace, to rectify this? How do Americans begin to better regard our worldwide brothers and sisters as friends and equals in God's kingdom work?"

The latest Unfinished issue gives suggestions to believers for how they can pray for the "new India," and offers further statistical trends, including demographics on religion, hunger and suicide, and the rise of social media.

Christian Missions in India Reportedly Facilitating 'Remarkable' Rise of Christianity

How do these Christians hide their % in census?

@jha @ashok mourya @timetravel @sreekumar @danger007

49 killed in Bodo militant attacks in Assam : Northeast, News - India Today

The Sangbijit Brahma faction of the National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) on Tuesday killed 49 people, several of them women and children, in an almost simultaneous attack on Adivasi settlers in four locations spread in two districts of Assam-Kokrajhar and Sonitpur. The attacks, all believed to have been carried out with AK-series weapons, took place between 6.30 pm and 7.30 pm, according to police sources.
Two days ago, the militant group had issued a press release warning the government of violent retaliation if it did not stop police operations against the group. The same day, security forces had gunned down two NDFB-S militants at an encounter during the rescue operation of a businessman along the Kokrajhar-Chirang inter district border. In the last six months, the government has intensified operations against the outfit resulting in arrest and death of a large number of cadres. A huge cache of arms including AK series of rifles have also been seized.

The four places where the attacks took place are Pabhoi reserved forest and Batasipur in Sonitpur district and Serfanguri and Ultapani in Kokrajhar district. Assam DGP Khagen told mediapersons that the casualties were likely rise as the places of these attacks are very remote and information was still pouring in. According to police sources, the death toll was highest in Simangpara, an Adivasi settlement north of Pabhoi reserved forest, on the Assam Arunachal Pradesh border.
You don't even know what a conversion law means, you don't even know what 'right to propogae is', what arguments can anyone possibly give you?

Lol :lol:

Dont divert the topic.
What do you know about Article 25?
VHP to hold 'ghar wapsi' for 4,000 Muslims in Ayodhya in January - The Times of India

AYODHYA: The VHP will hold a 'ghar wapsi' programme for 4,000 Muslims in Ayodhya next month, saffron outfit functionary Ram Vilas Vedanti said on Tuesday.

Vedanti, a former BJP MP, refused to disclose the identity of the families, saying then the administration would not allow them to embrace Hinduism. He said most of the families were from Faizabad, Ambedkarnagar, Gonda, Bahraich and Sultanpur. He said the Muslims had willingly come forth for conversion.

In his reaction, Faizabad DIG Sanjay Kakkar said those issuing such statements were trying to create communal tension in the area and action would be taken against them.

Vedanti, who is known for making provocative statements, has been booked many times in the past for stoking communal tension.

Muslim League functionary Najmul Hasan Ghani demanded Vedanti's arrest for creating a communal divide in society.
AYODHYA: The VHP will hold a 'ghar wapsi' programme for 4,000 Muslims in Ayodhya next month, saffron outfit functionary Ram Vilas Vedanti said on Tuesday.
Why Muslims? Conversion to Islam from Hinduism is low. Christians convert lakhs in a month. They are even grabbing government land these days.

Missionaries planting Cross on Mountains in various part of India 2 lay claim & later build churches on mountains too

Why Muslims? Conversion to Islam from Hinduism is low. Christians convert lakhs in a month. They are even grabbing government land these days.

Missionaries planting Cross on Mountains in various part of India 2 lay claim & later build churches on mountains too

This has to do with the foreign funds and this is the reason Hindu groups are asking for restrict laws on foreign funding but in all this even genuine NGO's can have problems in getting foreign aid in different sectors.
This has to do with the foreign funds and this is the reason Hindu groups are asking for restrict laws on foreign funding but in all this even genuine NGO's can have problems in getting foreign aid in different sectors.
If you have no problem with Missionaries. Why are you targetting Muslims for re-conversions?

I know a church here in mumbai which converts 1000 Hindus in a month. Do you see any mosque that?
If you have no problem with Missionaries. Why are you targetting Muslims for re-conversions?

I know a church here in mumbai which converts 1000 Hindus in a month. Do you see any mosque that?

As much as i think about this issue, Such statements are just given by Hindu groups to put their point to the Muslim community and Muslim leaders to support Anti Conversion bill and stand with them against Missionaries. Majority of Indian Muslims never understand much about the high level things which are going around in the country and such statements are even making Indian Muslims to take active part in all the serious issues related to the nation. In real Hindu groups are making Indian Muslims to form their own politic block. Here its all about being Secular religious or religious secular.
As much as i think about this issue, Such statements are just given by Hindu groups to put their point to the Muslim community and Muslim leaders to support Anti Conversion bill and stand with them against Missionaries. Majority of Indian Muslims never understand much about the high level things which are going around in the country and such statements are even making Indian Muslims to take active part in all the serious issues related to the nation. In real Hindu groups are making Indian Muslims to form their own politic block. Here its all about being Secular religious or religious secular.
British Ambassador to Nepal supporting Christian missionaries
British ambassador to Nepal Andrew Sparkes has sparked a storm of controversies. In his open letter to the Constituent Assembly members, he egged them on for ensuring the right to conversion in the new statute. His comment came at a time when a considerable size of Nepali population is smouldering against the decision to turn the Hindu nation into a secular state in 2006 and when the Himalayan nation has been struggling to have a new constitution. The first CA collapsed without delivering the statute and the second one is seemingly heading for the similar fate. The major parties are sharply divided and are unable to forge consensus on the thorny issues of the statute. Anybody can experience Nepal’s precarious political dilemma. And at this sensitive phase of transition, British envoy just threw a stone into the troubled waters only to raise the eyebrows of many.

Controversial Remark

Although his embassy regretted his controversial remark, it riled the masses that have kept mum until recently over the growing interventionist acts of the foreign players on the Nepalese soil. When Nepal was declared a secular state, a section of people had registered their silent opposition to the move. They had a plausible argument- secularism was introduced without due and democratic procedure and without consulting over 80 per cent Hindu population of the country. That Nepal was made secular state at the behest of the foreign elements has been their central line of logic, and the major parties have failed to furnish their credible answers to them. They have been demanding a referendum to settle the dispute. At a time when the parties could not justify that their decision to usher Nepal into secular state was transparent and based on popular mandate, Sparkes’ statement only gave credence to a polemic that Nepal’s secular and federal journey was taking place under a diabolic design of the foreign power centres.

Since Nepal became secular, hundreds of thousands of ‘innocent people’ reportedly converted to the Christian followers through ‘monetary inducements.’ That Nepal has become a fertile ground for the conversion of sweeping scale has been justified by none other than a Christian organisation. According to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity, Nepal is the fastest Christianity growing country in the world. In its report published in 2013, the Centre said that Nepal topped the list of 20 countries that have the highest percentage of Christianity Average Annual Growth Rate (AAGR). Nepal registered 10.93 per cent Christian AAGR followed by China, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The Centre predicts that the Christian population in Nepal will double within six and a half years. In 1970, the number of Christian followers here stood at 0.1 per cent and it will reach 3.8 per cent in 2020, it states. It is estimated that the Christian followers are around 2 per cent. It is interesting to note that net Christian conversion rate was 8.74 per cent against 2.19 per cent population growth rate in Nepal. It said that the primary growth factor in Asia is massive conversion. “China, Nepal, Cambodia and Mongolia have high conversation rates among their indigenous people. The majority of becoming Christians comes from non-religious, Buddhist and Hindu backgrounds,” the Centre said.

Under his ‘Look East Policy,’ the Pope of Vatican had reportedly vowed to bring 100 million people in Asia to the fold of Christianity by 2025. Is Sparkes’s tendentious plea for inserting the right to conversion provision in the new statute the part of Pope’s pledge? This mission cannot be met just placing a Bible or Christian literature in the hand of its prospective followers. It is not that the people must be bribed to make them tergiversate. The number of people, who change their faith voluntarily or after gaining enlightenment from other religions, may not be higher. Until certain enticements and inducements are offered to the people, a large scale of conversion is not possible. As the above report disclosed, the rate of conversion is high among the indigenous people. There cannot be any suitable constituency than the ethnic, Dalit and impoverished hinterland for the religious hawks to prey on. There has long been perceived doubt that some Western nations are funding for the conversions in a clandestine manner and the report has corroborate this misgiving. The critics of conversion have argued that the ethnic movement and the conversion drive in Nepal have become two facets of the same coin because the funding for the two campaigns comes from the same sources. It is claimed that the Nepal Transition to Peace Fund that is backed by some Nordic and Western European nations are promoting ethnic/indigenous cause and Christianity in Nepal simultaneously.

Secularism simply means that the state detaches itself from any religious affairs. It is beyond doubt that religious freedom is a prerequisite for a healthy democratic and multicultural society. But, it is a gross mistake to use secularism as a license for conversion. Here is a sheer irony – many of the western nations are not secular but their diplomats here lecture us to be secular to the extent that the mission of the Vatican can be easily achieved. Envoy Sparkes and his country, the UK, is a glaring example. The UK that has 59 per cent of Christian population does not have a written constitution but its political tradition strongly suggests that it is not a secular nation. The Queen is the head of the Church of England. She, as per the recommendation of the Prime Minister, appoints 15 representatives of the Church of England to the House of Lords.

Mind Your Own Business

There is another classic example to show how anti-secular the UK is. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was Catholic but when he became the Prime Minister, he converted himself to Protestant because he did not want to come into conflict with the Protestant Queen. He was a Protestant throughout his PM tenure. One month before he was to leave office, he visited the Pope in Rome, narrated his story and sought suggestion from him, “I want to be Catholic again. Could I be?” “Yes, you can adopt your previous faith,” the master of the Vatican had given the nod. Tony became Catholic again. This religious saga of Britain’s once famed Prime Minister speaks volumes that every nation has its own cultural value and system that guides the politics and entire society. When the Prime Minister of his own nation had to go through the rigmarole of religion to serve his office in the Downing Street, How did envoy Sparkes gather moral authority to remind us about the UN Charter on religious right and preach us to do this or that in the new constitution? It would be wise if our foreign diplomats minded their own business and let our transitional politics take its own course.

The Rising Nepal: Envoy Sparks Storm Of Conversion Controversy; Ritu Raj Subedi
British Ambassador to Nepal supporting Christian missionaries
British ambassador to Nepal Andrew Sparkes has sparked a storm of controversies. In his open letter to the Constituent Assembly members, he egged them on for ensuring the right to conversion in the new statute. His comment came at a time when a considerable size of Nepali population is smouldering against the decision to turn the Hindu nation into a secular state in 2006 and when the Himalayan nation has been struggling to have a new constitution. The first CA collapsed without delivering the statute and the second one is seemingly heading for the similar fate. The major parties are sharply divided and are unable to forge consensus on the thorny issues of the statute. Anybody can experience Nepal’s precarious political dilemma. And at this sensitive phase of transition, British envoy just threw a stone into the troubled waters only to raise the eyebrows of many.

Controversial Remark

Although his embassy regretted his controversial remark, it riled the masses that have kept mum until recently over the growing interventionist acts of the foreign players on the Nepalese soil. When Nepal was declared a secular state, a section of people had registered their silent opposition to the move. They had a plausible argument- secularism was introduced without due and democratic procedure and without consulting over 80 per cent Hindu population of the country. That Nepal was made secular state at the behest of the foreign elements has been their central line of logic, and the major parties have failed to furnish their credible answers to them. They have been demanding a referendum to settle the dispute. At a time when the parties could not justify that their decision to usher Nepal into secular state was transparent and based on popular mandate, Sparkes’ statement only gave credence to a polemic that Nepal’s secular and federal journey was taking place under a diabolic design of the foreign power centres.

Since Nepal became secular, hundreds of thousands of ‘innocent people’ reportedly converted to the Christian followers through ‘monetary inducements.’ That Nepal has become a fertile ground for the conversion of sweeping scale has been justified by none other than a Christian organisation. According to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity, Nepal is the fastest Christianity growing country in the world. In its report published in 2013, the Centre said that Nepal topped the list of 20 countries that have the highest percentage of Christianity Average Annual Growth Rate (AAGR). Nepal registered 10.93 per cent Christian AAGR followed by China, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The Centre predicts that the Christian population in Nepal will double within six and a half years. In 1970, the number of Christian followers here stood at 0.1 per cent and it will reach 3.8 per cent in 2020, it states. It is estimated that the Christian followers are around 2 per cent. It is interesting to note that net Christian conversion rate was 8.74 per cent against 2.19 per cent population growth rate in Nepal. It said that the primary growth factor in Asia is massive conversion. “China, Nepal, Cambodia and Mongolia have high conversation rates among their indigenous people. The majority of becoming Christians comes from non-religious, Buddhist and Hindu backgrounds,” the Centre said.

Under his ‘Look East Policy,’ the Pope of Vatican had reportedly vowed to bring 100 million people in Asia to the fold of Christianity by 2025. Is Sparkes’s tendentious plea for inserting the right to conversion provision in the new statute the part of Pope’s pledge? This mission cannot be met just placing a Bible or Christian literature in the hand of its prospective followers. It is not that the people must be bribed to make them tergiversate. The number of people, who change their faith voluntarily or after gaining enlightenment from other religions, may not be higher. Until certain enticements and inducements are offered to the people, a large scale of conversion is not possible. As the above report disclosed, the rate of conversion is high among the indigenous people. There cannot be any suitable constituency than the ethnic, Dalit and impoverished hinterland for the religious hawks to prey on. There has long been perceived doubt that some Western nations are funding for the conversions in a clandestine manner and the report has corroborate this misgiving. The critics of conversion have argued that the ethnic movement and the conversion drive in Nepal have become two facets of the same coin because the funding for the two campaigns comes from the same sources. It is claimed that the Nepal Transition to Peace Fund that is backed by some Nordic and Western European nations are promoting ethnic/indigenous cause and Christianity in Nepal simultaneously.

Secularism simply means that the state detaches itself from any religious affairs. It is beyond doubt that religious freedom is a prerequisite for a healthy democratic and multicultural society. But, it is a gross mistake to use secularism as a license for conversion. Here is a sheer irony – many of the western nations are not secular but their diplomats here lecture us to be secular to the extent that the mission of the Vatican can be easily achieved. Envoy Sparkes and his country, the UK, is a glaring example. The UK that has 59 per cent of Christian population does not have a written constitution but its political tradition strongly suggests that it is not a secular nation. The Queen is the head of the Church of England. She, as per the recommendation of the Prime Minister, appoints 15 representatives of the Church of England to the House of Lords.

Mind Your Own Business

There is another classic example to show how anti-secular the UK is. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was Catholic but when he became the Prime Minister, he converted himself to Protestant because he did not want to come into conflict with the Protestant Queen. He was a Protestant throughout his PM tenure. One month before he was to leave office, he visited the Pope in Rome, narrated his story and sought suggestion from him, “I want to be Catholic again. Could I be?” “Yes, you can adopt your previous faith,” the master of the Vatican had given the nod. Tony became Catholic again. This religious saga of Britain’s once famed Prime Minister speaks volumes that every nation has its own cultural value and system that guides the politics and entire society. When the Prime Minister of his own nation had to go through the rigmarole of religion to serve his office in the Downing Street, How did envoy Sparkes gather moral authority to remind us about the UN Charter on religious right and preach us to do this or that in the new constitution? It would be wise if our foreign diplomats minded their own business and let our transitional politics take its own course.

The Rising Nepal: Envoy Sparks Storm Of Conversion Controversy; Ritu Raj Subedi

So what is your point in real ? that missionaries are being backed by Governments ?
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